Chapter 29

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Welcome to Chapter 29 - thank you everyone for reading and voting on this story - here is the next chapter, enjoy!!!

Scott POV

No, no this can't be happening again, we have just got him, I have just got him back and we will not lose him again. Especially right now when I haven't had a chance to thank him saving our lives.

I need to get down there, I shouldn't have let Derek take me away from the Bank so easily.  I need be out there looking for him, he could be hurt or dying, they aren't going get to him in time if he is buried under plenty of rubble. But I can, we can as we know his scent.

"I am going down there, I can't stand here anymore just watching and waiting for news. We can track him by scent or hear him shouting for help if he trapped under rubble." I state to everyone standing up bouncing on my feet as I speak.

"So, who's coming with me? We can even divert to collect helpers from the Safe Haven if needs be." I hold my breath while I wait for a reply.

"Of course we are coming with you, he is our friend also no matter if Thomas is around or not!" Minho and Gally state at the same time well coming to stand next to me as I look in Derek and Lydia's direction.

"Of course we are coming also, he may be annoying and drive me crazy but I still love him like a little brother." Derek states walking over towards me also.

"I'm staying here with Sheriff, I don't know why but I have a feeling I need to be here." Lydia stated which I nodded grateful I hadn't heard her scream his name yet.

In the end the entire station along with my Dad agreed to go down to help search, on the way we stopped by the safe haven and collected a bus load of volunteers to help.

By time we reached the Bank it was already starting to get dark and more and more emergency service workers and volunteers were arriving as the news reports to everyone that the Agent missing is Stiles and that is believed to be trapped under the rubble and additional help is required.

Dad went to check in with the person in charge of the search currently, ready to take over command if he felt like they weren't doing enough.

I could feel a mix of emotions radiating from those who are standing wit me, everything from stress to worry to sadness is been felt.

As Dad signals us over to the command center we all gather around waiting to hear what he had found out and what the plan was.

"So they have reviewed the footage before the explosion happened to try and pin point the exact locations of all those still inside and within the vacinity of the Bank when the explosion happened. From the internal camera footage they managed to locate the two robbers Stiles managed to knock out, they are currently on the way to the hospital for a quick check over before been taken into custody." Dad starts to explain pointing to different areas of what was left of the Bank as he spoke.

"They have already recovered two bodies, one located inside the bank itself, not much is left but we have managed to confirm it is not Stiles based on a tattoo on the robbers wrist. The second body was found just outside the bank, it is believed he was the one seen fighting with Stiles shortly before the explosion happened."

"So at the moment the only one missing is Stiles, they are going to do a grid by grid search of the rubble so you will be split into small teams and will fan out from where the second body was found. Now from the footage located we know Stiles has a knife wound on his arm along with what ever injuries he obtained from the fall." Dad finishes before handing out the assignments to everyone.

---------------Few hours later---------------

Dawn has just broken as we arrive back at the station, everyone feeling beaten down and exhausted from the long night we had searching for Stiles. I was feeling deflated as we had not found any sign of him apart a few blood drops located a few feet from where the robber's body has been found.

Our other issue is that our list of missing people had grown since we had last been inside the station. During the grid searches, Minho and Gally had vanished, we found their radios laid abandoned on the floor with drag marks next to them.

Dad made the call then that who ever must have taken them must have also taken Stiles after the explosion had happened. As we arrived back I noticed that Lydia and Sheriff were crying and holding each other for comfort.

"Oh my god, what happened? Is it Stiles? Have you found him? Is he dead?" I race out rushing over to them wondering what has happened.

They both just shake their head and point towards the television where everyone had gathered, it seemed to be repeating the same story on a loop with a familiar looking face showing every so often.

'Good Morning, I am sure that right now you are all feeling confused, sad, scared but please allow me to explain myself. My name is Doctor Ava Page, I am the Director of W.I.C.K.E.D, I have in my possession someone that everyone seems to be so desperate to try and locate again. After all he is a very special person.'

I watch as Stiles is dragged into view of the camera and I feel my heart tare in two at the sight of him. He has a gash running down the left side of his face, several smaller wounds littering his face, he was very pale and seemed to be having some trouble staying standing and awake.

'Ah yes, as you can see Agent Stilinski has not been the most cooperative of guests, I do hope the same can not be said for the two arriving soon. Now we have some unfinished business to attend to and you won't see any of us ever again. Remember W.I.C.K.E.D is good'

The television cuts out and I carry on standing staring at the now blank screen, Stiles was in the hands of W.I.C.K.E.D once again along with Gally and Minho.

I was broken out of my trance like state by my phone going off in my pocket, I look down and see it's a message from the unknown number.

"Hey everyone, Stiles has just messaged me." I shout waving my phone around before reading the message out loud.

Scott, if you are seeing this message then I am either dead or have been captured by W.I.C.K.E.D again.

I am not going to lie I would prefer the dead option as it would be less painful. If it's the dead option then I hope it was an impressive death and not just me been hit by a car crossing the road or slipping in the shower.

Now just in case it is the W.I.C.K.E.D option, there is a plan already in place. We had a feeling that once Janson turned up alive, it would only be a matter of time before they would try to recapture us again and restart the trials all over again.

Deaton has all the information on the Plan, he just needs to be told Stiles said Newt says shank.

Please take care of Lydia and Dad for me, also please don't blame your Dad for anything that has happened or will happen to me or in general.

See you soon, I hope


I look up to the room and notice a mix of emotions on there faces from hatred to relief to worry.

"I guess we need to go pay Deaton a visit and go save Stiles again" I state after a few moments the turn and leave the station with Derek, Dad, Sheriff and Lydia coming with me.

Thank you for reading - I hope you enjoyed the changes - new chapter will be up soon!!!

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