Chapter 10

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Welcome to Chapter 10 - congratulations you have made it past the video chapters, have you figured out who is in the other room - read on to find out!!

My mum had left at the same time my dad did to try and get us an update on Stiles, I walked over to Minho and the others wanting to provide some sort of comfort to them.

"Please know how extremely gratefully I am to you all for looking after Stiles or Thomas when I wasn't there for my brother. Just know you are all welcome here and if you ever need anything please just let us know." I say extending my hand out to shake theirs.

I was quickly pulled into a tight hug by all of them with whispers of thanks and he protected us more. After we broke apart, Derek came over and offered for them to move into one of the spare lofts in the building he owns.

"Thank you, we really appreciate this offer. I know a few of us are going to live in the safe haven but there are some of us that have grown close to that shank and can't think about not been with him" Minho said.

We nodded in an understanding of what he had said and head back over to where the rest of the pack were.

"That was a nice thing you have both just said and done, Stiles would be proud." Sheriff said once we got back to them.

"Well they are Stiles family too, so any family of Stiles's is our family too." I stated as I noticed my mum slipping back into the room.

"How is he?!" I ask eagerly before she has a chance to say anything.

"If you give me a second to talk you would know Scott. The further tests we conducted didn't reveal anything more than we didn't already know. Its just the case of waiting for him to wake up on is own now. So as you all know he had surgery to repair the damage caused by the gun shot wound and to sow up the stab wound over his heart and the other deeper cuts he has, the scans did show he has a concussion so we will need to wait for him to wake up to see what his mental state is like but he seems to be out of danger." Mum finished, as she finished I heard the room let out a breathe that we all seemed to be holding as she was speaking. We all grabbed each other and had a collective hug when my phone went off which broke us from our hug, checking my phone I saw it was from the same number that had texted the bizarre messages earlier in the day.

I read the message aloud to the room, 'I don't know what you were all worried about' this made the room chuckle and made us think more that these messages are from Stiles.

I quickly excused myself needing some air, the relief was overwhelming me that my brother was okay. My phone went off again and this time it was Coach:

'McCall – any updates yet?'

I chuckled as it was rare that this caring side of Coach was coming out, I remember the last time Coach found out Stiles was in the hospital all he said was to remind him we have a game on Saturday and he can't go back to been a bench warmer. I chuckled to myself remembering this moment while I typed my reply back.

'He is out of surgery just waiting for him to wake up. Should know more once he is awake.

It felt nice to finally write it down that he was going to be fine but it felt like I was using a Stiles response to the question when I didn't know how else to explain how I was feeling or describe something. Before I stepped back inside Coach replied back making me chuckle again.

'Please remind him this is the very reason that I drink. I am getting the team to write a card with messages so heartfelt that I will cry for days.'

As I was heading back inside I passed by Room 112, curiosity got the better of me of who was in there and why my dad was called to speak about this person. I sat down on the seats outside the room and used my wolf hearing to listen in on the conversation.

"You have been charged with kidnapping, attempted murder, murder, crimes against humanity, the kidnapping of a federal agent and several other charges. You kidnapped and held hostage for years the son of this town's Sheriff who happens to also be an FBI agent and someone I consider a second son, what makes you think I would make a deal with you or even care what you have to say. You are just lucky that they are talking about the death penalty for you" My dad stated in such a harsh tone, to an unknown person which surprised me as he had never shown much care or attention towards me or Stiles until after he disappeared, maybe they had got closer when they worked together.

"You will listen to what I have to say as the facts still stands, there is a virus out there turning people into Cranks and the only known cure for this is currently running through the veins of one very special person, who I can only assume is located somewhere in this very hospital. You say there is no deal to be made but I don't believe that is true. I am willing to provide you with all the information we have from the trials and how to make the cure once it has been extracted from his blood." The ladies voice said in a sinister tone that made chills run down my back as I knew she was on about Stiles.

"How do you know that we don't already have this information Ava, we are the FBI and are very good at what we do. Now if I remember correctly a deal normally works two ways, what do you want if we accept this as no judge would ever take time off your sentence? My dad asked finally naming the person he was speaking too.

Ava, why did Ava ring a bell. That name seem so familiar but why I can't I place it.

"Its very simple, I want five minutes alone with Thomas. No guards, no cameras just us two alone. As you are well aware I am not capable of moving thanks to the bullet in my back and I am handcuffed to the bed. There are answers I need to get from him and I am sure he will have questions for me too" Ava answered.

It suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks, I quickly took my phone out and scrolled through the messages sent from the unknown number, there it was Ava Paige the leader of W.I.C.K.E.D. I couldn't listen anymore to what they were saying so left my seat and headed to the nearest room running inside and slamming the door shut feeling the panic rising in me. I knew I need to calm down before I went back to the others then a voice sounded behind me that which broke me from my train of thought as I hadn't heard it in so long.


Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up shortly!!

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