Chapter 23

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Welcome to Chapter 23 - please be warned a video is contained with in the contents of this story - I hope you enjoy this chapter!!

Stiles/Thomas POV

"Newt?" I state as soon as my vision cleared and confusion set in as I slowly get to my feet.

"How are we back here again? How are you here? Am I dead? Why does my head hurt?" I rush out panic setting in more now as Newt just stands there smiling at me.

"To answer your many questions, no Tommy you are not dead. I believe you have been here before but it didn't look like the Maze, a place between life and death." Newt explained as I looked around trying to figure it out and trying to ignore the pain in my head.

"Bardo. Last time I was here it was covered in snow and had appeared in the middle of my High School. Why am I here now? Are you here to tell me I am dying?  Please tell me I have not been possessed again as I can not go through that again? Why does my head hurt?" I ask while taking in this new version of Bardo amazed at how similar this place was to the actual Maze.

Newt chuckles before answering, "No, you are not been possessed again. You are here as you are currently unconscious in the real Maze  after been shot in the head by Rat Man."

"Oh I guess that's why my head hurts! Are you here to help me move on or do I have a choice on whether to return or not?" I ask quickly not sure on how much time I have here and whether or not this is the end of me.

"It's not your time yet Tommy, the choice for you to return or not has already been decided. Stiles will return to his family and friends soon but I need to speak with you Thomas. So you can return also, I need to ask you to stop blaming yourself for mine and Chuck's death." Newt advises while pulling me into another hug and I am confused as to why he said Stiles will be returning.

Scott's POV

I keep hammering on the closure of the wall hoping it would open, dread was filling me as I know Stiles was just the other side of the wall bleeding out and there was nothing I could do to help him. According to Minho, when they were in the Maze the walls would close at sunset and would reopen again at sunrise, so if these doors follow the same pattern we had at least six hours until they would open again.

In the end it was decided that myself, Lydia, Minho, Derek and Gally would wait by the doors while the others waited at the main Safe Haven for news. Sheriff had gone to join Dad and Parrish at the Station after making us promise that as soon as they opened we would call him, they are trying to get as much information as they could out of Rat Man about W.I.C.K.E.D. 

I was happy with the group that was chosen to wait with me as I could learn more about Gally as he was still a mystery to me. As we all settled in for the night opposite the opening for the doors, none of us wanting to take our eyes of this space.

"So Gally, you were in the same Maze with Minho and Thomas. Is that correct?" I start probing to learn more about him and hoping it would pass the time quicker.

"Yeah that's right, I was there for about three years before Thomas arrived and around a month before Minho here arrived." Gally answered and I noticed he looked uncomfortable speaking about it.

"I heard from Minho that you were not Thomas's biggest fan when he first arrived." I chuckled noticing the look of horror coming on his face and the sound of his heart spiking as I asked.

"Don't worry we all know how annoying he can be!" Derek stated making everyone laugh and I heard Gally's heart settle back down

"Yeah you got that right. I am the type of person that hates change and when he came he changed everything I knew and it scared me more than I cared to admit at the time. So I was the least trusting of him, tried to human sacrafise him to the Grievers and then the  incident with Chuck happened. I then saved him from been blown up and revealed that I was alive, he punched me across the face but day by day he slowly started to trust me  and I can guess you can say the rest is history." Gally explained as he wiped a tear off his cheek as Minho tapped his arm in support.

Before I could say anything more my phone went off signalling I had received a new text message, when I unlocked my phone I expected the message to be an update from Dad but instead it was from a unknown number.

Wait, unknown number!!

"STILES!!" I shout out looking at my phone before looking at the group who look at me as though I have lost the plot.

"Guys, Stiles is alive. He has sent me a message with a video linked." I advise showing the group before reading out the message as relief fills me.

'You are right, me and Gally didn't have the best of starts to our friendship but he has made up for that so much since we left the maze. If you need any proof of this, I have attached a video below.'

I pressed play on the video and watched in amazement with the rest of what they had been through together.

Wow they really had been through a lot together, it still amazed me that we are separated by a giant wall yet he still new exactly what we were talking about and still wanted to help show us the best in someone instead of how to help himself.

We all continued sharing stories about Stiles or Thomas throughout the night, laughing at the goofy things he said or been shocked at the crazy stunts he had pulled.

Before I even realised it the doors were slowly starting to open to reveal Stiles lying on the ground not moving.

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up shortly!!!

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