Chapter 7

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Welcome to Chapter 7 - I am sorry videos are contained again but it is the easiest way to get the story moved along quicker - same again sorry if any are unable to be viewed but you should be able to work out what they show - enjoy!!

Out of all the messages I had received this confused me the most as only me and Stiles knew about what we had said during our fight that night. I couldn't believe I was going to say this aloud but I needed to get it off my chest but Peter spoke up before I could.

"That message makes no sense what so ever, Scott is the only true alpha and he wasn't in the maze so what is this message on about?"

"You are right I wasn't there but a few years ago me and Stiles had a falling out and he shouted almost these exact words to me and I never told anyone what we had said that night as neither of us were thinking properly during that time." I explained to the room as a whole making the decision then to voice my theory behind the message.

"You don't think somehow this is Stiles sending the messages do you as they are all things said to him or by him?"

Silence filled the room as people looked at me like I was crazy but others had a look that suggested that they were thinking the same as me.

"It can't be him, Stiles is currently unconscious three rooms away from us." Mum piped up but she sounded like she was trying to convince herself as well as us

Minho and Frypan shared a look like they knew something more than what they were saying.

"What is it you know that we don't know?" I enquired to them both

"The other reason Thomas and Teresa had such a strong connection was they were able to communicate with each other no matter where they were." Frypan said unsure how we would react.

"What do you mean by communicate?" Derek asked.

"They could speak to each other through there minds. We don't know the full extent of it as neither would explain anything more, but we know things changed after Teresa betrayed us." Minho explained but his tone made it seem like that was the end of the topic.

Sensing the tension building my dad decided to move the conversation along, "Now for the final part of what happened to him we are going to have to rely a bit more on the camera footage as for some parts only a few people here were present so without this we wouldn't know fully what had happened. Vince would you like to start."

Vince nodded "Well, after Minho, Aris and few others were taken we came up with a plan to rescue them before they got to the Last City. We managed to locate the train that was transporting everyone along with some keen supplies, now Thomas seemed to have a knack for making plans as he came up with four or five different ways we could do it and what do if certain areas went wrong."

"Now the plan entailed Brenda and Jorge firing a few shots at the drivers so they would radio for a berg to come chase them while Thomas and myself separate the back five carriages from the rest of the train with Newt and couple other waiting for the signal to help us. We managed to separate what we needed and Thomas started shouting for Minho so we knew which one to take but not everything went to plan."

"Hang on is this what happening here?" my dad enquired while loading up a video from the surveillance footage he had recovered.

"Yep that's the carriage we thought Minho was in." Vince confirmed but stopped as he heard giggling coming from where Malia was sat, we all looked at her with confused looks on our faces.

"Sorry, its just when my mum was trying to kill us, Stiles asked for a gun. When Braeden threw an empty gun at him, he threw it in his hands like a hot potato, now looking at the video he is an expert marksman." She explained while receiving some confused looks from the Gladers.

"Once we got the container back we opened it up to free those inside, we found Aris and few others that were taken but no sign of Minho, it turns out he was in the carriage behind. This is the last I know of what happened to him until we found him on the rooftop." Vince finished off.

There was a brief discussion between Frypan, Jorge and Brenda as to who should go next when my phone went off again, a text from the same number again which I read aloud to the room as a whole.

Where do you think your going, you need all the help you can get. We started this together, might as well end it the same way

Frypan sighed before speaking, "It seems I am next, as this message is a conversation Newt had with Thomas when we snuck out to save Minho. Well we left at night so we didn't wake anyone who would have stopped us from leaving, we managed to get to the last tunnel before the Last City before we ran into any trouble."

"While we headed through the tunnel we were attacked by the resident cranks, I managed to put my foot down but ended up flipping the jeep we were in, luckily just as we were been surrounded two shanks arrived and saved our arses. We managed to get to a blocked entrance into the city but before we could do anything W.I.C.K.E.D started firing at the street, we managed to escape into a side alley where we were forced into a van by a group of men wearing gas masks."

"As the vans stopped we were bundled out and was told to stay calm, Thomas shouted to the main guy 'who the hell are you' who in turn took of his mask to reveal Gally. As you can imagine Thomas was not best please to see him and punched him in the face." Frypan giggled as he told the story.

I was confused at how Gally could be alive as Minho had said he threw a wood stick through his chest but I had seen people who we thought to be dead only to turn up later alive and well.

"We explained the situation to Gally who said he may have a way in but Thomas wasn't going to like it, we were going to have to ask Teresa for help, it turns out she was working in the building where Minho was been held. We were discussing the plan when Newt seemed to suddenly get angry at Thomas and pushed him against the wall and then suddenly apologised and walked out." Frypan continued.

"It turns out Newt had gotten infected by the virus but hadn't told anyone as he wanted us to focus on saving Minho instead of him, so we stayed on track and the first stage was to capture Teresa. Do you have the camera footage for Plaza street at around 5pm from two nights ago at all?" Frypan asked my dad.

My dad quickly looked through the videos he has and located the feed that Frypan had asked about, I wondered what was so important about that location on that day and time.

"What's so special about Plaza street at 5pm two nights ago?" I asked.

"This is the moment Teresa and Thomas met again since she had betrayed us. You wanted to know how close they were this may help you understand a bit more. Play the footage please." He explained with the final part asked towards my dad.

Wow the emotions I could feel coming through the video from Stiles, he was so in love with her but hated her for what she had done.

"So what happened next?"

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up shortly!!!

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