Chapter 31

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Welcome to Chapter 31 - well here we are at the end of this crossover, thank you everyone for reading and voting on this story - here is the final chapter, enjoy!!!

Scott POV

I was so happy when Derek had volunteered to drive everyone to Deaton's as I can't concentrate on anything properly at the moment.

How can he back in there hands again?

We have only just got him back, yes he was slightly different from before but he was still here with me.

As soon as Derek stops at Deaton's, I dive out quickly noticing that already in the car park was the Safe Haven Jeep, I race into the Vets and I am greeted with Minho and Gally standing there with Frypan, Aris, Brenda, Jorge and Vince.

"How are you here right now, you were taken? How did the rest of you know to come here? Why are you all here?" I rattle off quickly as I join them around the exam table as everyone else comes and joins us.

"Well as you know I was helping to search for Stiles in the wreckage, when something was stabbed into the back of my neck. Next thing I know, I am up in the back of a van with Gally here." Minho started to explain.

"Gally explained to me he only remembered the same as I could, when the van suddenly jolted forward stopping abruptly. We heard a commotion happening outside the van when the doors flew off there hinges to reveal a man standing there." Minho finishes his explanation before looking towards Gally.

"Well as Minho said the van jolted to a stop and the doors flew open to reveal this man. He quickly took the binds holding us together off in one quick tug, as though they were made of nothing." Gally starts explaining and I am curious more who this man was.

"The man explained to us that he had been sent to save us by someone we know and he said he was told to tell us that he was sorry he couldn't come in person but he had to go sort something out and would meet up with us later."

"He dropped us off here about an hour ago and said he would be back shortly as he had one more task to complete and drove off leaving us to walk in here alone feeling quite confused." Gally finishes of and I am feeling more confused then before they had started explaination.

"Who was this man that saved you? What did he look like?" Derek enquires first and I can sense his nerves rising as he is worried about who the man was.

"He never gave us his name but he had short dark hair, a chiseled face, he seemed to have a slight darkness and was wearing a low V-neck t-shirt. I really don't think he could have found a lower V-neck if he had tried." Minho advises and I know exactly who this was.

"Peter" Derek, Lydia and myself all say at the same time.

"So that explains how Minho and Gally are here, how about the rest of you?" Sheriff asks the rest of the gathered group.

"Well we heard that Minho and Gally had gone missing along with Stiles so we were just about to head out to go help search with the day shift as we knew everyone else was having a well earned rest. As we arrived at the Safe Haven entrance, he just appeared as if out of thin air, he just stood there and said he needed to talk to us as he needed our help." Vince starts to explain.

"We were so stunned at his sudden appearance, that we couldn't speak we just nodded and walked towards the meeting room that had been created. He explained about what had happened, we then advised him what we already knew. He handed us several bags and asked us to bring them here and wait for him here." Jorge finishes off as he, Brenda and Frypan lift several bags onto the table.

"Wait, what's inside of them?" Dad asks as we all cautiously take a step back.

"We don't know, all he would say was this is what we would require to save Stiles. We can't open them anyway, see there is a finger print lock on them that require two different finger prints to open them" Frypan explained.

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