Chapter 9

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Welcome to Chapter 9 and the last of the videos we all know and love - same as before apologies if unable to view and if not a fan of videos in stories - enjoy!!

Now I had been a part of Stiles's plans since we were little so I know what type of plans he comes up with but never really have I known him need to create an escape from a room with no exit with your life been threatened.

"How crazy of a plan was it? I have known Stiles for several years and have known some of the crazy plans he comes up with." Derek asked.

"Lets just say it was along as the same level as Thomas threatening to blow every one up with a bomb. We escaped by smashing the window in the room with a metal container and we jumped for it." Minho explained.

I was kinda nervous to ask but couldn't seem to stop myself, "How high up were you?"

Minho chuckled before he answered "I would say about the same height as this hospital, there was water directly below so it was a bit of a softer landing then you would expect."

"After we got out of the water we met up with Gally and headed into the street but Newt was getting worse, he could barely walk so Thomas and myself was helping him to walk, It was agreed to meet at the tunnels were Brenda would be waiting but a group Gally had met decided to start bombing the city to try and stop W.I.C.K.E.D before we could reach it to the tunnels. Thomas advised me and Gally to run ahead and collect the serum to help save Newt. That was the last time I saw Newt alive and the last time I saw Thomas before we found him on the roof." Minho finished while wiping tears away as he spoke.

We could all tell from how he spoke that him, Stiles and Newt were close, maybe just as close as he and Stiles are, they were brothers. I knew from here we would have to rely on the footage my dad and his team had recovered.

"So what happened next, how did we all get to this stage?" Chris said after a few minutes. I knew he had become close to all of us and saw us all like his children.

"Well from here we need to reply on the footage we have gathered from the CCTV cameras within the main compound and the Last City. So we managed to track Stiles's movements through the city from when they jumped out of the window, we managed to grab this footage from a few blocks from the tunnels just after Gally and Minho left." My Dad explained while loading up the footage.

We just sat there in silence, he was still the same Stiles we knew and loved, loyal to his friends and never stopped fighting to save them.

A large ding broke us from our thoughts as a message flashed up on the screen saying 'URGENT ANNOUNCEMENT FROM W.I.C.K.E.D, the only ones who didn't seem surprised by this was the Gladers, Vince, Brenda and Jorge.

"You know what this message is don't you?" I asked the group as a collective receiving a lot of nods in reply.

"This explains the reason why I am still alive today and not a crank or worse dead. It is also the reason why Thomas was so special and important to W.I.C.K.E.D." Brenda explained.

I was surprised at what I had just saw, so my best friend is basically the walking incubator for a cure that could save thousands if not millions of lives. I now understood why his new friends were so protective of him and wanted to make sure he was safe.

"I must pre warn you all the next video is going to be hard to watch, this is the last footage we have of your friend Newt and this is where Stiles disappears before he resurfaces in W.I.C.K.E.D" My dad advised the room as a whole so those could leave if they need to.

I couldn't stop the tears that fell down my face, so that is how he got the stab wound over his heart he got it trying to stop his best friend from killing himself. I looked around and saw not a single person in the room had a dry eye including my Dad.

"So that's how it happened. We arrived thirty seconds after this moment took place with the serum that would have gave him at least another week. But we were too late." Minho said while tears fell on his lap.

I was not sure if I was ready to see anymore, it was bad enough having to see what I had already seen but I knew more was to come.

"We are not sure what happened in between this and the next bit we are going to see as the footage was destroyed." My dad explained after giving everyone a few minutes to compose themselves.

Damn! Stiles can really fight and he threw himself and Ratman through a glass window because he had hurt the person he loved. Teresa had tried to save him and you could see how much they cared for each other.

"So the next bit of footage we found was what happened just after the last clip we saw but after this we have nothing else until the roof." My dad advised as he pressed play.

So that's how Stiles got shot, protecting the woman he loved from getting hurt. He truly was a hero whether he accepted the title or not. He saved so many lives in the maze and even when there was no hope left.

"This is the final footage we managed to gather from the roof cameras before the system completely went down. This takes us up to were we are now and how we all ended up here." My dad stated.

My heart broke into a thousand pieces as the video ended, they had survived so much together for him to lose her in such a way. I knew that whether he woke up as Thomas or Stiles he would never get over the loss of losing the love of his life, his one in a million in such a way.

A tanoy announcement seemed to break us from our thoughts 'Can Agent McCall please come to reception. That's Agent McCall to reception please, update available for room 112.'

As my dad left all I could think was who was in room 112 as Stiles was in room 108.

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up shortly!!

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