Chapter 27

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Welcome to Chapter 27 - thank you everyone who has been reading this crossover and leaving votes - please feel free to leave any comments as I am quite a new writer and would appreciate any feedback - here is the next chapter - enjoy!!

Stiles POV

After Derek opened the hole up in the wall I headed towards the balcony to try and confirm the location of the robbers and the hostages. I already had a rough idea based on where I would have kept them if this was my plan and it looked like my way of thinking was the same as there, I noted where each of the four robbers were located in relation to where they were holding the hostages.

I couldn't think of them as Scott, Lydia, Minho and Gally otherwise I wouldn't be able to focus on my job properly, I was once told by an instructor to never let it get personal as letting it get personal can cloud your judgement. I carefully step away from the balcony and collect the bag I had placed down on the ground before heading to the balcony. As I walked I took well placed steps stopping directly above where the room should be located.

I carefully open up the bag and remove the four explosives from inside,  steadily placing them onto the ground. Luckily for me when Jorge decided to take everyone through an explosives course Thomas had paid attention and I had somehow retained the information.

Now you may thinking, Stiles what are you doing with them? Have you lost your mind? What would your Dad say?

I have not lost my mind, these are small explosives that have been designed to cut through materials to help rescue workers to save people trapped due to earthquakes etc (A/N not sure if these are real I just made them up), I place them carefully in the four corners of the floor and step back and triggered them. 

Luckily for me they don't cause a lot of noise or smoke otherwise the game would be up, as they disappeared from sight to the room below I walked over and grabbed the clamps to remove the now useless bit of floor or roof depending on you location. After I place the newly removed section to the side I look down into the created hole to see six faces staring at me in shock, confusion and relief.

"What do I have something on my face?" I joke while lowering a rope ladder down into the room for them to climb up.

"Stiles, what the hell man?" Scott chuckled before helping everyone to climb up before ascending himself.

"Okay Scotty and Minho I need you to lead everyone out. Scott remember the room you and Derek entered through the last time you were here, he is waiting on the other side for you." I state while grabbing the remaining gear from my bag.

"Wait, your not coming with us?" Lydia asked worry showing in her voice and it made me want to leave with her but I knew I couldn't.

"Sorry Lyds but I have a job to do, don't worry I will see you in a few minutes anyway." I state kissing her cheek which caused her to blush before she left with everyone else.

I head down the stairs to the left of where the robbers were congregated waiting for officers lined up outside to breach. See this is all part of my brilliant plan, make them believe one thing is happening while the actual plan is evolving around them with them none the wiser.

I wait as one of them break off for a sweep and head in my direction, I quickly place him in a sleeper hold before he can make a sound. One down four to go, I snuck along the wall behind them trying to keep to the shadows and keeping care to watch where I stepped.

As the second one broke clear of the group, I took my opportunity to take him out but before I could place him in a sleeper hold he grabbed a knife and slashed my arm that has around his next. I decided to end this quickly and disarmed him of the knife and knocking him out. Two down two to go, I gentled moved the band up to where the knife wound was to help control the bleeding until I could get it seen to, great another scar to add to my collection.

I knew I needed to end this quickly as the other two would notice there accomplices had not returned so I decided to make my present known by throwing the knife I had took of the second robber into the back of the third who fell face first on to the ground with a satisfying thud.

"So you are person who is causing me all this trouble, taking out my men and stalling the police but you are forgetting one thing, I have a room full of hostages. Surrender to me or I will kill them." He stated through gritted teeth, sweat dripping down his face.

I couldn't help myself and started laughing, " I am so sorry where are my manners? Its just that this threat of yours would be more believable if you actually had hostages to kill. You can go check if you want?" I state as matter of a fact while heading towards the window knowing the second half of my plan was about to kick in.

As he opened the door and saw it was empty he turned and bolted in my direction preparing to fire the automatic rifle he was holding. I grabbed the gun which started firing shots out and breaking the glass in the window next to us, I managed to disarm him of the gun but he kept coming at me landing blow after blow of punches which made me fall to one knee slightly dazed.

"You may be tough but I am tougher. Once I am finished with you, I am going to hunt down all of them and kill them slowly and painfully. Did you really think that we didn't have a Plan B prepared? Now you are going to die in here with us. " He spat down while hovering over me pulling out the detonator out of his pocket before pressing it.

I dive up and run shoulder first into him and send us both flying through the window behind where he was stood and onto the ground below just as the bank exploded showering debris everywhere as the world around me went black once again.

Thank you for reading - next chapter will be up shortly!!!

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