Chapter 18

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Welcome to Chapter 18, yep you are been treated to a double update- I decided to split this chapter as didn't realise it was originally over 2000 words - enjoy!!

Scott's POV

I was sat in the room next door to where Stiles was going to be talking with Ava, this was so I could listen in and act quickly if I was needed. Just as I sat down ready my phone went off and I looked and saw a message from the unknown number again.

Don't worry so much Scotty, Thomas has got this handled.

I noticed the conversation had started and could hear how Stiles was trying to stay calm while talking but when he spoke the harshness I had never heard in his voice gave away his true feelings.

I noticed Stiles heart rate jump slightly when Ava mentioned Teresa, he really did love even after everything she had done. I knew Stiles had loved Lydia since the 3rd grade and they had finally got together before this all started but this seemed like a true love, the way he said he thinks of her everyday is making me want to dive into the room and give him a hug.

Before I could think anymore on this my phone went off again and saw it was from the same unknown number again.

Hello, still Team Stydia here. I have missed her so much

I tried to shrug off the confusion caused by the message that had come through. I noticed things were starting to get tense again inside the room so I placed my phone down and concentrated on the conversation.

"You still haven't answered me, what do  you want? I don't think you requested to see me just to speak about how much I am missing Teresa." Stiles states again and I notice the annoyance in his voice this time.

"You are aware of the charges been brought against me and I am willing to make a deal but only with you or should I say both of you." Ava states and I am confused by what she meant by both of you as only Stiles and Ava are in the room

"How?" Stiles ask and for the first time I hear his voice shake.

"You forget we have studied your brain for years, we were there at your birth, Thomas." Ava advises and I can hear Stiles's heart rate pick up.

"So back to this deal of mine, we both know that the flare virus is still out there killing people. We are both also aware that the only known cure is running through your very veins as we speak but you need my help in creating the serum that is combined with your special blood to be able to save lives." Ava explains to Stiles and in some way I can see the cleverness behind her plan.

As the room was silent my thoughts drifted back to when she said both of you. What does she mean? Only Stiles is in the room with her then it seems to dawns on me that at the start of the conversation Stiles ask her to call him Thomas.

Does he really see himself as two different people? As this question forms in my head, my phone dings again signaling a new message had arrived, I looked and noticed it was from the number again.

Finally Scotty, it took you long enough brother. I thought I was going to have to spell it out to you

I chuckle at the message noticing some of the old Stiles in the messages but I was still confused at how this was possible, Stiles is not Supernatural. I notice the conversation had started again and a note of confidence was coming our of Stiles or should I say Thomas's words.

"Now you say we need your help to create the cure from my blood but there is something that you are not aware of. After you were shot, Janson knocked me out and I woke up strapped to a bed where Teresa removed my blood and combined it with the other part of the cure. She made a single vial of the cure which Janson tried to use on himself before me and Teresa stopped him for good." Thomas started to explain.

"You see that one vial created is all that is needed for us to find out what makes up the rest of the cure and then we will be able to mass produce it for everyone affected and eventually maybe even make a vaccine. The world is not as you described it to us, it is filled with so much life and mystery that for me is all brand new." Thomas states as though he knew something she didn't.

"But you do not have it, do you? It was probably destroyed when the building collapsed or lost during your escape. So see you do still need me!" Ava states as though she has won.

"Oh sorry I forgot to explain one detail, before I was saved off the roof, Teresa  returned what belonged to me." Thomas advises and u notice the hint of sarcasm in his words.

"What about your other issue? Don't you want to understand more about what has happened to you? How to fix it?" Ava asks her voice shaking as she knew it was over and this was her last chance.

"I will admit there are some reasons why we should think about accepting your help as there are still many unanswered questions about us. However, I can show you five reasons why we are never going to accept your help under any circumstances." Thomas states as I hear four things been placed on a table.

"These items in front of you belonged to my friends, my family that because of you and your trials are dead! Shot to death saving my life, stabbed himself after we fought to save me from him, saving a life and shooting himself to save us all. You will never understand what you put us through for years for the sake of a cure that never has and never will belong to you." Thomas snarls at her and I rise to my feet as I can feel the anger radiating through the walls.

"You said there were five reasons that you both would never accept my help, there are only four items on the table. What's the fifth reason?" Ava states which I knew was a mistake as I heard Thomas heart rapidly increase. I head outside and noticed Derek appearing from the other side room as he seemed to have the same feeling as me.

Before we could open the door, shouting erupts from the other side causing Mum, Dad and Sherriff to join us.

"THE FIFTH REASON YOU SHANK, IS THAT YOU DIDN'T STEAL JUST TERESA AWAY FROM ME BUT YOU STOLE STILES AWAY FROM HIS FRIENDS AND FAMILY. YOU ARE THE REASON THAT I AM EVEN ALIVE AND I WILL ALWAYS HATE YOU FOR THAT!!" Thomas shouts and I knew I couldn't leave it any longer so I barged into the room to notice Thomas placing item back into the pouch anger radiating off him.

"Thomas, you need to calm down and think." I calmly say trying to calm him down. Before I could say anymore my phone went off again, I opened the messaging having a feeling who it was from.

Scotty, say to Thomas – Stiles says What three things can not long be hidden? Trust me

Knowing full well that I was going to get confused looks from the others over this but I needed to trusted my gut instinct. "Thomas Stiles says, What three things can not long be hidden?" I ask him ignoring the strange looks I was receiving.

Thomas looks at me and I notice his face calm before he answers me "The Sun, The Moon and The Truth. The Sun, The Moon and The Truth." He starts chanting to himself while looking down.

I notice him calm down and his hand start to rub against each other as he looks up, his face a lot calmer then it was a few moments ago.

"Thanks Scotty for trusting me. As you may have gathered we still are working out a few chinks in the armour." Stiles states with a smirk on his face.

"As for you Ava, we do not accept your offer and we never will so enjoy whatever hole you end up in!" Stiles states before walking out the room and I follow after him as I have some questions to ask myself.

As I got back to his room I noticed him popping on his classic Stiles flannel shirt and grabbing his bag before he turns around and sees me.

"Hey, so I am guessing we have a couple of things to discuss, don't we?" He says as though we are talking about a school project.

"Yeah you could say that. Just a couple of things" I say using some sarcasm again him.

"Call a pack meeting including the parents and I will explain everything. But first things first, get me out of here!" He begs and I smile and wrap him into a big hug.

"Lets get you home" I state feeling relief as I said it as I was worried at one point I wouldn't be able to say them words to him.

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up soon!!

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