Chapter 24

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Welcome to Chapter 24 - thank you again everyone for your patience while I am reloading my stories and editing as I go - here is the next update!!

Scott's POV

I jumped up off the ground and ran over to Stiles's side with Lydia, Derek, Minho and Gally right behind me. As I approach him I notice a pool of blood gathering around him.

"Is he alive?" Minho asks as I listen for a heart beat while Derek takes away any pain as Lydia were checking for where he was actually hit.

I pause for a moment before answering, "Yeah he's alive, his pulse is a bit slow but he's still with us. Lydia have you found where he was hit?" I enquire hoping that it isn't as bas as it looks.

"I found it and it doesn't look good, we need an ambulance as soon as possible and I think you should call your Mum." Lydia answers her voice shaking as she spoke her hands on Stiles's head.

"I will call her now along with the Sheriff." I advise my heart racing as I realise how bad this was.

"Gally, do you have a dressing in your pack so I can try and stop the bleeding?" She asks as Gally opens his bag and hands her a dressing.

I watch as she takes her hand away before replacing it with the dressing, I it briefly saw the wound but I felt sick to my stomach as I realised that the bullet had hit the side of his head.

I walked to the edge of the wall and took out my phone and called for the ambulance before calling Mum.

"Hey honey, how is everything going at the safe haven? Did Stiles enjoy the surprise karaoke?" Mum answers the phone sound cheerfully unknowing what news I had to give her.

"Mum, something has happened. I need you to get the Hospital ready please." I advise trying to stop myself from crying.

"Scott, what's happened? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She asks the panic evident in her voice now.

"No I'm fine, it's Stiles." I state before explaining what has happened and the wound we found.

"Okay Scott, I will get everything ready but until the ambulance arrives keep him still and keep pressure on the wound as tight as possible. Don't worry he has been through so much already this won't stop him." Mum reassured me before hanging up to go prepare everything.

I quickly relayed the message over to the group gathered around Stiles before calling the Sheriff to update him.

"Scott, please tell me you have some good news for me?" He states as soon as he answers the phone and I don't know how to answer him.

"Well the doors have opened and we have Stiles back but he is hurt, I have already called an ambulance and the hospital is preparing for our arrival. Can you meet us there and bring my Dad also please." I explain quickly as I needed to get this out before I break down.

"How bad is it?" He asks and I can hear his voice shaking.

"It looks like the bullet that was fired hit the side of his head, he is unconscious but he is alive and breathing." I explain highlighting that he is alive.

"Okay, I will grab your Dad and meet you at the hospital, if anything changes I want to know straightaway." He explains before hanging up.

We don't have to wait long for the ambulance to arrive, once they arrive they place a pressure bandage around Stiles's head, placed an oxygen mask on his face to help him breathe and loaded him into the back of the ambulance.

I decided to travel with him so I could take some pain from him during the journey while Derek drove Lydia, Minho and Gally to the hospital.

A strange sense of déjà vu went over me when we arrived at the hospital as I was ushered into the waiting room while Stiles was rushed for emergency scans to see what damage had been done.

I have never been so grateful to see Dad arrive, he walks in and engulfs me in a hug as I break down crying into his shoulder.

"It's okay, he will be okay." Dad whispered into my ear as he hugs me tightly until I stop crying.

As we broke apart Mum walks in with the Sheriff who had a surprising relived look on his face given the situation.

"Well I think I have said this before and I will probably say it again but Stiles is the luckiest person ever. The bullet seems to have just grazed the outside of his head and has caused no damage to his skull or brain. We have cleaned and stitched the wound up, the scans on his head is showing a higher then normal brain activity at the moment so we are hopeful he will wake up soon." Mum explains to the room as a whole.

I quickly grab everyone in room in a massive group hug as the sense of relief spread around the room that he was going to be okay.

"When can we see him?" I ask once I let everyone go as Gally and Minho leave advising they are going to go let everyone know Thomas is okay stating also they will return later to see him.

"Actually I was just about to suggest that you, Lydia and Derek come visit him now as I need some of your special help." Mum explains and motions for us to follow her with out explaining anymore.

We followed her into Stiles room, which happened to be the same room as last time, he is lying on the bed with his head wrapped freshly in bandages and monitors beeping all around him, the one in particular seemed to be beeping louder than all the others.

"How come that one is beeping louder than the others or is that just my ears been sensitive." Lydia voiced what I was just thinking.

"We don't know, this is tracking his brain waves and normally with someone with his injury and been unconscious it would normally be a lot calmer. This is acting more as though he is running a marathon, we just don't understand why?" Mum explains.

"Lydia, what do you feel at the moment?" Derek asks as he notices like me she has moved closer to Stiles than us all.

"I feel the same as what I felt a few years ago when we were trying to save Stiles but I can't put my finger on it. It's like he is here and not here at the same time." She explains as my phone goes off showing a message.

"It looks like Stiles knows what you mean Lydia." I explain showing them the message I had just received from the unknown number.


Thank you for reading - next chapter will be up soon!!!

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