Chapter 30

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Welcome to Chapter 30 - sorry for the delay in uploading, I have had a lot going on so not been able to - I would like to say a massive thank you to everyone for rereading this story and voting on it - I have just made it over a 1k views again which is just insane for me so massive thank you again - here is the next chapter!!


Okay this is not how I expected today to go when I got up, this morning I don't even know if I am still on the same day anymore, I gradually open my eyes and am blinded by a light above me. I blink a few times to clear my vision and notice I am lying on a wooden bed and everything I could see around me was made of wood and rope.

I slowly sit up as a throbbing pain attacked my head but I managed to get myself into a sitting position. I take in my surroundings more as I feel my heart start to race more as where I am starts reminding me of the med shack in the Glade.

"Well look who finally decided to grace us with his presence." A voice stated from behind me and I quickly turnaround to come face to face with Thomas.

"Thomas, is that really you or am I dreaming?" I state shocked to see him stood in front of me.

"I am as real as the headache I have a feeling you are currently experiencing." He states as a matter of fact before coming to sit on the end of the bed.

"How are you here? I thought you were in Bardo with Newt, is this where I am currently?" I start rambling.

"Whoa Stiles, take a deep breathe. No you are not in Bardo, after the bank explosion you were kidnapped by W.I.C.K.E.D again who are determined to finish the final trial to get there hands on the cure or should I say on me." Thomas explains as I try and calm down and focus.

"Okay so if we are not in Bardo where are we actually and how are you here? How long have I been here?" I ask my hands shaking slightly.

"Currently you are in the W.I.C.K.E.D compound Maze trial again and to answer your other question you appeared in the box about four days ago give or take a day." He states while standing up and offering me a hand up.

I gratefully take his hand and steadily getting to my feet before heading him outside noticing I was in the far corner of the Glade. As we walked towards the council hall, I noticed the familiar sight of the maze walls running around the edge of the Glade, the lookout tower and the homestead. Everything looked the same as it did the first time I was here and that unnerved me slightly.

Once we got to the council hall Thomas pushed the door open and stepped aside letting me enter first, I was shocked when I entered noticing who was waiting for us as I thought they were all back at the Safe Haven. Inside stood Gally, Minho, Aris and Frypan who all ran over and embraced me in a tight hug, once they let me go I started to notice little details like the bruise fading on Gally's face or that Minho had his hand bandaged tightly.

"How are you all here? I thought you two were safely been taken back to the station with Derek, Lydia and Scott." I state pointing towards Minho and Gally.

"I also though you two were at the Safe Haven. I am so confused right now, can someone please explain what is going on?" I ask while everyone took a seat as we all knew this could take a while.

"Before we get into how we are here, what is the last thing you remember?" Minho asks me as everyone looks in my direction.

"I remember been at the bank, I remember the robber pressing the detonator and I sent us both flying through the window as it exploded. Anything else after that is a blur until I woke up in the med shack." I explain receiving nods of those in the room.

"Well we managed to get back to the Sheriff station and met up with Lydia, Scott's Dad and your Dad before we started watching the news coverage of what was happening at the bank when we saw you go through the window as it exploded. Several people tried to reach you through the radio but received no answer so we headed down to search for you." Minho started to explain.

"Once we arrived we were split into groups to search certain areas as there was a lot of debris to cover and they had already located all four of the robbers. Me and Gally were given a search section near the edge of the bank, as I bent over I felt a sharp stab in the back of my neck and the next thing I know I am waking up in a cell within the W.I.C.K.E.D compound." Minho explained as I patiently listened my head still aching.

"I was the same as Minho, I felt a sharp stab in my neck and woke up in the cell next door to him. As I looked through the bars I could see you collapsed against the wall unconscious, we tried to wake you but couldn't get you to wake up. The next thing we know Janson comes down with two guards and drag you out of the room, I hear a slight hissing noise coming from behind me and some sort of gas was pumped into the room." Gally continues from where Minho finished.

"The next thing I know I am waking up in the metal box with Minho on the way back up here, once the box arrived the doors opened to reveal the shadow of a man who jumped down and stated 'Day one greenie' and helped us out. Two days later Aris and Frypan arrived and then four days ago you arrived but you were not in a great way. We don't have any med jacks here so we patched you up the best we could have tried to keep you alive." He finished off nudging Thomas as he mentioned his arrival.

I didn't know what to say, I know they all cared for Thomas but I didn't think they cared much about me.

"So what happened to you the Aris and Frypan?" I enquire trying to gather as much information as I could.

"Well we received word from Scott and Minho that you were missing after an explosion and everyone was required to look for you, we kept searching until dawn but there was no sign of you and at this point Minho and Gally had been taken so Scott's Dad came to the conclusion you had been taken also." Aris started.

"We all got dropped back to the Safe Haven to clean up and rest, we had planned to catch up with everyone else later on in the day. The next thing we remember is waking up in the box and been greeted by these lovely faces." Frypan finished off.

"Well I guess that leaves me then but the trouble is I don't know what happened, on minute I am talking things through with Newt and then next minute the strangest thing happened. A bright light appeared and voice kept chanting you need to go back, the next thing I know is I am waking up alone in the middle of the Glade. This was about two months ago." Thomas explains.

I let out a breathe that I hadn't realised I had been holding while Thomas told his story, "You know this is what I have been trying to do since I last saw you in Bardo. I don't care how this has happened but I am glad you are here and a real person Thomas." I say pulling him into a tight hug.

"So Stiles, you are always known for having a plan for everything. What's the plan?" Thomas asks as he pulls out of the hug.

"Well if everything went according to the plan I had in place, Scott would have received my message and had visited Deaton to activate operation Newt." I say and notice the sadness appearing on there faces as I said Newt's name.

"So what do we need to do then?" Minho asks.

"Well Minho, do you fancy a run?" I ask with a grin appearing on my face.

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up soon!!!

Teen Wolf/Maze Runner Crossover Book 1Where stories live. Discover now