Chapter 4

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Welcome to Chapter 4 - please don't forget to vote and comment! - enjoy!!

I still couldn't understand how he could have gotten out from the explosion in time or ended up at Marcus's club without knowing who Marcus was or where his club was located. As I was just about to answer my phone went off in my pocket, another message from the number I didn't know, the message was just as cryptic as the first one.

"Thomas, what is happening?" the message read. I just brushed it off as I had with the first message, just presuming that the message was sent to the incorrect number.

My dad didn't seem surprised that Stiles was found at Marcus's club but I then remembered that my dad knew Marcus.

"You know how he got to Marcus's club, don't you Dad?" I asked looking directly at him.

He nodded his head and surprisingly so did the Sheriff which surprised me. The looked to each as if deciding who should tell us what happened and how they knew he got to the club.

"Well just as I got to the FBI safe house we received word of W.I.C.K.E.D having located there missing assets, we arrived at the building just before the explosion took place. We watched as everyone was escaping checking through the list we had to confirm who was there and we noticed that Stiles wasn't there." Sheriff started to explain.

"Your dad mentioned that Jorge had escape tunnels underneath also just in case they couldn't get to the zip wire, so we assumed that this is where Stiles was and must have been with Jorge's adopted daughter Brenda as we only saw Teresa."

At this stage he nodded towards my dad gesturing for him to continue but Malia asked a question that was on my mind, "Who's Teresa?" she asked.

"Teresa was in the trails with Stiles, Minho and Newt. She was the only girl to be sent into there group. From what we could work out she and Stiles had formed a close special bond before he was sent into the trails that continued throughout the rest of there time together." My dad explained to us but I noticed Minho was biting his lip as if to stop himself saying something more.

"Minho, is there something more we should know about Teresa?" I asked.

"Not at this moment, that is a story for another time but what he says is true, Teresa and Thomas had a bond that no one could understand and we may never know what actually happened between them." He explained while deep in thought.

I nodded showing I understood what he had said and signalled for my dad to continue.

"We waited for what felt like ages, trying to stay hidden from anyone else as we knew they were already searching for any survivors, then we heard coughing from the tunnels and a few moments later out through the rubble he appeared." My dad continued.

"We knew we had to be cautious as we didn't know how he would react in seeing us, he didn't seem to be injured to bad apart from a few scrapes and bruises. Once he picked himself up he started to panic as he couldn't see anyone he knew, we slowly approached him not wanting to make him panic anymore then he was currently, we could hear him counting his fingers trying to slow his breathing. He looked away from his hands and caught a sight of us approaching him, at first he backed away thinking we worked for W.I.C.K.E.D but then he stopped moving and said a single word 'Dad' before passing out. At this point we quickly collected him and brought him to Marcus as we knew the rest of his group were almost there so they could reunite here but before we could get him to the back we were notified that the group would be here in minutes so left him clearly visible for all to see and quickly left."

I was feeling such mixed emotions when my dad finished explaining what had happened, hope was slowly arriving back as Stiles had recognised his Dad that maybe he is still the Stiles he knew and loved like a brother.

A knock at the door broke us from our moment of silence, we all looked up together with a slight feeling of dread running through the room. Mum stood and opened the door and briefly spoke to the unseen person on the other side before closing it and returning to her seat.

"They have decided to restart the surgery now instead of waiting until the morning, he has stabilised enough for them to head back in." She advised us calmly before placing a hand on the Sheriff shoulder.

"Well lets continue shall we, when we arrived at Marcus's club where we located Thomas passed out on the floor near the entrance, we tried everything to wake him but nothing worked so we transferred him to the back room while we waited for him to wake up. While waiting I collected the required information from Marcus to locate the Right Arm and acquired keys to his truck so we no longer had to travel by foot. During our conversation, Thomas woke up confused as to how he had got there but was glad to be alive and with everyone again." Jorge continued from where we had left off.

"The next stop for us was to locate the Right Arm and then contact Rafael to arrange for everyone to get taken to safety. But we hit a slight speed bump, as we arrived at the Right Arm compound, Brenda collapsed to the ground and we discovered she had the virus due to a bite she kept hidden from a few days ago. They wanted to shoot her to protect themselves but Thomas stopped them ad begged for them to help her, at this stage a doctor approached and asked them to stop saying they may not be able to help her but Thomas could. I will admit it gets a bit hazy from here as I was focused on Brenda but I found footage as to what happened next on a camera in the camp." He explained and passed over a memory stick for us to watch.

I wasn't surprised that Stiles or Thomas had passed over the information to the Right Arm also as Stiles always had a back up plan to his back up plan.

"After we all were settled in and Thomas had helped to save Brenda, there was that first moment that we finally felt safe and free then that's when it happened, the betrayal none of us saw coming happened." Minho said with a deep sigh.

"What happened? Who was the betrayer?" I asked quickly

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up shortly!!!

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