Chapter 25

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Welcome to Chapter 25 - thank you again for the votes and reading this crossover - here is the next chapter!!

Thomas POV

I knew that the only way I was going to return back to everyone was to do what Newt was saying and forgive myself for all the deaths I think I have caused but could I really forgive myself for all of them, for Newt's, Teresa's or even Chuck's, I am the reason they are dead after all.

"No there has be another way for me to get out of here, I do not get the right to forgive myself for getting them killed. If I had never been born they would still be alive today, you would still be alive today." I voice honestly for the first time to Newt trying hard to not meet his eyes.

"How can you say that Tommy, if you hadn't of been born then we would still be trapped in that Maze with little hope of ever getting out and still just lab rats of W.I.C.K.E.D. You know and I know that you are just as important as Stiles is" Newt states grabbing my face making me look at him.

"Do you think it was easy for Stiles when he lost the people he loved? When he had to kill to save his own life? Remember what Stiles's Dad said to him about his head knowing that the only crime he had committed was surviving and he just needed his heart to catch up with his head." Newt advised which made me think that I am never alone in how I am feeling, as I have Stiles and he has me.

"I guess I forgot what Stiles went through before W.I.C.K.E.D, I just always assumed I was made to protect him. I remember before the Maze that we use to leave each other random notes everywhere, it use to drive everyone mad." I started explaining as the memories flashed in front of my eyes as I spoke

"Sometimes they were daft silly things that came to his mind that he thought I would find funny or when he had an idea to update the Maze to make it more challenging or safer. You know it was his idea for new people to be sent up once a month as it reminded him of the full moon happening once a month." I chuckled remembering the time we had before everything went to hell and we entered the Maze.

"There was a short period of time that a test W.I.C.K.E.D was running on us went wrong and I was no more. Stiles tried everything and anything to get me back and he told me he was so relieved when he finally managed to wake up again as he felt lost without me. You know it was at that moment I realised I was more than just a science experiment gone wrong, I was a part of him that mattered and would be missed if I ever went away. You know we even talked once about trying to see if I could be split from him as I knew how much he loved Lydia and he knew how much I loved Teresa." I explained as the memories of the time were coming back causing a headache to rise in my head.

"Well it looks like somehow we managed to do it." I heard a voice that sounded like my own say before I looked up to see Stiles stood in front of me, his spiked hair sticking up in odd angles as normal.

"What is happening? Did I do this? I was explaining to Newt about this and was wishing inside so much that it could be possible. Newt, did you do this? Is this what you meant that Stiles would return to his friends and family?" I ask staring at Stiles who had a look of panic flash across his face.

"Whoa hang on a minute, please tell me that is not true. We are a packaged deal that come and go as a pair. I can not and will not live without him again, I am not as strong as he is and if I leave here without him I won't survive. There has to be something you can do Newt, there has to be a way for both of us to go back together." Stiles states as he starts running his hand through his hair trying to stay calm.

"Stiles, please calm down. You need to go back to your friends and family by yourself for now and I will join again you once I have learnt what I need to from been here. I need to learn to forgive myself for what has happened and I can't do that while I am keeping an eye on you 24 hours a day, Please Stiles let me do this" I beg him knowing this was the right thing to do.

"You promise that you will return to me once you have learnt to listen to your head and not your heart?" Stiles asks and all I can do to answer is to nod as I don't trust my voice to answer as he embraces me in a tight hug.

Lydia POV (surprise)

After Scott read the message from Stiles saying he was in Bardo I had this nagging feeling again that something was happening that no one had any control over. I then noticed something weird on the brain wave monitor, it was no longer showing just one brain wave but two.

"Eh Melissa, is that normal? He has two brain waves now instead of one." I ask while pointing to the monitor to prove what I was saying was true.

"No that is definitely not normal, he is showing as having two completely separate linked brain waves." She advises while looking at the monitors.

"So Stiles and Thomas, they are two separate people that just operate the same body. Why can't they have their own mind also?" Derek asks but before we can answer Stiles starts shaking and crying like is having a nightmare.

I grab his hand and start wiping my thumb over his cheek trying my best to calm him, I notice that upon my touch he seems to instantly become calmer.

"Now that is even stranger, he is back down to one brain wave again." Melissa points out as we hear a groan coming from the person in question.

"Stiles, can you hear us?" Scott asks hopeful that this is a sign of Stiles returning but I knew that there was a chance that it could be Thomas lying in front of us now instead.

A mumble that is not understandable comes from the person in question, his mouth is moving like he is trying to form words but doesn't know how to or to find the right word to say.

"Stiles, if you can hear me listen to my voice. Your big beautiful brain works so you just need to think about what you want to say and say it okay?" I state brushing his cheeks.

"Ouch!" He forces out of his mouth as he blinks his eyes open and turns his head to met my eyes. I couldn't stop myself when his eyes connect with mine I bent over and kissed him which he seemed to respond to.

I quickly pull away embarrassed about what I had done knowing my cheeks were glowing red at this very moment. He gives a soft chuckle before looking at Derek, Scott and Melissa and flashing his amazing smile.

"What happened? The last thing I remember is singing karaoke at the Safe Haven, then the next thing I know I am in a Maze with Newt and  Thomas before having to saying goodbye to Thomas and now I am in a hospital room?" Stiles enquires his voice croaking a little from dryness.

Scott quickly explained to Stiles what had happened in the missing time gap he had while Derek left to update everyone that Stiles was awake. I noticed the entire time Scott was talking Stiles didn't let my hand go which felt nice but he gripped it so hard like he was scared if he let me go then he would slip away.

After Scott finished explaining and the doctors had come to do some check now he was awake I was finally able to ask Stiles what needed answering, "Stiles, where is Thomas?" I ask but quickly regret my decision as tears appear on Stiles's face.

"He is in Bardo! I don't know how to get him back." He says breaking down on me, I quickly engulf him into a hug until I feel him go limp and I realise he has cried himself to sleep in my arms.

I gentle lay him back down and left the room with Scott and Melissa, the same worried expression present on both of their faces. 

Stiles relied on Thomas to keep him safe during his time in the trials now how is he going to cope without him? 

Thank you for reading - new chapter will be up soon!!!

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