Chapter 13

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Welcome to Chapter 13 - thank you everyone for reading and voting on this crossover -where did Stiles got to? read on to find out, enjoy!!

We had only just got him back how can we lose him again so soon, how can I lose him so soon. A million questions seemed to be running through my head, did he leave he by himself? Did someone take him? Is he hurt more? What if I don't find him in time?

Derek broke me my train of thought, "They checked the footage, in between the time your mum popped in before heading home and the Sheriff waking up the only person we see leaving the room is Stiles, no one had entered in this time period." He explained.

"They managed to trace him through the halls until he exited the hospital and headed in the direction of the woods. They have already got officers searching the area and Chris and Issac are also searching but currently no sign of him. Lydia and Parrish are going to search near the Nematon just in case. Is there anywhere you can think that he would go to?" Derek asked.

I thought hard trying to think of all the places near the woods that he could have gone too, I remembered the last time he went missing he was found in the Coyote den but that was different he didn't choose to go there he was sleep walking and was been taken over.

"The only thing I can think off is the Den he was found in the last time he went missing but that time was different he was sleep walking, this time he seemed to have left on his own accord. Okay think Scott where would he go, you are his best friend, think." I shout to myself trying to remember.

"Hang on, Sheriff have you still got the cameras at your house?" I ask calling the Sheriff over while he is looking at this phone..

"That's bizarre timing you asking me this, as my phone just alerted me to someone breaking into my house." He advises while loading up the live feed.

There lying on his bed was Stiles unconscious but the strange thing was he was not alone, Parrish was stood over him in full flames. I thought he was with Lydia searching by the Nematon, my phone vibrated in my pocket to show that Lydia was calling.

"Scott, its Parrish. We got near the Nematon and he suddenly stopped, his eyes started to glow orange and he ran away. I managed to follow the direction he went but I lost him." She said sounding very worried.

"Lydia, it's okay we found them both. Parrish is with Stiles at the Sheriff's house. Meet us there quickly." I state and hang the phone up.

I get into the Sheriff's car and we hurry to his house, I can see Derek riding behind us with Minho in the passenger seat. Why would Parrish be acting as a hellhound around Stiles? He normally only did that when he was taking a body to the Nematon but he had stopped doing that.

"Please tell me if I am not going to walk into my house and find my son dead, please tell me I am not. I can't lose him like I lost his mum, I just got him back." Sheriff said while trying to fight back the tears.

"No, he's going to fine." I manage to get out as we arrived at the house. I notice that the faint glow that should be coming from Parrish is not there, the whole house is in darkness.

I slowly approach the house, nerves flowing through every fibre of my body, before I could open the door it flies open to Parrish stood there with Stiles draped in his arms. I move over to help him lie Stiles on the ground and check for a pulse or any sign of life coming from him but find nothing, I grab my phone and dial my mum's number trying to stop my hands shaking as I pop her on loud speaker.

"Mum, I need your help. We found Stiles but he's got no pulse and is not breathing. What do I do?" I shout into the phone as soon as she answers.

"Okay first thing first, make sure he is lying flat on his back and tilt his head back to open up his airway, next you need to start chest compressions. Remember how Deaton taught you in a rhythm of 1,2,3,4." She says calmly, her voice calming me enough to focus on what I have to do.

"1,2,3,4" I start saying out loud as I did the compressions



"Damn it Shank, I lost Newt I can not and will not lose you too." Minho shouts from behind me.


I hear a car door slam behind me and hear Lydia shouting but what she says doesn't reach my ears.


"1,2,3,4, Come on Stiles, come back to us. Come back to me please.


"Okay Scott, stop now and check to see if he has a pulse." Mum asks

I press my fingers against his neck and use my wolf hearing to listen for a heart beat but still find nothing. Tears start clouding my vision and running down my face and I don't try and stop them or hide them.

"Where is the ambulance, it should be here by now?" Derek asks

"We are a few minutes away." I heard mum shout through the phone before she hung up.

Lydia dropped to the ground next to us and started stroking Stiles's face, tears rolling down her face. I can't look away from his face, it was the most peaceful and relaxed I had ever saw him. Then realization hit me, Stiles was dead but Lydia hadn't screamed or even seemed to be holding back the feeling to scream.

"Lydia, he is dead but you don't seem to want to scream for him. So that makes me think there is still a way to save him." I say to her.

"Oh no, please do not tell me you are wanting me to do some twist on a Fairy tale where I kiss him and he comes back to life." She asks and I nod my head in response.

"What if he doesn't like me in that way anymore? We all know he fell in love and lost her..." she started and then broke off with a sudden face of understanding appearing on her face.

"What? What did you just think?" The Sheriff asks from behind, his voice breaking as he asked.

"He died of a broken heart, think about it he lost Chuck, then Newt and then Teresa, all that loss for one person in such a short time is bad enough but then having his memories come back it was all too much for his heart to take." Lydia explained.

She leant over a place a gentle kiss on his lips pulling away after a minute or so, as she pulled away I heard her whisper 'Remember I love you'.

I heard a gasp from next to me as she pulled away and looked down in time to see his brown eyes slowly opening.

Thank you for reading - yay Stydia lives on! - new chapter will be up shortly!!

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