Troubled (2/2) *edited*

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The next day, the morning seemed almost routine. The family got up and to what was a start of their day, Y/n was serving her children breakfast while Draco got his things ready for job as the kids were eating their food. "Why don't you have work today?" Minerva asked her mother. "Because I asked for it off," Y/n replied. "Eat up." Onyx came downstairs and sat on the breakfast nook and Y/n served him as well as Draco came in. "Good morning," Draco said, wrapping his arms around his wife waist. "How did you sleep?" "Yes," Y/n assured then placed a juice down for Onyx.

Onyx noticed her arm and saw the scar on her arm that said 'Half-blood.' He said nothing however knowing that he probably should leave it a that. Onyx ate his breakfast, it was warm and tasted like it was from scratch. Something he never got so often, he observed the family as it was which was perfect in his eyes. Draco was what you would think as a picture perfect father, Y/n as the mother serving her kids breakfast, even the kids were perfect in his eyes since they weren't fighting or causing ruckus. hey were just eating and talking to their parents as they did so.

Onyx thought about the image in his head, memories flooded his mind as he did so. Memories of the past families with their kids, his arms were starting to stream lightening again until Y/n felt off then turned to him. "Onyx," She spoke causing him to look at her and the affect went away. "You okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine," Onyx assured and finished eating before drinking his juice. "Is Draco the only one that works?" "No, but I got the week off cause that's what the ministry says I have to since I took you in. Not that I mind, but they'll call me if anything," Y/n told.

"Speaking of which, I have to go," Draco said then kissed his wife softly then went to say goodbye to his children. He kissed Minerva's head then ruffled the twin's hair but when he was gonna do the same to Onyx, he dodged it as if Draco was gonna do something else. "What are you doing?" Onyx questioned. "Sorry," Draco apologized. "Force a habit, I do that to all my kids." "Oh, right. Ii's okay," Onyx assured. "I just don't like it when people touch me." "Okay, that's alright," Draco said. "I'll see you all later."

"Bye, Papa," the kids said then Draco left. Onyx looked dow at his hands then went to his room after putting his dishes in the sink. He stayed in his room with his inventions, he let one free out the window as he finished one which was a pray mantis. Onyx looked out the window as something caught his eyes, it was the kids playing in the back with each other. He thought for a moment then went down quietly and went outside to watch them. It sounded creepy, but he had never seen siblings get along so well. Granted his is only the second family he's been with who had kids of their own.

"Hey, Onyx," Remus said. "You want to play with us?" Onyx saw Scorpius and Minerva on broomsticks and spoke, "Oh, I never rode a broom before." "We can teach you," Scorpius assured, landing. Onyx resisted then agreed and they started teaching him, soon he was able to do what they were able to do. So, they taught him how to play and Onyx was actually having fun. They were playing and laughing, when they were done they were relaxing on the grass as they informed him on all the muggle stuff they had. "And that's a TV," Remus finished. "So, this screen just shows you moving pictures?" Onyx questioned and he nodded.

"Wow, you guys are quite diverse," Onyx said. "Mom tries to keep muggle tradition," Scorpius said as Minerva placed a flower crown she made for him and Remus on heir heads and went back to finish the last one. "Speaking of your mother, what's with the words on her arms?" Onyx questioned. "Oh, um..." Remus spoke. "We're not suppose to know but mom and dad don't know that Uncle Fred told us." "It was from the war," Scorpius told. "When she was tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange." "She fought?" Onyx questioned. "You don't know?" Minerva said with surprised.

"Know what?" Onyx questioned, he never followed anything since he bounced around in foster homes so much. The kids told him their parents story, everything that they knew at least even Lapis. Onyx found out that Y/n was like him, stick without parents with only one escape except hers was a place and his was a hobby. "Your mom was a hero," Onyx said. "Do you guys ever worry-" "Nope," Scorpius said. "Mom won." "With her brother," Remus added. "No more worrying needed." "Mom and dad don't get nightmares anymore," Minerva said. "They even said 'The only thing they need to worry about is their family, family is he most important thing.' Now, you're apart of that family. Together."

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