The Decision

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Draco's pov:

It was winter and I came back to my room tired. I had detention for blowing up a potion accidentally. I entered the room and plopped myself on the bed but something felt odd. The bed didn't have any blankets or pillows, in fact it was covered with books and magazines. I looked confused then looked around the room and found the reason why it was like this. Y/n made a blanket fort, I could tell she was overworking herself. "Is that you, love?" She asked.

"How long have you been in there?" I questioned. "Only four hours, give or take a few." She said. "Can you pass me the transfiguration book?" "No, you need to take a break." I said. "I will, after I study transfiguration." Y/n replied. "Please Draco." "Fine." I huffed. I grabbed the book and went to the fort. She pushed out another book and I switched the two. I saw her dainty hand come out and take the book. I couldn't help but smile, she was being really adorable.

Your pov:

I was in a blanket fort wearing Draco's Weasley jumper with sweats. I was studying while planning our honeymoon. "Draco, can you get me another book?" I asked. "You finished that one already!?" He said in disbelief. "Yes, can you get me another, darling?" I replied. I pushed out the book and Draco switch them. As I reached out to take the new one Draco grabbed my hand. "Damn it." I sighed under my breath. "We can do this the easy or the hard way." Draco said.

I thought, what can he do exactly? I tried getting away and Draco dragged me out quickly. "You're overworking again, I can tell that you didn't plan on going to dinner." Draco said holding my hand. "You don't know that." I said. "I can see pumpkin pastries in the fort." Draco said. "Okay, so maybe I have been working for a while. I was studying." I admitted. "Now, let me go back." I get up then Draco picked me up from behind and threw me over his shoulder.

"Draco, come on," I groaned playfully. "Why are there magazine everywhere?" Draco asked. "I was also planning our honeymoon." I mentioned. "We're suppose to do that together." Draco replied. "You were in detention and I had all these magazines." I reasoned. "And the fort?" Draco asked. "That was because I was bored and I need a work space." I explained and Draco laughed. Draco set me down on the bed and hovered over me.

We locked eyes and I smiled then placed my arms on his shoulders. "Okay, maybe I do need a break," I said. "Good, I'll go get some food while you stay here," Draco insisted then I kissed him softly for a long moment. "Be quick," I said and he smirked then nodded before leaving.

Draco's pov:

I went to the great hall and heard someone call me. "Draco!" I turned to McGonagoll. "Hello, professor. What is it?" I asked. "I wanted to talk to you about my extra class, magical healing." She said. She taught magical healing and Transfiguration. "Am I failing, ma'am?" I questioned. "No, the opposite actually. You are the top of every single one of my classes. You are doing so good that I see a future in you." McGonagoll smiled.

"Future, professor?" I questioned. "Draco, you have a real talent in healing to the point where you can become a healer, a doctor even." She said. "I never thought about that." I replied. "Well, start to think about it. I'm signing you up for my advanced course next semester." McGonagoll declared. "What's the benefit in that, professor?" I asked. "If you do decide to take a career in it, you can become an actual doctor instead of just a healer. A healer can just, well, heal while a doctor can do big picture surgeries and all that stuff." She explained.

"It also pays better which I think your fiancé will appreciate." "Speaking of which, I need to go." I said. "Okay please think about what I told you." McGonagoll said and I nodded before walking away. I went into the great hall and took some food and two cups of pumpkin juice then went back to my room. I entered and place the food and drinks down on the table next to our couch. "What took you so long, darling?" Y/n asked.

I was wondering whether to tell her or not. I could make a career out of healing and become a doctor. That's gonna be my little surprise to her because I know she'll be proud of me. "I had to get past a group of first years asking for autographs." I lied. I want to surprise her, so she could be proud of me. "Okay then." She replied. I turned around to face her.

Your pov:

I put the bed back and Draco and I ate dinner together then went on the bed and got cozy. "How does Hawaii sound?" I asked looking at the magazines. "I think Hawaii is too cliche." "It's a Honeymoon," Draco replied. "I know, I just want it to be somewhere nice for the time we're gonna be outside," I told. "And a nice hotel, with a nice view from the room." "Again, it's a Honeymoon," Draco spoke then smirked. "I mean, there is only one thing we'll be doing."

I gave him a look then he smirked then kissed me softly. "Draco," I giggled into the kiss. I pulled away and went back to reading the magazine and Draco gave a confuse smile. "Do you not want to...?" Draco asked a little concerned. "I didn't mean to-" "No, Draco, you didn't," I said then looked at him. "I mean, there are a lot of traditions we broke and I want to keep one." "Which one?" Draco asked. "I want to wait till after marriage to do it again," I told.

Draco's eyes widened then spoke, "We aren't getting married till next December. I don't think... well." I gave him and looked then smirked, "Are you serious?" (Comment section, shut up! Limit yourself to only three Sirius jokes) "I mean, Y/n, you're you. You're quite the sight," Draco said slyly. "Draco, it's a year," I laughed lightly. "You can restrain yourself." "Alright," Draco agreed then we got ready for bed. "Just know, I'm expecting us not to leave the hotel room at all," Draco joked then kissed me softly.

"You think I'm joking, I have more then 100 reasons to marry you now." "What's the first one?" I asked. "I love you," Draco smiled and I smiled back. "Just to make sure, being able to do it again is a close second." I hit his shoulder playfully and he smirked then we slowly drifted off to sleep.

A/N: I'll try to upload as often as I can with Finals coming up for me. Keep giving me suggestions please! I want to give you chapters you will be interested in. Also, comment what problems they should have during their wedding. It's Harry Potter something needs to happen. Anyways, that's it and that's all, goodbye, my lovies.

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