Dinner Meeting

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It was a few months since the first day of school, Remus was ahead of his class and Scorpius was a close second with Jesse. "I think this book could have been better," Scorpius said to Jesse. They were talking on the phone and Scorpius was talking to her about a book they read. "What did you think was best about it?" Jesse asked. "I liked the part where they got the dogs," Scorpius told. Jesse giggled slightly making him smile.

"Why don't you come over one day, you can see the library we have in our house and I can show you the Quidditch Pitch we have in the back," Scorpius suggested. "I would like to Scorpius, but my parents would have to meet your parents and they don't know you two are... wizards," Jesse replied. "Do your parents even know that I know what you are?" "If they did they would have to erase your memory unless you're muggle-born," Scorpius told. "What's that?" "It's when you come from a family of normal people and you have magical powers." He explained.

"They don't have to find out about us being magic, they just have to know my mom the zoologists and my dad the doctor." "Okay, I'll ask my parents." Jesse smiled. "It'll be fine," Scorpius told. "Okay," Jesse said then hung up. Draco walked in at that moment reading the daily prophet then sighed. The headline read 'death eater escaped from Azkaban' which made Draco upset. "Dad," Scorpius spoke gaining his attention. "Hey, bubba?" Draco questioned not looking up.

"I want Jesse to come over and she can't unless her parents meet you, both of her parents," Scorpius told. "Can you arrange a dinner or something to get to know her parents. It has to be in the muggle world." Draco looked at his son and spoke, "Are you sure it's a good idea to have her in the house? She doesn't know about all of this." "Well, we could hide the magical stuff we have, please? Dad, I really want her to come over." Scorpius pleaded. "Are you talking about your girlfriend?" Y/n questioned walking in.

"Mom!" Scorpius blushed madly. "Why not?" Y/n said. "We could go to dinner in the muggle world, you always wanted to." "Alright, I'll call them and we'll go." Draco smiled and Scorpius beamed. "Y/n, I need to talk to you," Draco told taking her to the other room. He showed her the daily prophet and she looked shocked. "Crouch jr.? How did he escape?" I questioned. "He was an animagus, it just wasn't written so they put him in Azkaban because he learned when he escaped the first time," Draco told. "He won't make it far in the wizarding world with the new age tech we've been creating."

"I don't know, I don't have a good feeling about this, Draco," Y/n sighed. "It'll be alright," Draco assured and kissed her head. She nodded then she saw Remus and Scorpius playing with Minni in the backyard. "Scorpius has a crush on the Jesse girl," Draco told. "I know, I see the way he smiled when he talks about her and the way he holds her in his arm a second more when they hug goodbye." Y/n smiled then turned to Draco. "It's the way my mom said you did with me."

Draco smiled then kissed her softly for a moment then pulled away. "I need to call the teacher." Y/n insisted. "You go make a reservation at a restaurant." "Alright," Draco smiled. "But, the kids are going to be in the back for a while-" "Priorities, Draco," Y/n smirked then kissed his cheek. "Later," Draco smirked then went to go make the reservation.


"Fix your hair," Remus said to Scorpius the day of the dinner. "Mommy, where are we going?" Minerva spoke. "We're going to a restaurant where you can get food and your favorite, chocolate milk," Y/n smiled and Minerva smiled. She had just turned four. "Let's go, come on, make haste," Draco said and they went off. "There she is!" Scorpius said running to Jesse and her family. "Scorpius, wait up," Draco called catching up to him. "Hi, nice to see you two, Dr. and Mrs. Malfoy." Mrs. Pillsbury said. "Please, it's Y/n and Draco," She insisted.

"Then it's Beth and this is my husband." "Will," He smiled shaking their hands. "Shall we?" Draco insisted and they agreed. They went to their table and sat down, Draco and Y/n sat next to each other and their family was on the same side of the table. "Hi, I'll be your waitress for today, can I start you off with drinks?" She asked. "A bottle of wine for the table, if that's alright," Draco said. "I'm not grading papers," Beth joked. "A water please," Jesse asked. "A cola," The twin chorused. "And an apple juice for the little girl." Y/n told.

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