Camera Shy

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Camera pov:

It was blank before it came back on when Scout was right in front of it. Sniffing and picking at it before someone picked it up. "Hey, Scout, don't scratch at it," Scorpius said, pointing it at her. She meowed before hopping on Hunter's bed and stretched out. "What's that?" Hunter questioned. "It's a muggle camera, it takes videos," Scorpius explained. "What's a video?" Hunter questioned. "It's like one big long moving picture we can see and hear," Scorpius told. "So they can hear everything? Cool, where do you get it?"

"Well, my dad gave me this one," Scorpius answered. "I'll ask, for now, you try this one." Scorpius hand of it to Hunter and Scorpius spoke, "Okay, see the square?" "Yeah," Hunter said. "Just keep everything in the square," Scorpius informed. Hunter pointed it at everything and Scorpius smiled, "Good, come on. We can film the whole day." They walked out of their room, past the common room. When they walked out they were greeted by a ghost of Hogwarts who went through Scorpius. "Ah!" Scorpius yelped. "I got that," Hunter laughed.

It cut to them entering the great hall and zoomed-in where Remus was sitting with Romeo and Jessie. "The Legacy," Hunter whispered. They sat with them, Remus looked at the camera and spoke, "Really? We can't bring that in class." "Who's gonna know what it is?" Scorpius questioned. "Hunter didn't know, the only person who does is Jess." "What is it?" Romeo asked. "It's called a camera," Hunter informed. "It's like one long moving picture you can hear." "Oh," Romeo replied. "That's kinda strange." "So are muggles, mom said," Hunter said. "I mean, Jesse says things that aren't even true."

"There is such thing as the Internet," Jesse replied. "Sure, Jess," Hunter said sarcastically. "Leave her alone," Scorpius defended. "Thank you, Scorpius," Jessie smiled. The bell rang and it cut to them in class where the teacher was lecturing them on their lesson. She wasn't paying attention much so Hunter took a video of his friend in class. He was sitting next to Romeo, it was pointed at them and they just randomly started moving to see the camera capture them.

It cut to them walking the halls, all you could see was Hunter's feet as he walked. "How is your mother, by the way?" Remus asked. "She's making progress," Hunter said happily. "She's doing good, they're saying she's gonna be fine. Mom told dad he was just overreacting anyway." "Good," Remus said. It cut to a clip of the next class then to them in the courtyard where Hunter took a scan of the black lake. "You ever think someone is watching us?" Hunter asked, pointing the camera at the others who were doing their homework. "Always," Romeo joked. "I don't know, something in the woods always gives me weird vibes," Scorpius said.

"There was a rumor that your mother tamed a unicorn," Hunter said. The twin laughed then Scorpius spoke, "If she did, she never told us." "Well-" Hunter was cut off when he saw something go through the forest. He saw a pair of green eyes cutting through everything before it disappeared. "What was that!?" Hunter gasped. "What?" Jessie questioned. "Something was watching us," Hunter said. "No there wasn't," Romeo scoffed. "Yes, can't we just watch back the footage or something," Hunter questioned. "I know what I saw!"

It cut to after, Jessie spoke, "It's probably just a creature." "Not any I heard of," Remus said. "Me neither," Scorpius added. "It wasn't anything," Romeo said. "It's probably just a critter, it just watched us. Nothing to worry about." "It just gave me a sick feeling," Hunter said. "Maybe it was just-" Romeo was cut off when a bird swept down and took the thing. the four ran after it as it disappeared within the forest. The bird landed gracefully and dropped the camera before standing in front of it. It screeched before calling out to something.

At that moment, the figure stepped out and took the thing. "You were seen," They hissed. "You had one rule." The creature turned into a dark thing before whimpering in sadness, the Figure huffed before turning the camera away and speaking, "We'll just delete it, cameras aren't hard." At that moment, everything cut out until the twins had the camera again. "Everything is gone, the recordings, all of it," Scorpius said. "The stupid bird broke my camera." "Sorry," Hunter said. "It's okay," Scorpius assured. "It wasn't your fault, how can you tell a bloody bird was gonna swoop down and take it."

"It's just strange, the bird didn't break it. The videos were deleted," Remus reasoned. "Whatever happened, it was pretty weird," Jesse said. "Like the Internet," Romeo replied. Jessie gave him a look as Scorpius zoomed in on their faces. "Dun-dun-da!" Scorpius sang then the recording ended.

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