Double Trouble

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I woke up in my bed, it was a few months after the twins came and I was awakened by the sound of crying, but it stopped after a moment. I realized I was alone in bed, I decided to get up and check what happened. I slowly approached the nursery and smiled at the sight and aitch from the entrance. "Shh... it's alright, bubba." Draco whispered to Remus, who he was cradling. "Let your mother sleep, she deserves it. I hope you'll remember this time because your mother does, they're called memory dreams." He told.

"Your mother is very talented and amazing, also very beautiful. Merlin, I was lucky enough to marry her. She's smart, funny, kind, generous, humble, talented, I can go on for ages to the point share you'll fall asleep. But, let me tell you this one thing, you have her eyes and they will show something in the darkest of times that not many people will have, that is hope. That's the greatest power, even though the dark times are over you need to still have hope." Remus cooed tiredly in response then fell back asleep.

Draco gently placed him back in the crib as I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his torso. I got on my toes slightly and kissed his temple softly. "You got a way with words, Malfoy." "I didn't want them to wake you," Draco replied turning around and tucking a strain of hair behind my ear. "I'm glad because I have to go to work this Friday, they just shipped in new creatures that need to be tamed," I told. "I'll try to find a nanny to take care of them."

"No need," Draco spoke. "I can take care of the twins, I have the day off." "Are you sure?" I questioned. "I mean, the twins can be a hand full. I wouldn't want to stress you-" "I'll be fine, love, I can take care of our children." He assured. "Okay." I smiled and pecked his lips. "Now come back to bed and cuddle with me before you go to work," Draco smirked as I lead him to the bed.


"The bottle is in the fridge," I told Draco as I was carrying Scorpius and he was carrying Remus while I prepared to leave. "Extra blankets are in our bedroom, the teething rings are in the freezer, just in case because their teeth should start coming in soon, and their toys are in the basket in the-" "The nursery." Draco interrupted. "I know." "Okay, I need to get going." I sighed. "Bye, momma loves you." I cooed to Scorpius and kissed his head and Remus' head.

"I love you," I said to Draco, pecking his lips before handing him Scorpius. "Be good for daddy." I cooed. "I have to go, bye," I said before apparating to my office.

3rd person pov:

"Your mother thinks I can't take care of you two," Draco said to the twins as he placed them in the crib. "Let's say we prove her wrong," Draco smirked and Remus giggled lightly, but Scorpius started coughing. "Oh no." Draco gasped picking him up as he started crying. "You're burning up." Draco went through the cabinets and took out his medicine then took out the dropper and gave some to Scorpius to soothe his throat. "Why is your temperature so high?" Draco questioned after checking the thermometer.

Scorpius started screaming then his hands caught fire as Y/n's would. "Oh no!" Draco exclaimed. "This early. Shh, Scorpius, it's okay. Calm down, I'm right here." Draco assured and his son calmed down. "Remus," Draco gasped rushing to him only to see the crib had frost on the railing and Remus froze on the bars. Draco huffed picking him up and grabbed a random blanket after feeling how cold he was and wrapped it around him then placed him in the crib. Draco went back to Scorpius and picked him up to place him next to his brother, but he wasn't there. "Remus?" Draco questioned worriedly. "Remus? Remus? Why am I calling you when you're only four months old?"

Scorpius started cooing and Remus responded. "Good, do it again," Draco told Scorpius. His son only cupped my face with his tiny hands and put my nose in his mouth. (Babies actually do that sometimes) "First, a pacifier." Draco sighed pulling away and giving him his pacifier. The phone rang after a moment of Draco searching for Remus. Draco placed Scorpius down before picking it up. "Hello?" Draco greeted. "Hey, babe." Y/n replied. "Y/n, what is it, my love?" Draco asked nervously. "Nothing, I just wanted to check up on you. How are the twins?" She questioned. "The twins?" Draco said nervously. "They're just fine, just ate."

"Oh okay, just wanted to see if they're alright." Y/n spoke. "Oh, Remus does this cute thing when someone sings, he'll try to sing along!" She glowed. "I've noticed," Draco responded getting an idea. "Play your guitar for them, they'll like that." Y/n suggested. "I have to go, I love you." "Love you too," Draco returned before hanging up. "I wanted to wait until you were older, but this calls for drastic measures." He said getting his guitar out and started playing. "Close your eyes. Have no fear. The monster's gone. He's on the run and your daddy's here," Draco sang and Remus started cooing and he got up following the sound and kept singing.

"Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful... beautiful boy. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy." Draco found his voice, it lead him to the crib. That's when he realized what it did, he wrapped Remus in the invisibility cloak. Draco unwrapped him and he giggled. "You gave me such a fright." Draco sighed. He fed them both and sang them to sleep as their mother came home. "Everything alright?" She asked walking in and sitting on Draco's lap, he was sitting on the chair in the nursery. "Your accent went away during the phone call."

"It's a long story," Draco sighed. "The twins got their powers and I may have accidentally wrapped Remus in the invisibility cloak." To his surprise, Y/n laughed and kissed his cheek. "I didn't think that was the case, I'm proud of you for dealing with everything and in the end, you found our son." She smiled. "I guess, let's wait a year or two before we have our daughter," Draco suggested. "I was thinking the same thing." Y/n replied and kissed him lovingly for a long moment.

"Since the twins are asleep, how about I reward you for such a good job." Y/n smirked placing her hand on Draco's chest. "I thought we were gonna wait to have another child," Draco said putting his hand on her thigh. "I'm back on my birth control pills." She told. "Let's go," Draco smirked picking her up bridal style and taking her to the bedroom as she giggled.

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