Short #1

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I usually don't get jealous, but as it maybe be known, Draco is a really attractive man. In the wizarding world and the muggle world, here is one example. It was a Sunday, we were all going shopping at the grocery store to stock up for the week. Minerva was in the cart while Remus pushed it along with Scorpius. We stopped in an isle and I started reading the packages off the shelf. "You guys want spaghetti for dinner or Alfredo?" I asked the kids. "Spaghetti," They chorused. "Draco, can you go get the pasta?" I questioned. "Alright, be right back. Scorpius, come along," Draco insisted after kissing my cheek then went off. "Can we get Pops?" Minerva asked. "I wanted Lucky Charms," Remus said.

"Alright, in a tie, we play Rock Paper Scissors," I told. The did so, Remus won. "Okay, go get the cereal," I said to Remus and he grabbed the box. "Mom," Scorpius spoke, walking up to us. "Where is your father?" I asked. "He told me to tell you to save him," Scorpius told. "Save him?" I questioned. "Yeah, a lady started talking to him, called him handsome," Scorpius told me. "What?" I interjected then put him in the cart and Remus. I pushed them off to the isle Draco was at, the lady was still trying to talk to him and Draco was trying to get out of the conversation.

"Honey," I interrupted, causally going up to them. I kissed Draco softly and spoke, "Hi, who are you?" "Oh, I was just wondering where your boyfriend got his jacket," She replied. "Husband," I corrected. "Dad, she's here to save you," Minerva told. "Such a fun little imagination she has," I spoke. "Well, we better go, honey." "See you around," The woman said. "Probably not," Draco said before we went off. We paid for everything and Draco and I started packing the car, the kids were in the car. "That girl didn't see the ring on your finger?" I huffed, placing the last bag in.

"Are you jealous?" Draco smirked, closing the back. "We've been married for years, of course I am," I sighed as Draco held my waist. "It's just even now girls are hiding on you and it's way more that just Pansy Parkinson now or Astoria Greengrass." "I wouldn't count Greengrass," Draco said. "Or Parkinson for that matter." I smiled then placed my hands on his shoulder and kissed him softly for a moment before pulling away slowly. "I love you," Draco told. "I know," I smiled. "I love you." "You're very cute when you're jealous," Draco spoke. I scoffed then we went in the car, when we sat down Draco placed his hand on my thigh. I put my hand over his before Draco spoke, "Alright, kids, what didd we learn?"

"Make sure every woman that calls Papa handsome or anything, make sure she knows he's married," They chorused. "That's right, let's go home," Draco insisted. "Ice cream all around." I giggled then kissed Draco's cheek before we rode off.

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