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Your pov:

"Okay, Minerva," I said from the living room. "Come down." It was about a week before she gets to go to Beauxbaton, we had already gone school shopping with her brothers. My parents and Harry were over to shop with us, as of now, Minerva is trying on her uniform since it finally came in the mail. So, when she walked in with her uniform on, everyone glowed. Her hair was in a little ponytail to go with her little Hershey kiss hat. "You look great, darling," I smiled. "Hold still." I took a picture of her and smiled before saying, "You look great."

"Let me get one of you holding your wand," Mom said. Minni took out her wand and said, "Pear Wood wand, Dragon heartstring." "Nice," Scorpius spoke. "We all have one of each core." "You're gonna go to France, Minni, that's awesome on its own," Remus said. "Going to a new school, making your own name." "It's gonna be great," Minni said with a smile, I thought for a moment before continuing talking to my parents. After a while, they all left and I went to a box in my closet where I kept all my old things. I took something out and went to Minerva's room where she was reading one of her course books.

"What you reading?" I asked. "History of Magic, you're in here," Minerva said. "So I've heard," I replied. "I wanted to give you something." Minerva turned to me as I sat in front of her on her bed and spoke, "When Remus and Scorpius went to Hogwarts, your father and I gave them something. With Onyx, Draco gave him his tie pin which he appreciated. With you... I've been saving something that I wanted to give you for a long time." I took out my dragon butterfly knife, Minerva gasped lightly as I presented it to her. "This is a knife I carried around all my life," I informed. "Only things special about it are the design and the enchantment to keep it new."

I flipped it open to show the shiny blade and spoke, "The rest is all you which I am gonna teach you." I flipped it closed and handed it to her. "It's yours," I said. Minerva took it and smiled before hugging me tightly, I smiled and hugged her back before pulling away. "Now, let me teach you," I said.

3rd person pov:

It was finally time for Minerva to head to her school, she was told to wait at Kings Cross as well to wait for the transportation to get her. Minerva was nervous, she had her bags and everything by her when she turned to her parents. "Things will be okay, right?" Minerva asked to ask her father. "I've been practicing my French to help, but they're fluent and I just started." "You'll be fine, Minni," Draco assured. "You're a Potter-Malfoy, you'll be great." "I'm a Potter-Malfoy," Minerva repeated, taking a breath. "I'll be great." At that moment, a nay was heard and four pegasus rode in with one large blue carriage with gold accents attached to it.

"There's your ride," Y/n said, kneeling to her daughter's level. "You're gonna be great," She assured, holding her hands. "Write every week to us and your brothers." "Yes, mom," Minerva agreed. Y/n smiled and then hugged her daughter tightly before stepping back. Draco was next, he kneeled down and immediately embrace her as he spoke, "Tell us if anything is wrong, you're welcome to transfer anytime." "I know, dad," Minerva assured. "We love you, sunshine," Draco said. "I love you both, Papa," Minerva returned, letting go. However, Draco stayed attached, Minerva patted his back and said, "...Okay, Papa, the carriage is waiting." "Right," Draco said, letting go and getting up.

Minerva picked up her case and the carriage door swung open. She looked back at her parents who waved to her, she smiled before turning and getting in. The inside was much bigger than the outside, it was about the size of the Hogwarts express, with many students of all ages around each compartment and inside. Minerva looked around and then went to one at the very end with no one inside. She stepped in and put her luggage up before sitting down with her bag. Everyone seemed to have a friend already, Minerva looked out the window as the carriage took to the sky and watched her parents fade away. She sighed and then sat back, fiddling with her fingers before remembering what she brought.

All Was Well (Sequel to The Dragon Princess and the Snake)Where stories live. Discover now