Baby 3 and Daddy Draco

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3rd person pov:

Y/n was in the hospital after giving birth to their daughter Minerva, Draco delivered her. "December 24, at 11:59," Draco smiled bringing in their daughter. "Minerva Narcissa Potter-Malfoy was born." I smiled as Draco handed her to me, I smiled at her and she smiled back at me lightly. "She smiled," Draco glowed. "Baby's aren't supposed to do that when they're born." "Our girl is special," I smiled. Minerva had my features, except her h/c hair ombre to platinum blonde. "I know she doesn't just have that streak, but-" "What do you mean, she's just more perfect," Draco smiled looking down at her.

I kissed his cheek then Narcissa walked in with the twin and my parents. "Hi," My mom smiled. "She's beautiful." "Just like her mother," Draco commented. The twin climbed on the bed and sat in front of me, they were a year old now. "Sister," Remus said. "Minerva," I said. "Minni," Scorpius declared making me giggle. Minerva looked at her brothers then her hair turned all blonde causing all of us to gasp. "What the heck?" I gasped. She looked at me and her hair turned like mine surprising me. "She's a metamorphmagus," My father detected. "Like Tonks."

"Well, she is still family," Narcissa said. "Draco must carry the same gene." "That's amazing," I beamed look at her and she cooed. "She's special," Draco smiled. "As I said." At that moment, Minerva sneezed causing a tiny ball of gold light shoot out and slowly sink into me. I inhaled deeply as it did so and I smiled, "I feel great, the labor pain is gone." "She can heal?" Draco questioned and I nodded. "And most like the shield," I added. Draco smiled then leaned in closer, looking down and smiling at our daughter.


Draco walked in the house after work, Y/n was with the kids all day and she walked in with Minerva, who was only 7 months old. "There you are," Draco smiled. Y/n smiled then he pecked her lips. "How was your day?" Y/n asked. "Same as always, nothing exciting," Draco replied. "How are you?" He smiled at Minerva, she looked at him then turned her head away. "The twins are with my parents," Y/n told. "It was just me and Minerva today as always, she's been laughing all day."

"That's what I like to hear," Draco smiled. "I'm gonna start dinner, the twins should be here soon. Watch your daughter." Y/n handed Minerva to Draco then walked away. Draco took her to the living room and she started crying softly. "What is it, sweetheart?" Draco questioned. She started crying more and Draco started to calm her down, but nothing worked. "What happens?" Y/n asked. "I don't know, she just started crying," Draco said. "Mama," Minni mumbled reaching towards Y/n.

"I'm here," Y/n cooed taking her. Minerva wrapped her arms around her neck holding on. "Why don't you watch her in the kitchen?" Draco agreed then they sat her down and she watched her mom cook. She laughed lightly when she smiled at her. Draco looked a bit left out, Minerva paid no attention to him. "Can you give her this?" Y/n asked handing him some food. Draco went to feed her and Minerva refused it. "Mmm," She pouted.

"Minerva, it's good," Draco said trying to give her food. "Mama," She spoke. "Minerva, it tastes the same." Y/n told feeding her a spoon that she accepted. "Why is she ignoring me?" Draco questioned crossing his arms. Y/n put his arm around him and kissed his forehead before going back to cook. "Maybe she's just being fusing," Y/n reasoned. "Don't think that she's ignoring you." "She refused to let me feed her, Minerva, it's your father. Daddy, say it," Draco pleaded.

She looked at him then looked away making Draco frown slightly. They ate and later went to the living room. Minerva was asleep and woke up and started crying. "I'll get her," Draco insisted getting up and going upstairs. Minerva was standing in her crib and Draco went to her. He picked her up and she started crying more and louder. "Hey, I'm right here." "Mom!" She sobbed and started pushing Draco away. Y/n walked in and she reaches for her. "Hey, I'm right here," Y/n assured.

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