Baby Prep and Arrival

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It was winter and we were expecting the babies soon, Draco loved to lay his hand on my belly and feel then twins kicks. As of right now, we were getting ready for bed. I was wearing a big silk shirt and some shorts just on the bed holding my rubbing my bump when Draco sat next to me. As of right now, we were getting ready to go shopping with my parents, the trio and Ginny. I was expecting to give birth first so we decided to go baby shopping together. "Draco, where are my comfortable shoes?" I asked. "Right here," Draco said. I sniffed and covered my nose and asked, "What's that smell?"

"My cologne," Draco replied. "Did you change it?" I asked. "No, it's the same from yesterday, and the day we met," Draco replied. "It's just so strong g it's hurting my nose," I said. "Oh, right, pregnancy thing," Draco said understanding. "It's okay, you shouldn't have to change your smell," I told. "No, I insist," Draco said. "Happy wife, happy life." "Awe, your so sweet," I smiled feeling emotional. "I love you so much, you know that. I can't believe I have you." "I say the say thing every night," Draco smirked kissing my forehead.

"You know what, keep the cologne," I replied. "My sensitivity to it is gone." There was a knock at the door and Dobby answered it. "The Potters and Weasleys are here!" Dobby told and we went to the entrance and greeted them. "Ready?" Ginny asked. "Yeah," I replied and we went to Diagon Alley. We walked around the shops, my mother and I had our arms linked as we walked around. "I'm so happy for you, darling," My mother smiled. "I mean, you deserve this after everything that has happened." "I'm really excited," I smiled brightly. "I mean after everything I'm starting a new chapter with the love of my life."

"Oh, look at this one!" My mother glowed looking at an onesie. "So lovely." I noticed the way my mother was holding it and spoke, "Are you okay?" My mother hummed then said, "Yes, I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?" "Just making sure," I replied then we kept walking. We shopped around and my parents decided to go do their own shopping, I was walking around then when we were on the stone path I said, "You want to know what sounds good?" "Hot chocolate," Hermione said and Ginny agreed. "Especially with the cold," Ginny added. "Harry-" "On it," Harry assured and Draco went with him to get me one and Ron went to get Hermione one.

"Has Draco seen your hormones go everywhere?" Ginny asked. "No, I mean not that I would notice," I joked. "I haven't been breaking down or anything, Draco knows what to do to keep me from that." "Wish Ron was the same," Hermione sighed. "I started crying over a book and he was so confused. Not that I could blame him." "Technically, you can," Ginny joked and we all laughed as the boys came back with our drinks. We kept shopping and after a while, we parted ways and went home. "Master Y/n, a package has arrived for you," Dobby told walking it with a box.

I took it and spoke, "Thank you, Dobby." Draco and I examined it then noticed a small card. "Looks like they tried to send it through the muggle mailing system," Draco detected. "Storm must have picked it up. Who's it from?" "Doesn't say," I answered looking at the card. "Just says, 'Hopefully it gets to you.'" I opened the package and saw a blanket, immediately I knew who it was from. "This is the blanket from when I was a child," I said. "When I was dropped off the night it all happened." Draco looked at me as I started tearing up then wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I could put this away of it's too much," Draco offered. "No, it's just..." I smiled wiping my tear. "I never thought I would see this, I know who sent this. I have to say I did not expect it." Draco smiled then kissed my forehead making me smile as I placed my hand on my stomach.


It was January 13, we were all at our house for our usual family dinner with the Weasleys, Sirius, Remus, and his family, and Draco and I. We did the usual after dinner, talking in the living room. I walked up to my mother and spoke, "Hey, having a nice time?" "Why wouldn't I be?" Mom asked. "I'm just wondering, you've been acting off since we went shopping," I mentioned. My mother seemed to have hesitated then sighed, "I love you and Harry with everything I am and more. I'm so happy we found each other again after all these years and I love the special relationship we have... but we missed all the goods things about raising you."

She held my hand continued, "You're married and having children that I'm so happy about, but I missed your first steps, first spell, dropping you off at platform 9 3/4, all of it." "Are you saying...?" I trailed off smiling lightly. "I already talk to your father about this and... I think we do," Mom confirmed. "We want to have another child." I smiled, "That's... t-that's..." My smile dropped as I groaned softly in slight pain. "Contraction?" Mom questioned concerned. "That has been happening all day, they're apart," I assured. "Nothing to worry about- ah!" I winced and my mother held me as everyone looked at me.

"Draco!" I called. "My water broke!" Draco rushed to me and held me before saying, "We need to go to the hospital." "No, no," I groaned clutching onto him. "They want to come out now!" "Okay, um... come on," Draco said picking me up bridal style. "Ginny, get me gloves and Hermione gets me water, bucket, and towels." Draco took me upstairs saying, "I'm delivering my own child." We went to the room and set up, Draco got ready and my mother was trying to comfort me. "It's alright, you're okay," Mom assured. "Draco!" I groaned. "Okay, okay," Draco said going up to me. "I'm here."

"Here I thought you'd be holding my hand through this," I breathed out. "Poetic, right?" Draco joked making me smile. "Everything is gonna be okay." "You got this, Draco," I assured. "I love you." "I love you too," Draco returned and pecked my head before going to prepare for delivery. "Okay, on three, push!" Draco instructed. "1... 2... 3!" I used all my might to push, screaming while clutching onto the bed's sheets. I stopped breathing heavily and leaned back. "One more time," Draco told. "Ready? 1... 2... 3! Push!" I repeated the process and screamed again while squeezing my eyes shut.

I stopped and leaned back again panting as the cries of my baby filled the room. I smiled as Draco wrapped him up after cleaning him off. "Hey," Draco smiled. "Go with grandma, I'll be right there." Draco handed our child to my mother as she went to set him down on the little set up we had for him. "Aah!" I groaned. "Okay, here comes the twin," Draco said ready. "He's ready to follow, one more big push, love." "God, why did I let you do this?" I panted. "Because you love me," Draco replied. "1... 2... 3!" I screamed while pushing with every bit of strength I had for a long moment then stopped laying back out of breath.

My child joined his brother's crying as Draco cleaned him off and wrapped him up. "Y/n, they're beautiful," Draco smiled handing one to me before he took off his gloves and brought his brother. I smiled at then as I gained my breath back and spoke, "Scorpius." "And his brother?" Draco asked. "Wait till the others can come in," I smiled kissing him softly. "You did it." "We did it," Draco replied. Draco cleaned up, I was in bed holding our unnamed child while Scorpius was laying on the bed in front of us. I set the other next to him as the others walked in and cooed at the sight of the children.

"That was one hell of a delivery," Harry said. "Yeah," I laughed lightly. "But, Draco did it." "What are their names?" "The one that looks like Draco us Scorpius Severus Potter-Malfoy," I told. "Draco chose it." "Severus to name him after the man who helped me get the love of my life," Draco smiled. "And his brother?" Hermione questioned. I looked at my family and smiled, "Remus... Remus Rubeus Potter-Malfoy. Named after some of the greatest people I know." Remus and Tonks shared a look and smiled at the babies. "Remy," I smiled. They opened their eyes and looked at Draco and me, Draco spoke, "He has your eyes."

"Scorpius looks like you," I added. "How are you feeling?" Mom asked. "Nothing magic couldn't heal right away," I replied. The twins started cooing, Draco and I picked them up, Remus looked at me then sneezed causing snowflakes to shot out lightly. Scorpius followed and a few sparks shot out. "They're like me," I smiled. "Perfect," Draco smiled. Everyone smiled at the sight of our family, the babies were here and we could not be happier.

Now y'all cam give me chapters you want to see now that the twins are born. Request are open! ~Skippy

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