Dancing Princess

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A/N: Play music while reading the first past. The twins are nine and Minerva is eight!

*Two years later*

It was a normal day at the Potter-Malfoy house, the kids were playing while their parents were off somewhere together. Minerva was in the piano room when she started pressing the keys, she closed her eyes trying to concentrate then the keys started pressing the heys by themselves. This was a trick she learned one day, an elegant song started playing and she got up and got into a sort of starting position and started dancing around the room. She spun gracefully on one leg and moved to the sound of the music. Her eyes were closed so she was fully trusting her feet to move her, which was amazing.

It was like she rehearsed it, but she was just letting her feet move on their own. She smiled, getting on her toes as she moved to each step and spun around. Her mother was about to walk into the room when she saw her daughter dancing. Minni moved with such grace and her dress was making her spins look so much like a ballerina. The song got slow and she went to slow then spun ever so gently then ended in her with one arm to her side and another in the air when the song finished. Minerva smiled then opened her eyes and noticed her mother watching her. "Oh, hi, mummy," She smiled. "Do you need the room? I can go."

"Where did you learn to do that?" Y/n questioned. "The piano, it's just a trick I learned when I was playing around the other day," Minerva answered. "Your dance," Y/n spoke. "Oh, I really like the ballerinas on the TV, it's all I've been watching," Minerva smiled. "It's really fun, I like dancing a lot." "Why didn't you say anything?" Y/n questioned. "I just didn't think it was important," She shrugged then walked off like nothing. Y/n looked at her daughter walk away then looked at the piano as Draco walked in. "What is it?" Draco questioned. "I just saw our daughter dance and she thought it wasn't important," Y/n answered.

"What?" Draco questioned. "She was dancing here, you should have seen her," Y/n smiled softly. "I mean, she was so graceful. She was like a princess, and she had her eyes closed the entire time." Draco thought for a moment then spoke, "Maybe you could offer to take her to dance lessons." "If she wanted them, she would have asked," Y/n replied. "Well, she might have the same habit her mother has of not asking for help," Draco said. Y/n gave him a look then agreed before going off. After dinner, Minerva was in her room doing her homework while listening to music from her toy radio she had.

Y/n knocked on the door causing Minerva to lower her music then say, "It's open!" She opened it and Minerva smiled, "Hi, mommy." "Hey, princess," Y/n smiled, sitting next to her on her bed. "I want to talk about earlier." "I don't know how I have the power to make the piano play, I just do," Minerva answered. "No, though that is a pretty cool trick," Y/n replied. "Your dancing, why don't you think it's important." "Compared to what you can do and what dad can do, it's not that special," Minerva said. "Minni, don't compare yourself to me and your father," Y/n frowned. "You are your own person with your own skills that are equally as amazing. You dance like a princess and your magic is beautiful, sweetheart. So, don't think it's lesser."

Minerva nodded then her mother said, "So, you really like dancing?" "Yes," Minerva smiled happily. "I really want to do ballet, it looks really fun." "Great, cause I did manage to find a ballet studio and they welcome newcomers," Y/n smiled. "Really?" Minerva beamed, getting up excited. She jumped on her mom and hugged her tightly making her laugh as they shared a hug. "Thank you so much, mom," Minerva smiled, pulling away. "Anything for you, my princess," Y/n replied, moving her hair behind her ears. "Get ready and we can go shopping for your things." "Okay!" Minerva glowed then Y/n left so they can go off.


Your pov:

It was a few months later, their first recital. The school was doing a variety show, they wanted Minerva to be the lead in the Nutcracker part they were doing and she happily took it. It was her big day, we were in the auditorium where Draco and I were reading the program while Scorpius and Remus were getting the camera ready. "I think I got it," Remus said as the camera started recording. Scorpius looked at the camera lens and spoke, "Welcome to the recital of Minerva Narcissa Potter-Malfoy. This is broadway, or she will be when she's watching this." "That's very nice to say," Remus said, pointing the camera at us. "This is big, Minerva is playing Clara." "Yes, it is," I smiled.

"Make sure it's recording?" Draco questioned. "Blinking light is one, yes," Remus confirmed as the light went dim except for the one on the stage. "This is it, shush up," Scorpius whispered as Remus pointed the camera at the stage. The lights went on to show Minerva to the side of the stage wearing a white dress and her hair had a white bow in it. She smiled and waved at me and I waved back lightly before the show began, playing the music.

When it was over, everyone applauded for her. After the performance, we met Minerva in the back and hugged her happily. "You did great, princess," I smiled. "That was amazing." "I had so much fun, there was a part when I almost fell but I think I got it," Minni smiled. "See, you're so good, we didn't even notice," Draco smiled. "Minerva, Minerva, tell us about the performance," Remus said, pointing the camera at his sister as we walked off to the car. "No, pictures please," Minerva played along. Draco put his arm around me and I did the same to him before he kissed my head. "You did good," Draco smiled. "Well, I think I did," I smiled back before pecking his lips and we went off.

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