First Day Of Hogwarts

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I know this chapter is short, but there is a twist at the end. Request are open! Ejoy! ~Skippy

It was finally time for their first day, Remus got up and prepared making sure he had everything he needed from his notebooks to his wand. "Ready for breakfast?" Romeo asked. "Yeah, let's just meet up with Jesse," Remus replied as they went downstairs. They found Jesse and went to the Great hall, Scorpius was still getting ready as Hunter was waiting for him before they went to the hall. "Remus!" Scorpius smiled, rushing up to his brother and friends. "Come on." They went o the hall and Scorpius sat with his brother at the Gryffindor table. People didn't question it since they were brothers and at together.

"Mom makes better pancakes," Scorpius said. "She usually adds cinnamon," Remus added. "My mom can't cook so dad cooks all the time," Hunter told. "One time, my mom tried to make a cake for my dad's birthday but she ended up causing the flour to explode." They all laughed at the story then the mail started coming in and dropping off letters and packages to the students. Spark was riding on Storm, when they landed Spark crawled off the table and in Scorpius' bag. "Mom and dad wrote back," Scorpius said, taking the letter. "They said they're very proud and happy for us, also that Uncle Harry knew you'd be in Gryffindor."

Remus smiled then they counted talking about random things before the bell rang and it was time for class. The first class they had was Herbology together so they went to the green house and got prepared for the class. "Hello, first years," Professor Longbottom greeted. "Welcome to Herbology 1, I am Professor Longbottom, you will address me as such. I will be your teacher for all seven years at Hogwarts. Roll call first then we get into the fun." He called rolled, smiling brightly when he called his son then finished and said, "Right, now this semester you will all be paired off and every Friday you will be tending to potted plant. At the end, I'll grade you on the plant."

The students looked excited then Professor Longbottom paired off his students. Scorpius was paired with Jesse while Remus was paired with Romeo. It went by smoothly, Scorpius was helping Jesse with the plant since it magically came to life. Remus and Romeo were getting along great, the class went by fast then the bell rang. Their next class was Magical History which Remus and Scorpius sat together in, that class was very boring to both of them. Soon, it was time for their potions class, Snape helps the first years with their potions which Scorpius and Remus worked together on.

The teacher made Remus a bit nervous, though they didn't know that he met them when they were still babies. Remus couldn't help but feel intimidated by the look on Snape's face. "Mr. Potter-Malfoy, what are you doing?" He asked Remus. "Follow the instructions." Remus hesitated then said shyly, "P-Professor, the instructions are more difficult and I found out an easier way to add such a dangerous ingredient. You see by charing, it gives he potion a smoothness?" "Is that a question?" Snape asked. "No, sir, just something I figured out at home," Remus replied. "Yeah, Remi is really smart," Scorpius added.

Snape looked at them then said, "Show me." Remus grew more nervous as Snape stood by and watched him brew the potion. Scorpius was helping him, bu Remus seemed to know more on what do to. He was a natural, so when he was finished, Snape tested the potion. To his shock, it was more than perfect and spoke, "I see you take after your parents. Even your father would be impressed considering he was always a point higher than your mother." "I was told," Remus said then joked. "He likes to bring I up from time to time." Snape gave a small smile then walked off, Remus let out a breath then Scorpius spoke, "I think you got on his good side."

"Your named after him and in Slytherin," Remus reasoned. "Details, details, we got a good grade," Scorpius joked. Finally, I was time for lunch where Scorpius and Remus sat with their friends. When they finished, they got up to go but Romeo spoke, "Where are you going?" "We need to look for someone," Scorpius told. "Want us to help?" Jesse offered. They shared a look then Remus said, "You might not be able to." "We can try," Hunter replied. They agreed then went off to look for their sister. "Lapis!" They called. "Lapis!" "Who's Lapis?" Romeo asked. At that moment, they heard a joyful laugh and a figure circle around the twins. "Scorpius!" Lapis glowed. "Remus! You made it!"

"We wanted to find you right away, but you were nowhere," Scorpius replied. "I was visiting home," Lapis told. "I got my dates mixed." "Who are you talking to?" Hunter questioned. "Where is she?" "You can't see her," Remus replied. "But I think you can hear her since we're at Hogwarts. This is Lapis, she's our sister." "How can a ghost be your sister?" Romeo asked. "It's complicated," Lapis laughed lightly. "Minerva misses you two, we spent the day together yesterday." "We wrote to her this morning," Scorpius told. "We were looking for you." "After dinner, I can show you the secret parts of Hogwarts," Lapis insisted. "Even the ones on the map, in my time here I opened the seven secret passageways again and no one is the wiser."

"Awesome," The twin smiled. The bell rang then they said good-bye to their sister before going to their next class which was transfiguration with McGonagoll. Hunter sat next to Remus while Scorpius sat next to Romeo, McGonagoll spoke, "Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts. Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You have been warned." She turned and changed her desk into a pig and back again. Everyone was very impressed and couldn't wait to get started, but soon realized they weren't going to be changing the furniture into animals for a long time.

After taking a lot of complicated notes, they were each given a match and started trying to turn it into a needle. "This is tuff," Romeo sighed. "How can anyone do this on the first lesson." "My aunt Hermione was able to do it," Scorpius said. "The trick is sharp pronunciation." He cast the spell then the matches turned sharp and silver making Scorpius smile knowing he did it. "Well done, Mr. Potter-Malfoy," McGonagoll said. "I suspected you to be good, soon you'll know how to turn them back." "That's the easy bit," Scorpius smiled then changed them back. McGonagoll was shocked for a moment then gave a rare smile, "Well, I am impressed, you seem to take after your grandfather."

Scorpius tilted his head and smiled, never getting a compliment like that before. The day went by fast, and soon it was time for dinner in the great hall. "You think people our family when they look at us?" Scorpius asked. "I mean, they all seem to be thinking of them when they look at us." "Well, it's hard to live up to the chosen ones," Romeo replied. "Not o mention, the great hero and double agent, Draco Malfoy," Hunter added. "Does sound scary, doesn't it?" "I don't think you all are making it better," Jesse pointed out. Remus thought then spoke, "Well, of course they are... but soon, we'll be leaving our own make on Hogwarts. Regardless of whether or not they see us as Remus and Scorpius. Soon, they will, and maybe we might even be better than mom, dad, and Uncle Harry."

Remus got his goblet and raised it in front of Scorpius and heir friends. "We aren't the golden five, but we can be greater," Remus smiled. "This is a new era, the Legacy." Scorpius smiled then cheered with him and beamed, "To Legacy." "Legacy," Their friend joined and they all drank from their cups.


In a dark corner in the wizarding world, a figure was seen looking in into what looked like a mirror and watched the scene. "Hogwarts doesn't know what's coming!" Scorpius beamed as the others agreed. "No... not him," The figure said, lowly. A strange creature was heard screeching and the figure said, "No, not the twin either... but they are like us... I can sense it." He swiped on the mirror and saw them all in the Gryffindor common room, Scorpius raised his hand causing a fireball to appear and light the fire. Remus cupped both his hands and made an ice sphere causing their friends to look impressed.

"Tacky," The figure said. "They have no idea what's coming... none of them do." The creature hissed then the figure ordered, "Watch them, they may not be them but they certainly know who." The creature crawled out then the figure put their hood up and took off their glove to show their hands glowing bright. "Not even the chosen ones," The figure smirked. "Soon, you'll see... they're gonna love me." They laughed lightly then zoomed out the mirror to show the entire wizarding world in their view. The battle was over, so the war will begin...

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