Jay Park

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*screeches*→pairing: jay x female reader→warnings: haha I hate myself for doing this but it's mostly angst and you literally don't end up with jay but you do end up with Jake (now if this isn't my unloyal ass popping out again)→idk what to call this

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→pairing: jay x female reader
→warnings: haha I hate myself for doing this but it's mostly angst and you literally don't end up with jay but you do end up with Jake (now if this isn't my unloyal ass popping out again)
idk what to call this. Umm one sided love? It's just sad that's all I can say.

 Umm one sided love? It's just sad that's all I can say

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"A simple yes or no would be fine jay." You say as you patiently try to scream your head off at the boy. Jay was trying so hard to choose a topping and you just asked if he wanted it or not. He was taking too long that customers behind him started complaining.

"Jay I swear to god-"

"I want sprinkles and the whipped cream."

"That's all as your topping?"


"That would be $2" You say. Jay hands you the money and you handed him the receipt. He goes off to the side and sits on one of the chairs while you attend to the other customers, apologising for your friend who took so damn long to choose his ice cream topping.

10 minutes later, you brought jay's ice cream over to him.

"You know, the sprinkles don't really look fitting with my aesthetic." He says. You sighed.

"Alright Mr.Fashion, what topping fits your aesthetic then. I'll eat your ice cream and make a new one."

"No! I paid for it."

"Exactly and I can hand you another one since you haven't eaten it-" Jay takes a scoop of it and eats it. "Alright, can't change the topping now."

"It's fine. I already bought it and chose it." Jay says. You sighed. Jay recently got dumped by his girlfriend, well ex girlfriend.

He wasn't usually emotional and never really cried but the day she broke up with him, he cried all the way to your house. You comforted the poor boy with ice cream and hugs.

"Jay, you should start playing soccer again."

"Again? There is no use, I quit because of her because she liked basketball." Jay says.

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