Jay Park

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here we have my boyfriend :) but like really

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here we have my boyfriend :) but like really. We are secretly dating😳
→pairing: jay x female reader
→warnings: angsty but fluff at the end :) oh and mentions of the reader having insecurities. Please read at your own risk⚠️
childhood friends to lovers

You remember moving next to the Parks, they looked rich and they were rich but yet

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You remember moving next to the Parks, they looked rich and they were rich but yet...they decided to live in an average looking house. They are nice people too. They helped your parents settle into the house by moving things in and out of the moving truck with them.

You also remember meeting this boy, he seemed kinda friendly but really...he was just very quiet. His hair was poofy and well it made him look extra cute. You grew up with that same boy and oh my god he grew up to be a fine gentleman.

The both of you have pretty much stayed as friends for a long time now. You recently watched Jay turned 19. His blonde hair perfectly falling in place as he blew out the candle you lit up for him. Just the two of you celebrating his birthday on your rooftop. It was amazing.

"Have you chosen a college yet?" Jay asks.

"Nope, have you?" He sighs.

"No, college sounds hard. I just want to enjoy life right now before we actually turn into adults."

"Don't say things like that, it doesn't suit you jay."


"Yeah, you always act so childish and kiddy-like, it's so weird to hear you say that." Jay chuckles.

"Well I'd like to be the one sounding smart here." You rolled your eyes.

"As if." You hear the crickets creaking in the background. A small bark in the distance from the other neighbours' house.

"Do you think you'll ever date anyone?"

"Nah, I've been so comfortable with you that I think everyone thinks we are dating at this point."

"You don't find it weird?" Jay asks.

"I don't. I mean you're a great guy and all...I don't know if we can ever become a thing. You come from a rich family-"

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