Nishimura Riki

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niki/riki is literally breathtaking

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niki/riki is literally breathtaking. This is unfair, I'm 3 years older than him and like??? I'm a sack of potatoes🤡
→pairing: Niki x female reader
→warnings: not proof read🤡
classmates to lovers au, reader is also a student council and Niki gets into trouble a lot because he usually sleeps in class.

 This is unfair, I'm 3 years older than him and like??? I'm a sack of potatoes🤡→pairing: Niki x female reader→warnings: not proof read🤡→classmates to lovers au, reader is also a student council and Niki gets into trouble a lot because he usually...

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The teacher slams a book on his table, he doesn't budge.

"Nishimura Riki, wake up!" The teacher yells. He still didn't move or wake up from his nap. He truly was a heavy sleeper. You simply watched the teacher shake niki up. He hums when he feels someone shaking him agrressively.

"Detention! Now for sleeping in my class!" The teacher says. Niki sighs and grabs the note the teacher wrote down. This is how it was everyday for the poor boy, he gets detention every now and then and when teachers find out his reasoning...they soften their hearts out.

You knew the exact reason as to why niki was always like this. He told you once in detention since the teacher told you to watch him for one day. He moved all the way from Japan alone since his parents couldn't afford enough tickets. They knew niki had a dream and that was dancing so his parents pushed him to pursue his passion. His sister was taking care of his parents.

When class ends, you went over to niki and sat next to him.

"How was work last night?" You whispered. Niki looks up at you with bags under his eyes.

"Tiring. My boss kept pulling me back to take overtime but he isn't paying me anymore than how much I earn."

"Thats pretty bad. Why don't you quit the job and work with me at the cupcake store."

"It's fine ______. I need to have patience, this is part of growing up after all." Niki says. Wow he sounded so mature.

"Wanna go eat? You should have something at least." You asked. Niki was about to deny but his stomach growls.

"I guess I could have something to eat." He awkwardly says. You smiled.

"Follow me to the student council room." You grabbed Niki's hands and led him to the room. They had a table of snacks just left there. This was only for the student council since they had to deal with bad students and guard a lot of things. "Pick anything, they usually refill this at the end of the day. You practically can take everything."

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