nishimura riki

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pairing: nishimura riki x fem!readersummary: everyone thought ni-ki's life was all rainbows and unicorns but it wasn't

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pairing: nishimura riki x fem!reader
summary: everyone thought ni-ki's life was all rainbows and unicorns but it wasn't. he was constantly bullied by some boys and he had a pretty shit dad. what happens when you stepped in and came in to ni-ki's life?

warning: just ni-ki's family being pretty shitty (not in real life obviously), bullies being shit heads to riki :( mostly fluff but there is slight angst on one part. overall, it's a tamed fanfic.
word count: 4.3K words

dance prodigy, a happy child who was born in a pretty rich family

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dance prodigy, a happy child who was born in a pretty rich family. These were titles riki grew up with but he wasn't happy. Yes, his family was rich but it wasn't a close one. a soon to be broken family, one last crack and he could kiss his family tree goodbye. At the age of 10, riki was a very shy and quiet child. He was also very frail, skinny and many people thought he wasn't fed right. He used to get bullied all the time and since he wasn't great at fighting, he could only scream at them to go away.

Never worked once. Obviously, you'd notice riki. He was the only child who screamed out loud during recess. you never liked bullies so you decided to help him out.

"I'll tell the teachers." you say as you placed your tiny hands on your waist, giving a confident stance. The bullies laughed.

"That's so scary. The teachers don't scare us." you rolled your eyes at their words and just grabbed their soccer ball.

"See this?" you point to their soccer ball before pressing on it hard and it deflates, "that will be your head if you don't get out of here." their eyes widened, they were cowered in fear. that would teach them to mess with you.

"run along now." you smirked. They left the place and you turned to riki, he too was terrified. I mean who wouldn't be if someone threatened to deflate their head like a soccer ball. "hey, don't worry. I won't hurt you." you held out your hand and riki hesitantly takes it.

A start to blooming friendship between you and boy.

At age 13, both you and riki were sitting under the night sky, basking in the pretty sight. He turned to look at you, you were peacefully looking at the stars and the bright crescent moon. He felt his heart flutter, you certainly looked beautiful and it's the fact that you were looking at the sky with such curiosity, melted riki.

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