Jay Park

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he nom nom🥺→pairing: jay x female reader→warnings: plot twist? smol peck and the scariest, I'm too lazy to proofread😮→royal au + baker/commoner!jay + princess!readerkinda of the modern times, you still dont have phones though

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he nom nom🥺
→pairing: jay x female reader
→warnings: plot twist? smol peck and the scariest, I'm too lazy to proofread😮
royal au + baker/commoner!jay + princess!reader
kinda of the modern times, you still dont have phones though.

he nom nom🥺→pairing: jay x female reader→warnings: plot twist? smol peck and the scariest, I'm too lazy to proofread😮→royal au + baker/commoner!jay + princess!readerkinda of the modern times, you still dont have phones though

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Everyday was a bore, you couldn't be left alone without being bugged by your parents. Having to wait and possibly be forced to someone you don't even love. Thats the life of a princess.

You walked out to the front gate where your brother was.

"Jake, would you like to bring me out to see our people?" You say to your twin brother. Jake snickers.

"Yeah sure, come on." He pulls you up on the horse. "Hold on tight, treasure is a little rough."

"Rough-" The moment the horse starts moving, you yelled. Treasure was not rough, she was fast.

It took you and Jake 5 minutes to arrive at the market area where many commoners walked around and bought their essentials.

"I'll get down, I wanna walk around."

"Mom and dad won't be too happy." Jake says.

"I'll come back, just meet me here and we can get back to the palace." You say.

"Fine, I'll come back."

"Don't take too long with her!"

"Oh shut up." Jake says before he rides off. You looked around the area. Some people were bargaining, yelling out offers and showing off their products. Most of the people there were older so it was surprise when you spot a handsome young man lifting up a box while wearing an apron and a chef hat.

You curiously got closer to the stall. A lady appears.

"Princess." She bows.

"Oh! Mrs.Park" You say. Mrs.Park was a lady you always met every Sunday because you bought flowers from her secretly, your dad (the king) always criticized the flowers saying they look dead so he stopped buying them from her but you didnt. Your dad just doesn't see beauty in these flowers.

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