f o u r t y o n e

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  "So valentine's day is coming up." Fred said walking Audrey towards her next class, they had only been back in Hogwarts for a month but Fred hasn't left Audrey alone since. "Yes it is." Audrey said, standing outside the history of magic classroom.

  Audrey smiled at people walking past her and into the classroom wishing Fred would get to his point so she could sit down. "Maybe my lovely girlfriend would like to spend it with her handsome boyfriend?" Fred said, smirking down at Audrey who sighed.

  "I would have said yes but you called yourself handsome, I'll see you later.'' Audrey said getting on her tippy toes to kiss his cheek and walked into her classroom before Fred could say his witty remark. "Better luck next time." a ravenclaw girl said to Fred before rushing into the classroom sitting next to Audrey smiling softly.

  The blonde smiled at the redhead who pulled out her notes "thanks melody, I'm sure he'll ask again and try better now." Audrey said, making the redhead turn and face Audrey a smile on her face, "you're lucky Audrey, I'd kill for a boy to ask me out even if he called himself handsome." melody said making the two girls giggle.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

  Dinner time came around slowly making Audrey's stomach growl, warning her to eat. "I want it to be time to eat." Audrey complained to Lorelei who was writing the potions notes down. "It's in 10 minutes calm down." Lorelei responded finishing her notes and turning to Audrey who was pouting like a child.

  "Just because it's 10 minutes away doesn't mean I'm not-" "Ms. Emerson, is your chattering about potions or a question?" Snape said walking over to the two girls and the twins making Fred snicker at his girlfriend who glared at him. "Um yes I was asking what to write.." Audrey lied, smiling sheepishly at Snape.

  Snape raised an eyebrow looking at the girls notes which were barley done and Lorelei's which were finished. "I see well keep it down Ms. Emerson." Snape said walking away "oh and 5 points from Gryffindor for interrupting the class." he added making Audrey huff and rest her head on the cold table.

  "You were so hungry you lost us five points!" Fred teased Audrey who grumbled and walked slowly towards the great hall. "Are you not hungry anymore? Because you're walking like a turtle, should that be your new nickname? Addie the turtle!" Fred said, making Audrey pause and look up at him, seeing the ginger smiling wide like it was the best thing that had happen in months.

  Audrey rolled her eyes "call me that and I'll break up with you." Audrey said, making Fred grab at his chest "how hurtful." he mumbled, grabbing her hand and dragging her "come on, I'm hungry now." he said, making Audrey smile and rush forward.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

  The next few weeks was spent with Audrey doing homework and watching Fred sell kids his products. On Friday Audrey had agreed to go to Hogsmeade with Fred and George seeing as though she rather have a double date than sit in the common room doing homework.

  "Blue or black dress?" Audrey asked holding up to dress in front of her, she had been moved into a new dorm room with Lorelei since Angelina felt "unsafe." having Audrey in there. "Hm you always wear blue so black." Lorelei said slipping her bright yellow off the shoulder dress on. Audrey's blonde hair was in two French braids and a little bit of makeup on.

  She slipped the black flowy dress on smiling in the mirror. She noticed this year she had gained more confidence whether it's because she had a boyfriend or because she was a seventh year but she didn't care, she was happy.

  The two walked down the stairs seeing the twins talking to Lee, Fred was wearing a white sweater and some brown jeans while George was wearing a black sweater and brown jeans. Audrey rolled her eyes at them making sure they wore opposite colored shirts. Fred turned and looked at Audrey, love filling his eyes a small smile on his face.

  He walked over to her, grabbing her hand making Audrey blush slightly. "You look beautiful." he said, kissing her forehead making Audrey giggle "I guess you don't look that bad now let's go." she said, dragging him, George and Lorelei out of the common room and towards the field.

  The three spent the day drinking butterbeer and buying candy, they finally arrived at the castle Fred held Audrey back from going into the Gryffindor common room. "Um we're gonna go do something we'll be back later don't wait on us!" Fred said, making George wink at his twin and Lorelei frown. "Alright, I'll feed merlin." "goodness no not the cat!" George complained as the painting closed making Audrey laugh.

  "Where are we going?" Audrey asked following Fred who led her up different stairs. "The room of requirement, I need peace and quiet." Fred said, making Audrey panic a little. "Oh okay." she mumbled watching as Fred walked past the wall a couple times then watching a door appear.

  Audrey walked in seeing candles, rose petals and a white bed in the room. She gulped but smiled non the less. "I told it to make the room romantic but I didn't think it'd be so clique." Fred mumbled, grabbing a bit of red wine and the cups pouring some for them. "It's nice." Audrey said, grabbing the cup and sitting on the bed.

  "Now before you go-" "-I'm ready Fred I already told you, I'm just nervous.." Audrey said, making Fred let out a shaky breath. "Good so I am." "Nervous, I mean, I'm nervous." Fred added, making Audrey giggle. "I don't want to screw this up, I like what we have I can't lose you.'' Fred said, making Audrey grab his hands.

  "Nothing you do tonight could make me leave you, everyone's first times are awkward okay? But we'll get through it together.'' Audrey said putting her glass down and getting on top of Fred straddling his lap making him put his hand on her waist. "Yeah together." Fred mumbled leaning forwards and kissing her with all the passion he had. "Together." 

My baby's are growing up :,) also do we like the new cover?

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