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Hosgmeade came quicker than audrey expected it too. Her mum had sent her some money to buy her and lorelei some treats at honeydukes. Audrey woke up feeling excited, she dressed up a little, putting her white skirt on and one of the twins blue sweaters she grabbed the one with a 'G' on it. She let her hair down, brushed it and used a charm to make it straight. "You look pretty." Lorelei said smiling at her friend.

"Well it's halloween." Audrey stated grabbing her purse that had money in it, putting on her black shoes. Lorelei was dressed in black jeans with a white sweater. She smiled following audrey out of the room for breakfast they both had their permission slips in their bags. "Morning audrey, lorelei." George said, making them smile "morning!" Audrey said hurting towards the door making Fred raise an eyebrow "George she's wearing your old sweater." he said making George chuckle "come on boys! Hurry, I'm hungry!" Audrey yelled, making Lorelei smile and rush out of the common room to catch up with her friend.

Audrey made her friends eat quickly so they could go to Hogsmeade faster, it was one of her favorite things about Hogwarts. The trips there were always fun and she didn't mind the butterbeer. "Permission slip." Filch said, glaring at Audrey who handed it over walking away. "Okay so me and lorelei are going to honeydukes then the book store then meet you guys at the three broomsticks okay?" Audrey said to the three boys who nodded "and if you need me and gred we'll be at zonkos." Fred said his eyes glistened with mischief making audrey nod and grab loreleis hands, taking her to honeydukes.

"Okay grab what you want i'm paying." audrey said making lorelei nod. Audrey grabbed sugar quills, some chocolate frogs and chocoballs. She smiled finding lorelei by the acid pops, "lets get some and give them to lee and the twins?" Lorelei asked making audrey smirk "great idea come on." they quickly paid for their stuff walking to the bookstore that Audrey loved to visit, they always had new muggle books she loved to read at night. This time she bought a collection of Shakespeare's books since they were on sale. "Is that all we need?" lorelei asked the blonde who was eating chocoballs "mhm, let's go to the three broomsticks i doubt the boys are there."

The girls were usually always there before the boys but this time they were beat making lorelei scoff "gits." she mumbled making audrey roll her eyes and walk to the table seeing as the boys already bought the girls butterbeer. Audrey sat next to Fred making lorelei have to sit next to lee. "How was shopping?" Fred asked Audrey who smiled at him "good, I got a few new books that I plan on reading." she said sipping her drink smiling into it. He smiled down at her "we bought some prank stuff to try out on filch, and some slytherins of course.'' George said, smirking making Lorelei scoff.

"Got something to say darling?" Lee asked making lorelei cringe "first don't call me that second why don't you prank another house I'm sure the slytherins are going to see it coming." Lorelei said, making Audrey agree. Fred and George scoffed "no they won't!" they said in usion making Audrey cringe "yes they will and stop that!" she said, making fred grin at her.

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The five walked into the great hall Audrey in awe the floating pumpkins made it look beautiful she sat down next to Lorelei who was sat with angelina. They ate their food making jokes every once in a while fred trying to throw food at audrey who dodged it making it hit a random hufflepuff making audrey break out in laughter while fred smiled cheekily. Throughout the evening audrey's feet kept hitting freds making her apologies but fred shrugged it at one point she was asking lorelei something when she felt someone's foot wrap around hers she looked over to fred who just winked she looked down at her food butterflies surrounding her stomach.

Audrey followed the gryffindors up to the tower but when they reached the corridor that ended with the portrait of the fat lady, they found that everyone was surrounding it, making Audrey frown. She was extremely tired. "Let me through, please!" Percy said pushing through everyone "what's the holdup here? You cant have all forgotten the password-- excuse me i'm head boy" then he went silent making audrey silently thank merlin "somebody get professor dumbledore. Quick." audrey's eyes went wide scotting closer to the twins without noticing it. "Whats going on?" Lorelei asked, trying to see over people's heads.

A moment later professor dumbledore was there sweeping towards the portrait everyone squeezed together letting him through. Fred draped his arm over audreys shoulder making her look up at him, he ignored it and looked forward. Lorelei saw it first "the fat lady she's gone ads." she whispered to the short girl who gasped "we need to find her" dumbledore said to the other professors "professor mcgonagall please go to me. Filch at once and tell him to search every painting in the castle for the fat lady." "You'll be lucky!" peeves the poltergeist said laughing "what do you mean peeves?" dumbledore asked.

"Ashamed your headship, sir, doesn't want to be seen. She's a horrible mess. Saw her running through the landscape up on the fourth floor, sir, dodging between trees. Crying something dreadful" he said happily "poor thing." he added unconvincily "did she say who?" dumbledore asked quietly "oh yes profesorhead." said peeves "he got very angry when she wouldn't let him in you see." "nasty temper he's got, that sirius black." audrey gasped. Immediately dumbledore sent everyone back to the great hall soon enough they were joined by the other houses.

"The teachers and I need to conduct a thorough search of the castle" professor Dumbledore said "I'm afraid that, for your own safety, you will have to spend the night here. I want the prefects to stand guard over the entrances to the hall and I am leaving the head boy and girl in charge. Any disturbances should be reported to me immediately." Audrey tuned out the rest of his speech only paying attention when there were sleeping bags on the floor. Lorelei grabbed the blonde's hand dragging her to a corner. She plopped herself down while the blonde looked around for Fred and george.

"There coming don't worry, come on lay down." Lorelei said, making audrey nod and lay down. Fred and George came over with ginny "hope you don't mind we brought little sis." George said, making Audrey smile "hiya ginny." she said, making the redhead smile "okay ginny in between me and fred or in between lorelei and audrey?" George asked making Ginny think "I'd feel safer with Audrey so them." she said putting a sleeping bag in between a laughing lorelei and a smirking audrey. "Were your brothers!" Fred said offended laying down next to Audrey "yeah but audreys like an older sister and she doesn't prank me." ginny said laying down making audrey chuckle

"Alright lights out no talking!" Percy yelled, making people turn to whisper quietly. "You okay addie?" Fred asked the blonde who hadn't said anything besides hi to ginny. "Yeah just shook." she said turning to face him noticing how close they were, she could count his freckles on his face and smell his breath it smelt like juice. "Comer." he said opening his arms making her smile, she quickly scooted into them snuggling into his chest, this was normal to them. They did it all the time but this time it felt different, like the meaning was different "good night addie." Fred said, rubbing her back "night freddie." she mumbled falling into a deep sleep.

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