f i f t y o n e

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  As the weather got warmer and the cold breeze started to disappear Audrey's happiness increased. Summer was her favorite season, the flowers were out, the trees were bright.

  The sky turned bright blue, people on the streets kids leaving school for summer break outside. Summer meant more customers for both her and Fred. They still had at least one month till the kids at Hogwarts came back.

  "Okay so summer plans?" Lorelei asked walking into the apartment seeing Audrey laying on the couch merlin on top of her. "Um work work work and fleur's wedding." Audrey responded not looking up.

  Lorelei huffed sitting on Audrey's legs making the blonde pick her legs up and put them on the brunette. "No, no more working. I want to do something fun, like go to France." Lorelei complained, making Audrey giggle.

  "Were adults lor, we can't just pick up and leave." Audrey said, making Lorelei groan. "But freds rich and your fiancé! He can pay for our rent and we can leave." Lorelei said making Audrey roll her eyes.

  Audrey sat up looking into the brunette's dark eyes. "No." Audrey said getting up and grabbing her bag and keys. "I'm going to mums, calum invited me for dinner you want to join?" Audrey asked, making Lorelei nod and stand up.

  "What about merlin?" Lorelei asked making Audrey chuckle. "Freds going to come over and see I'm gone and take care of him." Audrey said walking out the door Lorelei following.

  The two walked inside Audrey's childhood house. Smiling slightly. "AUDREY!" Calum yelled, hugging the younger blonde, making her laugh. "Hey calum." Audrey said, pulling away letting her brother hug Lorelei.

  "I'm so happy you are here, food will be down soon." Penelope said, hugging Audrey who smiled into the hug. "Wouldn't miss it for the world." Audrey said, moving to sit on the couch with calum. "Have you found a place?" Audrey asked, sipping the water he handed her.

  Calum huffed leaning back into the couch making Audrey raise an eyebrow at him. "No, I haven't, I can't even find a job." calum said, messing with his blonde curly hair. Audrey hummed understanding his problem.

  "There's an opening at the bookshop, I can put a word in, but about living that's on you." Audrey said, making calum smile pulling her into an awkward side hug. "Best sister ever." "I'm your only sister?"

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. 

  Audrey was sat on the counter at the joke shop watching Fred interact with shoppers. "You know you're lucky." an employee said standing next to Audrey who raised a brow look at the girl. She had dark brown hair and blue eyes wearing a maroon work shirt.

  "How?'' Audrey asked, looking back at Fred. "I'd take him in a heartbeat, he's nice, funny and hot. I'm Lydia." the girl named Lydia said, extending a hand to Audrey who smiled, shaking it. "Yeah I guess I am pretty lucky, I mean he bought this expensive ring for me."

  Lydia's eyes opened looking at the ring, the diamond was a decent size and there were diamonds all around in a criss cross shape. "Wow, that must haved costed a lot." Lydia said, making Audrey smirk slightly. "Oh it did, I tried to get him to return it but he didn't." Audrey said, looking at Fred again.

  This time Fred was looking at her, a smile on his face. He noticed she was showing her ring off, making him feel proud. No matter how many times she complained it was too much for an engagement ring he refused to take it back.

  Fred promised himself that since he can spoil her without worrying about money he'd do it till the day he dies. He walked over to her, making Lydia gulp and walk away quickly. "I like when you do that." Fred murmured, grabbing her waist and standing in between Audrey's legs.

  "Do what?" Audrey asked, already smiling and kissing his jaw. Even sitting on a counter she was shorter than him. "Show off the ring I got you, makes me feel something." Fred said, kissing her softly, humming into the kiss. She tasted of strawberries since she had eaten some before visiting him.

  While Fred tasted of mint gum that he had eaten before work to calm his nervousness. Audrey pulled away smiling and looking around seeing some people staring but looking away when they caught her eye. "Feels like Hogwarts all over again."

  Audrey smiled and jumped off the counter pulling lee into a hug. "Where have you been stranger?" Audrey asked, making the dark skinned boy laugh. He had grown quite a bit and had a little beard growing, his hair was cut and curled resting in his forehead.

  "Working, sleeping the usual adult things." Lee said, shrugging in the girls arms. She pulled away letting Lee greet Fred who was smiling ear to ear. "Is that Lee Jordan?" George asked, walking over and hugging Lee who laughed.

  Audrey subconsciously leaned into Fred who wrapped his arm around her waist. The three made jokes for a little while till Fred and George had to go back to work. Lee and Audrey went to the boys' place above the shop.

  "Do you live with them?" Lee asked, making Audrey laugh. "No, i wanted to but i can't leave Lorelei alone.'' Audrey replied, sitting on the couch next to Lee who frowned. "Isn't she and George dating?" Lee asked, making Audrey sigh.

  She played with her fingers feeling bad for Lorelei. She was at the house with calum since she didn't want to go with Audrey to the joke shop. "They broke up a while ago, he's dating Angelina now." Audrey said, making Lee awe. "That sucks, I was rooting for them." he said, making Audrey nod.

  "Guess now you and Fred can't disappoint me.'' Lee joked, pushing her shoulder, making Audrey laugh. "Well I mean look." Audrey showed the ring making lee gasp. "Holy shit ads, that's amazing congrats!" Lee said, pulling the girl into a hug.

  Audrey laughed hugging the boy back. Audrey wouldn't lie she had missed lee. She wanted the group back together and she was tired of the drama. "We need to go out all of us." Audrey said, making lee nod. "I agree." 

I'm so sorry for not updating writers block is a pain </3

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