t h i r t y

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 The one thing Audrey hated more than spiders was the fact that the day after they got back to Hogwarts they had classes the very next day. "Wakey wakey!" Fred said, pushing audreys shoulder, making the girl groan. "I don't want to." the girl mumbled back putting the covers over her head hearing Fred laugh at her.

  "Darling, you think I want to? Come on if i let you miss the first day you'll chew my head off later." freed started pulling his girlfriend out of his bed. "Come on as much as I would love to cuddle all day, George is waiting." Fred added watching Audrey huff and grab her uniform "woah you don't have to leave I'm down for a show." Fred said, winking , making the blonde flush pink. "In your dreams." Audrey said, walking towards the door. "You're right, I dream about it every night!" Fred yelled, making Audrey groan and rush to her dorm.

  Audrey walked into the common room seeing George and Lorelei whispering. "Morning, am i interrupting anything?" Audrey asked, watching Lorelei jump away from george. "Nope let's go shall we? Oh look there's a liverboy!" Lorelei said quickly, rushing out of the common room. Making audrey snicker. "Did you man up?" Audrey turned to George, making the redhead sigh. "He hasn't got the balls.'' Fred started making George glare at his twin.

  "Lets just go before lorelei gets there and thinks we abandoned her!" Audrey started running out of the common room leaving the boys standing. "You should ask her, lorelei likes you and if it happened you wouldn't be a third wheel!" Fred said, pushing George, making his twin push him back. "Shut up and go get your girlfriend." George grumbled following fred.

  "Trelawney and that Umbridge women all in one day! I wish Fred and george's hurry up and get those skiving snackboxes sorted...'' Audrey sat down next to Ron who was complaining about classes. "Do mine ears deceive me?" Fred said, appearing with George Fred making Audrey smile and kiss Fred cheek.

  "Look at what we've got today," Ron said grumpily, shoving his schedule under freds nose. "That's the worst Monday I've ever seen." "Fair point little bro," Fred said, scanning the column. "You can have a bit of nosebleed nougat cheap if you like." Fred said. "Why's it cheap?" Ron said suspiciously. "Because you'll keep bleeding till you shrivel up, we haven't got an antidote yet," said George, helping himself to a kipper.

  Lorelei slapped his hand, making George roll his eyes and hand it to Lorelei who smiled. Hermione started questioning the twins on how they plan on opening up a joke shop making Audrey roll her eyes, as much as she loved the younger girl it wasn't any of business what the twins did; they were old enough. "Mione, maybe you shouldn't-'' Audrey started but got interrupted by fred "Ask us no questions and we'll tell no lies, Hermione. C'mon George, audrey, lorelei, if we get there early we might be able to sell a few extendable ears before herbology

  The four walked towards herbology fred and george sticking with their words trying to sell some ears, Audrey was proud when they sold 4. "Boys if you don't hurry we'll be late.'' Lorelei said, smiling and grabbing audreys hand, pulling her into the greenhouse. Professor sprout had stood at the front meding some flowers. "Oh hello ms. emerson, ms. cohen. Mr and mr. weasley."sprout said smiling sweetly since they were the last ones in the classroom.

  "Hello professor sprout, sorry we're late Fred had a hard time walking." Audrey said, making Fred shove her. "Oh that's alright dearys, go ahead and grab some gloves, we'll start with planting some seeds." Professor Sprout said, making audrey nod. Audrey loved professor Sprout; she was a kind woman; the hufflepuffs were lucky to have her as a teacher.

  The next hour was spent with fred messing with Audrey who had to hit him for scaring her and getting dirt everywhere. Finally herbology was over fred pushing audrey out of the class watching her blonde hair fly around her face in the wind.

  Lorelei walked in the back with George, "there perfect for each other." Lorelei said, making the boy turn his head to look at her. He smiled softly, turning back to look at his brother watching him grab his girlfriend's hand and spin her, making both of them laugh.

  "Yeah they are, i dont think ive ever seen Fred that happy, not even playing pranks." George responded, making Lorelei sigh. "If i can't find a love like that then i'll avada k-" "will you go out with me.'' George interrupted Lorelei who froze. "Like on a date?" she asked, making him laugh nervously.

  "Yes like a date.'' George responded, making Lorelei smile and tuck a piece of her brown hair behind her ear. "Sure, as long as it's not a double date, Audrey would stare at me the whole time-" "Oi love birds, we have Snape next come on!" Audrey yelled, making them smile. "coming !" 

sorry its short I have zero motivation. 

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