f o u r t y f o u r

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  Audrey sat on her couch in her new house Lorelei cooking some pasta for the two. The two girls ended up taking the loft above the bookstore because it was cheap and Audrey could work and borrow any books from the store.

  "Dinners almost- you arse!" Lorelei yelled, slapping George who had apparated next to her in the small kitchen. George started laughing at her face. "Audrey Fred said he'd be here in a minute he had to get something, probably condoms!" George yelled, dragging Lorelei into her room.

  Audrey sighed, opening her book back and reading the words again, taking in every word and imagining the scene in her head. "I see the book is more important than me?" Fred said, sitting down next to his girlfriend holding flowers in his hand making Audrey smile and turn to him.

  "Well, Michael is about to profess his love for melody soo.." Audrey teased making Fred huff. "Read it to me, lets see if he's just as romantic as me." Fred said resting his head on her shoulder, her smooth white shirt comforting him immediately.

  Fred took in her smell of strawberries feeling at peace for the first time today. "Michael got on one knee looking at melody who started tearing up, "melody I'm so in love with you it's driving me insane please make me the happiest man on earth and marry me"" Fred rolled his eyes at the book. "Too cheesy." he mumbled, making Audrey slap his arm.

   "Hush up it's adorable!" Audrey whined, closing the book and turning to Fred. He had his red hair quiffed and he was still wearing his work clothes which included a burgundy suit. "So that's how you want me to propose to you?" Fred joked, making Audrey blush.

  She knew they'd been together for two years and now that they are adults and live on their own the next step was marriage but it still made her a butterfly mess. "No.. make it special." Audrey mumbled making Fred smirk,

  "I will, I promise, now let's go!" Fred said standing up making Audrey raise her brow at the boy. "To where my prince charming?" Audrey said dramatically putting her blonde hair up making Fred smile a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "To the beach my dear princess!" Fred said, dramatically matching Audrey's voice making the girl giggle.

  Audrey's eyes went wide "but Fred wait!" she yelled but she was too late. The boy already grabbed her hand and apparated them to a beach. On the sand there was a red blanket with a basket near the water making Audrey smile at it. "I wasn't dressed for this.." she mumbled, making Fred laugh.

  "Do I look dressed for a beach day?" Fred asked, making Audrey look at him and realize he wasn't. "No, I guess not." she said, walking to the blanket Fred following behind. She sat down looking out at the water seeing the waves crash and slowly go onto the sand then retreat back to the water.

  Audrey sighed feeling at peace, she assumed Lorelei had told Fred it was Audrey's day off for the first time in two weeks. "How's work?" Fred asked as if they didn't see each other a few days ago. "Fine, surprisingly a lot of people want books. Didn't know there were so many book people.'' Audrey said laying on her stomach watching the water.

  Fred hummed watching the way her blonde hair moved in the wind. He smiled laying down next to her looking at the ocean with her. "I'm not surprised, I'm sure there's a thousand people out there that read books, maybe one day they'll read one about us." Fred said, making Audrey chuckle.

  "Maybe, anyways how's the shop?" Audrey asked she hadn't been at the shop in over two weeks, it was mostly Fred coming to her since she couldn't apparate. "Good, me and George are making a good amount of money, kids love or stuff, acutely tomorrow I think mum said she and the family are coming to see it." Fred said, smiling softly.

  "Maybe I'll stop by with them. I haven't seen Ginny in a while and I promised to see her as often as I could." Audrey said, remembering her promise to the youngest Weasley. Fred smiled remembering the letter Ginny sent him last week complaining how she missed Audrey. "She's been bugging me about you." Fred admitted making Audrey frown.

  Audrey turned to lay on her back looking up at the sky. "I wish I didn't have to work almost everyday." she mumbled making Fred frown, "you wouldn't have to if you took my offer." "Fred, I can't move out and live with you, I'd be leaving Lorelei and we promised we'd live together." Audrey said quickly.

  Fred huffed and pulled Audrey into his chest, moving a few pieces of her hair that fell into her face. "She could come with. You know." Fred replied, making Audrey frown and look up at him, kissing him slightly. "I don't know if she'd want to." she mumbled, making Fred roll his eyes and kiss his clueless girlfriend again.

  Audrey pulled back raising a brow at him. "You are so clueless sometimes. Georges asking her to move in as we speak." Fred said, making Audrey sit up slapping his chest. "Don't you play with me Fred Weasley!" Audrey said, making Fred laugh, "I'm not messing around love i promise!" Fred said, putting his hands up.

  Fred looked up at his girlfriend who had a big smile on her face "I love you." Fred said making Audrey look him in the eyes feeling her heart clench and butterflies in her stomach. "I love you too. Can we eat?" she asked pointing to the basket making Fred laugh but sit up anyways.

  He kissed her cheek grabbing the basket and opening it to show some fettuccine alfredo noodles that she loved and some fruit. "Thank you for today." Audrey said grabbing the strawberries and eating one. "I knew you were stressed so I wanted to treat you." Fred said grabbing the strawberries and finishing it.

  The two ate their food laughing at joke the other made feeling nothing but love for each other and how lucky they were to have each other. "So Audrey Emerson.." Fred said a smirk on his lips making Audrey raise a brow "have you ever had beach sex?" 

Thank you guys so much for 10k reads! I never thought this book would have that many reads maybe 3k but that's it! I love you all so much! <3

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