f o u r t e e n

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Audrey woke up the next day to Merlin cuddled up in her side and Lorelei shaking her side. "Wake up and get ready." lorelei said making audrey nod and sit up petting merlin. She finally forced herself to get out of bed and into the shower, washing her blonde hair making it straight. She got out using a charm to dry her hair and changed into her school uniform putting her robe on. She sighed, still not in a good mood from yesterday. "Hey audrey, i forgot to give you this yesterday but happy late birthday." Angelina said, handing the girl a small box.

"Thanks angie." Audrey said smiling and sitting on her bed, she opened it seeing a stuffed cat that looked like Merlin making Audrey smile at it. "I charmed it to smell like him since I know how much you love him." Angelina said, making audrey stand up and hug the dark skinned girl. "I love it thank you." audrey said, making Angelina smile and chuckle. "No problem now let's head to breakfast.'' Angelina said, making audrey nod and grab her school bag walking down the stairs with angelina and lorelei.

Audrey sat down next to Fred making him pause his conversation with George and lee. "What's wrong?" he asked her making her look up at the ginger, his hair had grown longer and he looked like he had gotten more freckles over the summer. She smiled staring into his hazel eyes. "Nothing just tired." She lied, making him raise a brow but shrug it off turning back to his brother. "I swear lee a age potion will work." George said, making audrey frown. "I'm not saying it won't but how do we know dumbledore or the other person won't figure it out?" Lee asked making lorelei snicker "add your opinion then lor." George said, making lorelei raise an eyebrow.

"It wont work because nobodys dumb enough to be fooled by an age potion." lorelei stated making audrey agree. Fred turned to audrey a hand over his heart "I'm offended addie, I thought you'd take my side." he said, making Audrey chuckle. "Sorry freddie always gotta take my best friend's side." Audrey said, making Fred and George gasp, "what are we next door neighbours!?" the two said making audrey glare at them. "Oh shove off." she pushed Fred making him sling his arm around her shoulder leaving her to blush and have butterflies in her stomach. "Now why would we do that." he whispered in her ear.

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Audrey groaned leaving charms class making lorelei chuckle at her. "Come on audrey it wasn't that bad." lorelei said trying to make her friend feel better. "I couldn't change its color lor, i can't believe I got a good grade in that class." audrey mumbled walking into the defense against the dark arts class immediately sitting behind the twins who were talking about the ageing potion. "It'll be fine you'll get it soon." lorelei said, bringing her book and wand out. "I better." Audrey mumbled looking around the room, it was darker than how professor lupin had it last year.

"You can put those away, the books." moody said making audrey raise a brow and slowly put hers in her bag watching him limp to the front of the class. He called out names, his magical eye swerving everywhere making Audrey nervous. "Right then, professor lupin told me what you've worked on, But you're behind-- very behind-- on dealing with curses.'' Moody said, making audrey gasp and turn to Lorelei who looked just as confused. "So i'm here to bring you up to scratch on what wizards can do to each other. I've got one year to teach you how to deal with dark magic." moody said.

Audrey heard Fred and George say "wicked." quietly making her turn and glare at them. "So straight into it. Curses. They come in many strengths and forms, now since you're in sixth year I'm allowed to show you them so buckle up." moody said, making audreys breath get faster. "So... do any of you know which curses are most heavily punished by wizarding law?" He asked making people raise their hands even Fred, George and Lee did. Moody pointed to Fred "Mr.?" "Fred Weasley sir, my dad told me about one its called the imperius curse." Fred said proudly, making moody nod.

"Ah yes, your father would know about that one. Gave the ministry a lot of trouble at one time, the imperius curse.'' Moody said, turning to grab a glass jar, three large black spiders were inside making audrey cringe and swallow deeply, she hated spiders. He took one out and pointed his wand at it. "Imperio!" he yelled making audrey gasp and turn her head. She hated this it reminded her of her dad. Audrey tuned the rest of the class out by keeping her head down and eyes closed. Even with her eyes closed she could see the bright green light and heard moody say it. A tear slipped down her cheek, once they were dismissed she left class quickly making Fred, George and Lee raise an eyebrow at Lorelei who frowned.

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Audrey sat down at the gryffindor table sighing and immediately putting soup in her bowl. Lorelei sat across her making audrey look up. "You okay?" lorelei asked sipping her pumpkin juice making audrey nod. "Just didn't expect that ya know." audrey said making lorelei nod. They heard Lee and twins telling Harry and Ron how good Moody's class was making Audrey roll her eyes. When the twins finished telling the two younger boys they sat on audreys sides. "Why'd you leave class early?" George asked, eating a roll. "I was tired." Audrey mumbled, making Fred raise a brow. "Sure didn't-" "let's not talk about it yeah?" lorelei said saving audrey who sent her a small nod.

The two girls walked into the common room, the boys following behind. "Hey me and ad's are going to bed early, night." lorelei said, making george and lee respond with 'night.' "hey addie can i talk to you for a second?" Fred asked, making her nod and walk with him. "Was it about your dad? Is that why you left?" he asked, making the blonde look up at him and sigh. "Yeah, it was just hard." she mumbled making Fred nod and pull the shorter girl into a hug. "I'm always here for you, addie I promise." he said, kissing the top of her head making her smile into his chest. "I know Freddie, I know." she mumbled.

I'm in class right now playing a game and I want to barf my anxiety is getting so bad.

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