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The rest of the day nobody bothered audrey or lorelei, the twins even gave them space which they never did. At dinner though it all ended they girls sat down together audrey quickly grabbing a roll and some soup. "Alright we gave you time but now we need to talk." George said, making Fred agree. "Can we do it later? I'm hungry and tired." audrey said it wasn't a lie she skipped lunch to talk to lorelei who was grateful to have audrey as a friend. "Fine we'll wait till we get to the common room." fred said, making audrey send him a glare. She really didn't want to talk about it with the boys.

The walk to the common room was quiet. Lorelei kept sending audrey glances as if to ask 'are you sure about this.' which if audrey were to answer she'd say 'no.' "fortuna major." audrey said the fat lady huffed and opened the door letting the five in. audrey and Lorelei both thought about running up the stairs to the girls common room but before they could fred blocked it making Audrey glare at him he just smiled and gestured to the couches.

"So audrey.." George started when the blonde sat on the floor next to the fire, her cat Merlin jumped off the couch and walked over to her immediately laying down next to her. "What." she said acting clueless making lee chuckle "come on addie, we aren't judging you.'' Fred said, sitting on the arm chair of the red chair Lorelei sat on. "Ugh fine yes my biggest fear is all of you dying! What'd you expect! I love you guys and all of you mean the world to me so all of you dying would kill me!" she said standing up scaring merlin and crookshanks who had wandered over to get some of the love merlin got.

Lorelei sighed standing up and pulling Audrey in a hug "I'd be broken if you died ads, I love you so much." she mumbled making Audrey start crying and grip her friend harder, the boys stood up and joined the hug "we all love you audrey." Lee said, making her chuckle through her tears. To anyone else in the room they were weird for hugging but to them it was a bonding moment that meant alot to them it showed how much they really cared for each other. "Okay well now i'm done crying so i'm going to go write a few letters." Audrey said, wiping her tears, "oi let me come with i don't need my best friend wandering around alone!" Fred said rushing upstairs to grab the marauders map to make sure they were in the clear.

The two walked to the owlery not saying anything "I'll be quick, I just need to write to calum and my mum." Audrey said, making Fred nod and stand by the doorway while she grabbed a piece of parchment, quill and ink. She quickly wrote to her mum that everything was fine and she liked her new professor. She then wrote to calum saying basically the same thing. She smiled sealing the letters and giving them to the school owl she uses every time. "Hello Dandelion, I need this one to mum and this one t calum, thank you." she mumbled petting the owl whoo hooted flying off.

"That owl really likes you." Fred said, still leaning against the doorway, "hm yeah dandelion is my go to owl when sending home stuff." she responded pushing some blonde hair out of her face. They walked towards the castle, "you know even though we saw each other everyday this summer we never get time alone." Fred said, making Audrey hum in agreement, "it's because George is attached to your hip unless you're in the bathroom." audrey said making fred chuckle "your not wrong, im hoping this year id hang out with you more i've missed our one on one time addie.'' Fred said, making the girl blush.

"I've missed it too fred." she responded, they got to the  fat lady saying the password. They walked in to see all of their friends had gone up to their beds. "Well I guess this is goodnight." Fred said, running his hand through his red hair, it was slowly getting longer he told audrey he wanted to grow it out like bills. "Yeah i guess so" he started walking towards the boys dorm room "hey um fred?" she said, making him turn his brown eyes looking into her blue ones "thanks for going with me, you didn't need to but you did so thanks." she shifted on her feet "it wasn't a problem." he mumbled heading up the stairs leaving her smiling at the place he stood at.

。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚.

In no time at all dada had become audrey's favorite subject to study, professor lupin made it fun and easy to understand. Her next favorite was hagrid's class, most didn't like it but it was fun to her she loved hearing about new creatures. Quidditch practice started meaning she had more time to do her homework while the boys practiced. "And what does dagwood do again lorelei?" audrey asked sitting in the common room, huffing lorelei leaned over to look at her friends work "hello ladies! Miss us?" Fred asked "of course they have fred!" George said, making audrey giggle while lorelei scoffed.

"First hogsmeade weekend" Audrey overheard Ron say "end of october. Halloween." Audrey smiled at that "excellent" Fred said "I need to visit zonkos. I'm nearly out of stink pellets!" he added winking at Audrey who rolled her eyes "you use them on me and i'll hex you." she said, making him stick his tongue out at her running up the stairs to change. Audrey watched amused as Ron and George chased after Merlin and crookshanks who were chasing Ron's rat scabbers "Audrey call Merlin off!" Ron yelled at her and she just had an amused glint in her eyes "nope he's hungry." she giggled running up the stairs knowing ron would throw a pillow at her.

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