f i f t y t w o

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  As the weather turned warmer the sky turned darker. Everything felt off, everyone felt it, even the muggles. Something was bound to happen.

  If audrey hadn't felt the need to spend every night with Fred she did now. The boy was always coming over after shifts to either spend the night or pick her up.

  One day though, Fred showed up before the end of both of their shifts George with him. Both boys looked frantic scaring both Audrey and Lorelei.

  "He's dead." Fred said, staring straight at audrey whose eyes widened. "Who Fred?" Audrey asked, wanting him to clarify. "Dumbledore. And Bill has been attacked by a werewolf." George said for Fred.

  Audrey frowned walking over to Fred pulling him into a hug. She didn't feel as bad about dumbledore since he was an old wizard and his time was coming to an end anyways.

  The reason she felt bad was because she knew how much Fred and George looked up to Bill and Charlie. So the fact that Bill was in pain and could have his life ruined was horrible.

  "Let's go to your mum. Okay well make sure Bill is okay in person." Audrey said making Fred nod grateful she was there for him. The four packed a few things and left food out for Merlin not knowing how long they'd be gone.

  All of them apparated to the burrow seeing Ms. weasley talking to fleur in the kitchen. "Audrey!" Fleur said pulling the girl into a hug. Audrey hugged the girl tightly not knowing how the girl felt about Bill.

  "How's Bill?" Audrey asked, pulling away making fleur smile. "Hez az handzome az alwayz, but in a bit of pain." Fleur said, making Audrey smile slightly. "I can't wait for the wedding." Lorelei said, making fleur nod.

  Molly pulled Fred and George into a hug informing them of their brother's situation. "How did this even happen?" Audrey asked making, Molly shake her head and sit down.

  Audrey sat next to her rubbing the mother's shoulder. "Death eaters entered the castle while draco malfoy was to kill dumbledore, he didn't but the order came and fought the death eaters but it wasn't enough because Severus ended up killing dumbledore."

  Molly was crying by the end of the story making Fred and George hug their mom. Fleur had walked off and went to her and bills room to take care of her soon to be husband.

  Audrey couldn't even assume what molly and fleur were feeling. Molly had almost lost a soon or have his life ruined while fleur could have lost her fiancé or lived with a reputation. "I'm sorry molly." Audrey said making the mother chuckle waving the girl off.

  "Don't apologize dear, bills fine a scar forever but besides that he's fine, are you guys hungry? I can make something." Molly said standing up and dusting herself off mother mod turned on. Audrey smiled standing up following molly into the kitchen.

  Audrey grabbed a mug making herself hot chocolate. "Fleur surprised me today." Molly said making Audrey hum turning towards molly who sighed. "She didn't leave once Bill had a scare she chose to stay." Molly added making Audrey smile.

  "You'd be surprised how caring and loving fleur is, I've known her for a while and she's been nothing but kind, I'm glad you're getting to know her." Audrey said making molly smile. "I love you Audrey, I'm so happy my son found someone like you." Molly said making Audrey smile.

  Molly pulled the girl in a hug again. "I mean it Audrey, you chose him even though he's a trouble maker and hard to manage. Thank you for making him so happy." Molly said making Audrey tear up squeezing Molly's short frame.

  "Molly I'm so thankful to be with him, Fred makes me so incredibly happy plus his family is amazing." Audrey said making molly laugh and pull away from her future daughter in law. "And we are happy that Fred found such a lovely girl." Molly said making Audrey wipe away a few tears.

  Fred walked into the kitchen a smile on his face seeing his mum and fiancé talking. "Am I interrupting?" Fred said making Audrey and molly turn to him smiles on their faces. "No, you two go home and sleep I'll see you at the wedding yes?" Molly said hugging her son one more time making Fred chuckle.

  "Yes we wouldn't miss it for the world mum, I'll see you soon. Addie let's go." Fred said pulling away from his mum grabbing audreys hand and apparating to her house.

  The two arrived in the living room. Sighing Audrey took her shoes off petting Merlin who appeared by her feet. The two plus Merlin walked to her bedroom laying on her bed. "Do you think they are still at mums?" Fred asked making Audrey laugh.

  "Merlin I hope not, I hope George took her back to yours or dropped her off here." Audrey said leaning her head on Fred's bare chest. He had taken his shirt off before getting in her bed.

  The two laid in silence Fred rubbing his thumb over Audreys stomach. "I love you." Fred said making Audrey look up at him moving a piece of his red hair out of his face.

  "I love you." Audrey said kissing his cheek making Fred smile. "You know I think I'd look hot with a scar." Fred joked, making Audrey slap his chest but laugh anyways. "You're sn arse." She mumbled, making Fred laugh.

Fred leaned down kissing Audrey passionately. Smiling into the kiss, making Audrey smile back. "But I mean it, I love you." Fred said, making Audrey roll her eyes.

  "And I mean it as well Fredrick I love you, if I didn't I wouldn't have said yes to you." Audrey said, putting the ring in front of his face making Fred grab her hand and kiss her fingers.

  Audreys cheeks turned red butterflies filling her stomach. In that moment she forgot all about Dumbledore's death or bills scar. All she could think about was the man in front of her. "I know love, I know."

I'm so sorry for not updating writers block and school kicked my ass this month, anywho I have a discord! It's the link in my bio click that to join<3

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