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The only thing people talked about anymore was Sirius black it annoyed Audrey greatly. She didnt want to hear gossip about a mass murder when she had owls to worry about. The only thing she was excited about was the quidditch game on saturday. She loved watching the twins play sometimes they'd fly to the stans to mess with her and lorelei.

。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚.

Saturday came making audrey excited. "I see your dressing up." Angelina said from her bed, already dressed to go. "Duh fred and george would have a hay day if their favorite girls didn't!" Lorelei replied for Audrey, making her glare "I love showing my support to my fellow lions." Audrey said, pulling on her red sweater. Angelina smiled walking out of the room to head to breakfast. The two girls followed behind her talking to each other. "I hope we beat hufflepuff." Audrey said, making Lorelei roll her eyes "the only one thats good on that team is pretty boy diggory." she said, making the blonde chuckle and wrap her arm around her friends "true that."

Lorelei sat down  at the table watching freds glances to her empty spot next to her "Where's audrey?" he asked, making the brunette smirk "oh don't worry your cuddle buddy stopped at the bathrooms to fix her hair." Lorelei said making Fred blush "she's not my cuddle- you know what I'm not going to argue." He said making her raise an eyebrow "justwatch yourself." he said, smirking making her sigh. Audrey walked quickly sitting down "sorry i had to use the bathroom." she said, smiling putting pancakes on her plate and drinking orange juice.

Fred and George got up to go to the field "good luck boys don't make me have to hit you!" Audrey said, making George laugh "Can I get a good luck kiss?" Fred asked smirking making Audrey blush "absolutely not!" she said, throwing toast at him which he caught and ate on the way out. "What an arse!" she said to nobody specific making Lorelei chuckle. "You have to admit that was smooth." she said making the blonde face her "no." she said standing up and walking towards the field ready to watch the game.

Audrey regretted going to the game as soon as she stopped outside. The rain soaked her outfit and hair making her feel soggy, all she wanted to do was curl up by the fire with Merlin and read her books, but no instead she was in the stands watching gryffindor get their arse kicked. "We suck!" Audrey said to Lorelei who was chatting to Hermione "oh yeah we do huh." she said making the blonde huff. She watched harry fly high and high "is he supposed to go that hig- OH MY GOODNESS HARRY!" she stood up rushing down the stairs lorelei ron and hermione following close behind. "Is he alright?" she asked fred who was standing over the boy "he looks fine there taking him to the hospital wing come on." Fred dragged her with him.

"Lucky the ground was soft." "i thought he was dead for sure!" "he didn't even break his glasses!" lorelei said shutting everyone up. Harry opened his eyes, scaring audrey "ek!" she said, falling into Fred who held back his laughter. "Harry!" Fred said "how're you feeling?" audrey asked the boy, sending him a soft smile. "What happened?" Harry asked sending Audrey a small smile "you fell off." said Fred "must've been- what - fifty feet." "we thought you'd died" alicia said she was shaking from fear and coldness.

"But the match what happened? Are we doing a replay?" Harry asked confused "we didn't lose?" he added when no one answered, Audrey was biting on her lip feeling bad for the younger boy "diggory got the snitch." George said "just after you fell. He didn't realize what had happened. When he looked back and saw you-" audrey drowned George's speech out already knowing this, she felt hands rubbing her arms giving her goosebumps she looked up at Fred who wasn't looking at her but harry.

She came back to reality when Fred was pushing her towards the door "bye Harry ill visit later with the twins!" she yelled, earning a smile from the boy "you know i'm 99% sure potter has a crush on you." lorelei said to Audrey who cringed "i don't date younger people." Audrey said, making Lorelei laugh "That's your only excuse?" Fred asked making audrey grin "well he's not ugly and he's nice but like i said too young." she said, hurrying to the common room wanting nothing more than to cuddle merlin and read books.

Audrey ran up the stairs to change into grey sweatpants and her white shirt and grabbed her books running downstairs sitting in the armchair Closest to the fire. "We'll be down in a minute, we're going to change." Fred said, making the girl nod "I'm going to do the same." lorelei said getting a nod in response. Merlin noticed his owner and jumped on her lap "hey merlin i've missed you bubs." audrey said, petting the cat getting a tiny meow in return. She opened her book starting it for the first time.

"Anyone who sees you would think you're a nerd." Fred joked sitting on the couch catching the girl's attention, she smiled back at him "and anyone who sees you would think you're planning a prank." she responded, making him smile "you're not wrong there." George interrupted "working on the joke shop?" Lorelei asked sitting in between audreys legs on the floor hinting she wanted her hair braided. Audrey put her book down and shooed Merlin immediately braiding the brunette's hair "Of course we are, Lee should be here soon to help." George said, making Fred nod.

The five spent their evening like that fred lee and george working on the joke shop with some ideas from the girls every now and then. Audrey reading her book while Lorelei wrote her overdo potions essay petting crookshanks that had wandered over to the girls. It was calming to the five just spending quality time outside of lunches, and classes. Audrey smiled while reading, messing with her pages, not noticing the looks Fred sent her he adored her ever  since the day he met her he knew he would adore the blonde forever.

this might be my favorite chapter ngl.

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