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  "le dîner est prêt mes chers"(dinner is ready my dears.) lorelei's grandmother said, knocking on the girls bedroom. Alice cohen was beautiful even for her age, though audrey was sure it was her veela side. The old lady had grey bouncy hair that hung at her shoulders and light brown eyes. "Thank you nan." Lorelei said smiling. The two were heading home to England after spending a few months in france at her grandparents.

  Audrey had grown a bit, she also cut her hair to shoulder length making lorelei laugh "stealing my look huh? Guess i'll go shorter.'' Then lorelei cut her hair up to her ears making audrey smile. The two mostly spent the summer out in the garden messing with water and making googly eyes at her grandparents pool boy. "Tu sais mon amour si tu lui parlais tu aurais une chance" (you know my love if you talked to him you'd have a chance) alice always said to lorelei would roll her eyes. "nan je ne veux pas, j'attends l'année prochaine pour flirter avec qui que ce soit." (nan i don't want to, i'm waiting for next year to flirt with anyone.) lorelei would always respond with making alice shrug and walk away.

  The two walked to the kitchen table sitting down making alice smile. "Your owls haze come." she said, handing the girls letters from hogwarts making them smile. "Lorelei, I do wish you'd stay here for zhe school." Alice complained, making Ms.Cohen sigh. "Mum, I've told you england is better than france." Ms. Cohen said, making Alice sigh. "I know but zhis school ez better.'' Alice said, waving her daughter off making audrey chuckle. Audrey opened the letter seeing her test results she smiled. POTIONS: O DEFENCE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS: E CHARMS: E TRANSFIGURATION: O HISTORY OF MAGIC: E CARE OF MAGICAL CREATURES: A.

  Audrey turned to Lorelei, smiling "what'd you get?" she asked, making lorelei smile, "almost all 'O's and 'E's, how about you?" the brunette said, making Audrey nod "expected, I got all "O's and 'E's but one 'A'." audrey said, making Lorelei side hug her. "I'm so proud of you ads, I knew you could do it." lorelei said, making audrey's smile widen. "I'm going to send a letter to the twins. I'll be back." audrey said making lorelei nod. "puis-je être excusé" (may I be excused) Audrey asked, making both adults nod. Audrey hurried to her and Lorelei's shared room grabbing a parchment paper and a quill.

  'Dear twins, i did well in my exams so maybe i won't have to take you up on that offer, i do hope the quidditch match went well, besides the death eaters. Alice is fond of the daily profit sadly. I do miss you and Molly's cooking but I've learned more french so I can talk about you to lorelei, hows ginny doing? Poor girl. I wish I was there to help her. Anyways I have to head back to dinner before lorelei hits me, much love, audrey.'

   Audrey walked over to Lorelei's owl that was hooting at Merlin who was trying to attack it. "Merlin go, he's not that rat go on now." she said pushing her cat who hissed and walked off. "Sorry bout him, Mary, do take this to the twins and don't come back till they give you a treat." audrey said attaching the letter to its foot, the owl hooted flying out of the window making audrey sigh. She walked out of the room watching alice and marilin arguing over which school lorelei should attend. "Thank merlin you're done let's go watch the stars?" lorelei asked standing up making audrey nod.

  The two walked out into the cold nights air instantly making audrey shiver, they walked to the lawn chairs laying down on them. "I miss england." lorelei mumbled making audrey sigh. "At least there I didn't have to deal with mum and nan fighting, i wish they'd get along." lorelei said wiping a tear away. "I know lor, im sorry." audrey said looking at the twinkling stars noticing how one was shaped like a cat. "You know at night I hear them arguing over my dad, nan always saying how bad it was my mum walked away from him." Lorelei said Audrey already knew this she too heard them.

  Audrey knew how hard it was for Lorelei to talk about her dad so she kept quiet. "Sometimes i agree with nan, but other times i remember mum had no choice, i wouldn't have wanted a dad that worked with voldemort." lorelei said, turning to audrey. "What about you ads? Would you have your dad back even if he was one?" Lorelei asked making audrey wince, she hated bringing up her dad, he died defending his family's name. "No, I wouldn't want him back if he was one of them. Though i don't think my dad would've been one." audrey said making lorelei nod. "Your dad was a good person, I wish he was mine." lorelei said making audrey smile. Lorelei was right, her dad was a good person.

  "The last memory my mum has of my dad was him showing the mark and saying 'it'll be okay well be protected marilin.' god how stupid was he." lorelei said chuckling. "He died, being a death eater. The great regulus black, what a joke." Lorelei mumbled making audrey frown. "Lor?" audrey said facing the brunette who had blonde highlights in her hair thanks to muggle dye. "Hm?" lorelei hummed turning to her best friend. "I love you so much." Audrey said, making lorelei smile a tear falling down her face. "I'd never do anything to hurt you like your dad did okay? You mean the world to me." audrey said, making lorelei chuckle.

  "Gosh sometimes i hate how loyal you are." lorelei said making audrey chuckle, "can't help it, it's the gryffindor in me." Audrey said, making a roaring noise making both girls broke out in laughter. Marilin cohen watched the two laugh smiling at them. "cette fille avait besoin de quelqu'un et audrey était là pour elle mon amour." (that girl needed someone and Audrey was there for her, my love.) Alice said, putting a hand on her daughter's shoulder. "je connais maman je sais" (i know mother i know.) marilin responded watching her daughter smile a smile she only had around audrey.

End of part one:,)

End of part one:,)

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