t w e n t y f i v e

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  Lorelei and Audrey were excused from the end of the year exam seeing as Lorelei was grieving and the teachers and Dumbledore knew Audrey wouldn't leave her best friend to grieve alone. Fred and George made it their mission to cheer the two girls up, even if it meant getting themselves hurt.

 Lorelei sat on George's bed, her knees pulled up to her chest, her arms around them, tears stained on her cheeks. Her hair was up in a small bun. She wore Georges quidditch sweater and some leggings. Audrey sat across from her in freds bed doing the same pose, except the girl had her blonde hair down in knots.

  Today was there last day at hogwarts the two girls had already packed their suitcases ready to spend the summer at audreys, lorelei had told her mum she didn't want to go to france this year and wanted to stay with audrey the older woman agreed right away knowing her daughter would feel better with her best friend.

  "Calum said he'd stop by to say hello." Audrey mumbled messing with the end of Fred's sweater that had come loose. "Hm." lorelei hummed not looking up from beds covers. Fred, George and Lee walked in laughing about a prank they pulled on filch. "That was close boys." Lee said, jumping onto his bed and sighing.

  The two girls had skipped breakfast and lunch to stay in the dorm not talking, Audrey was hungry but she wouldn't dare leave her friend no matter how many times Lorelei told her to go. "We brought back some muffins!" George said in a sing-song voice making lorelei finally look up and give a tiny smile. The brunette grabbed the chocolate chip muffin leaving audrey the blueberry one.

  Fred sat down next to audrey handing her the muffin and pulling her into his waist. Kissing her forehead softly as she watched her friend eat her muffin slowly leaning her head on George's shoulder. "Alright I'm being a huge 5th wheel right now so i'm gonna go hang with katie audios!" Lee said, rushing out of the dorm, making Fred chuckle lightly.

  "There's going to be a speech about ced-" "don't say his name please." Lorelei interrupted George who closed his mouth immediately feeling bad. "I'm not going." Lorelei stated standing up ready to srom out of the room. "Lor i get you dont want to hear about it but we need to go, i love you but hiding away from the truth won't do you any good!" Audrey said standing up making freds eyes widen slightly sending George a look.

  Lorelei huffed glaring into audreys blue eyes that had darken over the few days. "Fine but if any of you prats leave me alone during it i will walk out mid speech." Lorelei said, giving in to her best friend and sitting back down letting George pull her into his side. Her eyes softened slightly making Audrey smile at the pair. "Good and we won't.'' Audrey stated making Fred grab her hand and give it a squeeze, they wouldn't ever leave Lorelei alone during these times.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.  

  The four walked into the great hall not missing the looks people were giving them and the glare cho chang had sent to Lorelei who had brushed her hair and put it down and changed into a black skirt with Georges sweater. Fred and George sat across the two girls, Fred smiled softly at Audrey, she looked beautiful to him right now. She had no makeup on her hair put into a messy ponytail and she was wearing his sweater making the look perfect.

  Harry potter sat down a few seats away sending lorelei and apologetic look. Everyone knew she was grieving even if her and Cedric thing was short they did have a thing. The drapes were black instead of showing a house for the honor of cedric. Everyone ate quietly, a few whispering and sending lorelei looks of pity, some sending her glares.

  Once everyone had eaten, dumbledore stood up leaving the great hall silent immediately. Audrey grabbed Lorelei's hand giving it a squeeze making the brunette squeeze back as if to say 'thank you.' "the end." said Dumbledore, looking around at them all, "of another year." he paused, his eyes wandering to the Hufflepuff table. Most people there had sad looks on their face and they had every right cedric was their housemate shared a dorm with a few of them probably helped most of them.

  "There is much that I would like to say to you all tonight." said Dumbledore, "but I must first acknowledge the loss of a very fine person, who should be sitting here," he gestured toward the Hufflepuffs "enjoying our feast with us. I would like you all to please to stand and raise your glasses to Cedric Diggory." everyone stood up holding their glasses up in the air. Audrey still held Lorelei's hand, making the brunette squeeze it while saying his name tears spilling out of her eyes.

  Everyone sat down Lorelei whipped her tears quickly, making Audrey frown and look at Fred who was also frowning. "Cedric was a person who exemplified many of three qualities that distinguished hufflepuff house." dumbledore continued "he was a good loyal friend, a hard worker, he valued fair play. His death has affected you all, whether you knew him well or not. I think that you have the right, therefore to know exactly how it came about."

  Audrey froze looking at Lorelei who was breathing quickly and crying hard. "Cedric diggory was murdered by Lord Voldemort." a panicked whisper swept through the great hall lorelei squeezing audreys hand tight. "Why would he why." lorelei mumbled making audrey feel terrible for the girl wanting nothing more than to wrap her up in a blanket.

  "The ministry of Magic," Dumbledore continued, looking calm making Audrey feel sick. "Does not wish me to tell you this. it is possible that some of your parents will be horrified that i have done so. Either because they will not believe that Lord Voldemort has returned, or because they think I should not tell you so young as you are. It is my belief however that the truth is generally preferable to lies and that any attempt to pretend cedrics died as the result of an accident or some sort of blunder of his own is an insult to his memory."

  Many people were stunned and frightened, staring at dumbledore. While Audrey sat disgusted at the man she called headmaster, he shouldn't have said the name he should have told innocent little kids about it. Audrey thought to herself staring at the table watching it as if it would move any second.

  "There is somebody else who must be mentioned in connection with cedric death." dumbledore went on. "I am talking of course about harry potter." people began talking while audrey looked at harry pity in her eyes feeling bad that he was mentioned knowing he hated the spotlight. "Harry potter managed to escape Lord Voldemort, he risked his own life to return cedric's body to hogwarts. He showed in every respect the sort of bravery that few wizards have ever shown in facing Lord Voldemort, and for this I honor him."

  Dumbledore and everyone in the hall turned to look at Harry, some murmured his name as they had cedric drinking a little. Lorelei refused to do it not to hurt Harry but because she felt as if she drank anything she'd barf. Audrey sipped a little, sending Harry a soft smile. When everyone resumed to their seats Dumbledore continued.

  "The triwizard tournament's aim was to further and promote magical understanding. In the light of what has happened of Lord Voldemort's return such ties are more important than ever." Audrey didn't listen to the rest of Dumbledore's speech feeling disgusted with the man. Finally he had finished his speech allowing them to head off to bed to sleep well and be ready for the journey home.

  ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

   Audrey woke up putting Merlin in his crate and changing into joggers and her brother's sweater he'd given her. Lorelei sat on her bed staring at her ring that she had gotten this year. "You never told me where you got that." Audrey added, looking at the ring that had a lion's head on it. "George gave it to me for Christmas." lorelei said smiling at the memory. The two walked with the twins to the train sitting down in an empty compartment.

  "Mum invited you two over this summer." Fred and George said at the same time, making audrey roll her eyes and lay her head in feds lap. Feeling him play with her hair. "We're going to spend time with my mum maybe a few weeks before school starts we'll come." Audrey said, making the red heads nod. Audrey drifted off looking back at this year it had major ups but also major downs. She just hoped next year would be better for not just her but her friends.

That's the end of fourth year but there's one last chapter in this part then part three happens! also writing this reminds me about how much i despise dumbledore. 

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