t h i r t y o n e

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  Audrey sat down on the chair next to Fred sighing. "What's wrong?" Lorelei asked, sitting on the floor in front of Audrey. "Classes wear me out, and i have so much homework already." Audrey responded braiding Lorelei's medium length hair.

  Merlin jumped into Audrey's lap purring when Fred pet him slowly while talking to a first year about his product. "That's enough!" Hermione said making Audrey and Lorelei share a look before looking up at the younger girl. "Yeah your right," said George nodding, "this dosage looks strong enough, doesn't it?"

  "I told you this morning, you can't test your rubbish on students!" Hermione said making Audrey huff and lean her head on freds shoulder, who was tense. "Were paying them!" Fred said indignantly. "I don't care, it could be dangerous!" "rubbish." Audrey said making the younger Gryffindor turn to her eyes wide. "Calm down mione, they're fine!" Lorelei said, distracting the girl. "Yeah! Look, they're coming round now," said George as a few first years stirred.

  "Feel alright?" George said kindly to a small dark haired first year laying at his feet. "I-i think so." she said shakily making Audrey stand up and sit next to the girl "hey, if you want you can lay your head in my lap." Audrey whispered, making the girl smile and move her small head onto Audrey's lap. The blonde smiled messing with the girl's hair. "So what's your name?" Audrey asked drowning out Hermione and the twins.

  "Abigail." the girl answered, yawning slightly. "Well I'm Audrey, Abigail is such a pretty name. If you're tired I'll carry you to bed, I'm peckish myself." Audrey responded, making the little girl giggle at the way Audrey made her accent thick on the word peckish. "Yes please." the little girl responded. Audrey picked the girl up who was light as a feather.

  "Alright, Fred, I'm taking this little munchkin up to bed and going to sleep myself, do i A go to my dorm or B wait in your dorm?" Audrey asked, seeing his face soften at her hold the little girl. "Um I'll be in late so it's really up to you.'' Fred responded, making Audrey nod and walk off. "Is he your boyfriend? If so he's cute." Abigail said, making Audrey chuckle.

  "Why yes he is my boyfriend, and yes he's cute but let's keep it a secret that i agreed hmm.'' Audrey said tucking the first year into the girls bed making the girl chuckle. "Thank you Audrey." Abigail said, yawning and closing her eyes, making the blonde smile. "Goodnight." she whispered walking out of the dorm and into hers grabbing some clothes to change into then go to Fred's dorm.

・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.

  Audrey laid in freds bed thinking about her future and what she wanted. She obviously wanted to marry Fred one day, she also wanted kids little freds running around causing mischief. Fred walked in by himself sighing in relief when he saw his girlfriend laying in his bed arms wide waiting for him. "Hello love miss me too much?" he said teasingly, making Audrey scoff, "you wish."

  Though if she was true fully he'd know she really did miss him when he was downstairs. "Just get in bed, I'm tired and in need of boyfriend cuddles." Audrey said, making Fred grin like a mad man, quickly he changed and jumped into his bed pulling Audrey into his chest. He messed with her hair feeling her breathing get heavy. "Fred." she mumbled making him hum.

  "What do you want in the future?" she asked, lifting her head up to look at his face rather than his chest. He sighed knowing she was going to get sentimental soon, it was the way Audrey was, words meant more than actions while Fred rather show his love with touching then speaking of emotions or such things.

  He looked down at her seeing the hopeful look in her eyes making him groan. "Okay well, i want the joke shop opening people buying mine and George's products which would be amazing, then id want you to move in and marry me one day, and of course i want a little me running around causing hell in Hogwarts." Fred said, making Audrey giggle.

  "I'd love all of that, you know i want to do piano lessons to kids, maybe open up a little place for it and teach kids one on one till they go to Hogwarts, id even teach muggles." Audrey said, making Fred smile and kiss her forehead. "I'll help, as soon as the joke shop opens me and George will give you money to open up a business in London, and you'll take your apparition test this year so you'll be able to apparate to there and back home." Fred said, making Audrey's smile widen.

  She leaned forward leaving a long heartfelt kiss onto freds lips sending him all of her emotions through one little kiss. "I love you so much Fred Weasley." Audrey said, making Fred smile and kiss her again. "And I love you just as much, maybe more Audrey Emerson." Fred said, pulling away and pulling her into his chest. "Now either go to sleep or I'll kiss you again." Fred whispered, making Audrey laugh.

  She pulled her head out off his chest and go on top of Fred, making him smirk. "Oh?" he said, making Audrey roll her eyes, pushing her blonde hair out of her face leaning down to kiss him hard full of passion making him smirk into the kiss grabbing her waist. Fred deepened the kiss swiping his tongue across her lips making Audrey hum and open her lips wide letting his tongue enter.

  Fred groaned raising his hands a little higher on her hips up to her stomach feeling her shirt rise a little. Audrey pulled away out of breath. "Maybe we should stop." she said in between breaths making Fred frown a little. "I don't want to push you, but I'm ready when you are." Fred said, making Audrey nod and lean back in kissing him quickly then getting off. "Maybe another night, I don't want George walking in or lee." Audrey said, making Fred nod.

  "I'll be right back." he mumbled, kissing her cheek and walking out to the boys bathroom, making Audrey laughing at him knowing exactly what he was doing. "Oh hush up!" he yelled back at her just making her laugh harder and louder almost in tears. 

Yes it got a little steamy, but I should add here I will not add smut ever, I feel uncomfortable writing it I'm more of a love and romance girl than a sexual girl when it comes to books so I apologize if that upsets you :,(

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