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Audrey woke up groaning, she really didn't want to go to classes today, she had a huge headache and didn't think she could handle snape ranting. "Audrey lets go." Lorelei said tying her tie, making Audrey cover her face with her blankets. "No, I'm skipping today." Audrey said making lorelei roll her eyes.

"Why." lorelei said sitting on audrey's bed making the blonde push her face out of the blankets.  "I have a bad headache." Audrey said, closing her eyes making lorelei frown. "Alright well you're not skipping alone, i'll go sneak you some soup with the twins i'll be right back." lorelei said leaving the blonde to snuggle up with her cat.

Lorelei walked into the common room seeing Fred and George mumbling to each other. "Where's audrey?" George asked, noticing his best friend missing. "Sick, come on lets sneak into the kitchens and get her soup." lorelei said watching the twins follow her out of the common room. "So are we skipping classes today?" Fred asked, making lorelei nod and the twins grin.

After they got audreys soup, Lorelei went up stairs to bring Audrey to the twins' room since the boys couldn't go into the girls' dorms. Audrey put on her 'A' sweater that Molly made and some sweats walking into the boys dorm seeing Fred on his bed and George on his. "Hey addie feeling better?" Fred asked, making the girl nod 'no'.

Audrey sat down on Fred's bed grabbing her soup immediately. Making Fred chuckle at her. After she finished her soup she laid down making lorelei sigh. "Im bored." lorelei stated making the twins roll their eyes, "then help us work on products while she naps." George said standing up and digging in his trunk, making Fred stand up and sit on the floor waiting for George to get their products, a mischievous glint in his brown eyes.

。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚.

Audrey woke up to lorelei scolding the twins. "If my hair stays green for years i'm killing both of you i swear to merlin!" lorelei said making the twins laugh hard and audrey chuckle. Audrey looked at Lorelei's bright green hair. "Doesn't look that bad lor, I like it." audrey said, smiling innocently at lorelei who glared back at the blonde. "See even addie thinks it looks nice!" Fred said sitting on his bed next to audrey who smiled up at him.

Audrey sat up leaning her head on Fred's shoulder, making him smile and lean his on her head. Lorelei sat down and George's bed huffing while George chuckled at her. Merlin walked up into the dorm, making George groan. "Really! Audrey does he always find you." he complained, hating the cat. "Yes he does, come here merlin." Audrey coed making the cat jump onto freds bed and into his owner's lap.

Audrey patted her cat smiling down at the purring fur ball. "He's not that bad georgie, he just doesn't like you.'' Audrey said, shrugging remembering how a few years ago when Merlin was a kitten he attacked George in the middle of the night, making George wake up with tons of scratches that were bleeding. "And I never did anything to him." George mumbled making audrey roll her eyes.

"You threw him out the front door at midnight when i was passed out. He has every right to hate you." Audrey said, making Lorelei chuckle, "no really George Merlin is a sweetheart he cuddles me when ads is in a different room." lorelei said, making George roll his eyes. "I agree with the girls Georgie, Merlin likes me." Fred added making audrey smile at the boy.

"Still hate him" George mumbled, Merlin woke up and jumped down making Lorelei smirk. "Her kitty kitty." Lorelei said, making Merlin walk to her, making the brunette pick him up and put him on George's bed making the redhead jump out of bed. "You hate him or are you scared of him?" lorelei joked petting the cat. "Hey maybe he doesn't hate you anymore try and pet him." Audrey said, making George nod and swallow petting the cat who purred then smelt his hand and hissed swatting at George who pulled back quickly.

Audrey laughed so hard her head fell into freds lap making the bot laugh with her. "I- i cant believe he still hates you." Audrey said in between laughs, making Lorelei chuckle while George rolled his eyes and shooed the cat out of the dorm. "I hate all of you, i'm going to lunch." George stood up and left the room, Lorelei falling him out of the room. "You going to lunch?" Fred asked, making Audrey shake her head no. "want me to bring you something?" he asked, making audrey nod.

Fred walked back in the room seeing audrey practicing spells making him smile. He sat down on his bed making her yelp. "Merlins balls." Audrey said, turning to Fred who was smirking. "Hiya sunshine, here's a sandwich." fred said, handing her one making audrey eat it. She laid back down making grabbing motions to Fred making him smile and lay down with her.

Audrey snuggled into freds chest, sighing. Fred smiled messing with her blonde hair. "I've missed this." he mumbled, making audrey chuckle. "Me too." She slowly closed her eyes humming slightly making Fred close his eyes listening to the girls humming and heartbeat. Quickly he passed out still holding the girl who couldn't sleep. "God i think i'm in love with you.'' Audrey mumbled snuggling closer to Fred's chest if it was even possible and falling asleep.

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