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Devin just made the biggest move in the game so far by infiltrating the duo of Cory and Tori and although I love both of them, I could not be happier that they are no longer a pair. Tori has not been herself this entire season and I am starting to worry that something is wrong with her and Jordan. Devin and I walk first into the house and he starts yelling in excitement as Kyle, Gabby, and I just laugh at him. He did get rid of his terrible partner and got a better one that actually buys him a little bit of attention.

As everyone disperses, I find myself looking for something to do and out of nowhere, Fessy, Aneesa, Tori, and Big T all invite me to join them by the hot tub to just unwind and have fun. I always am down to have fun so I join them on this offer and sit in the hot tub next to Fessy and Tori. Cory comes over and I can sense something is going on between Fessy and Tori and I know Cory notices it as well. Fessy has said that he is single, but I wonder how truthful that is and how tied down Tori actually is. Cory pulls me aside to talk with me about what we both just clearly noticed.

Syn: Is it just me or is Fessy a little too flirty with Tori?

Cory: He is. She was attached to Jordan last season and he told me the other day that he finds Tori to be extremely attractive.

Wow! That is some enlightening information! At least my read on the situation was not wrong, but now I am a little worried about the game moving forward and what this does to Devin, Tori, Fessy, and Aneesa. Anything bad happens between them, the other pair is in danger of being thrown in.

Syn: I thought so but I just wasn't sure. Do you think he will do anything about it?

Cory: I don't know. Let's not worry about it for now. Wanna go workout before we head for bed?

Syn: Sure. Wanna hold the punching bag for me?

Cory: Hell no! I do not want you to punch through it again and hit me. I am still in shock that you did that.

Syn: It has happened once before, but not that easily. I scared myself even.

He laughs and we head off to workout. The workout was actually a lot of fun because Fessy and Nelson joined us and they kept joking about the new TYB and I know Hunter would be laughing his ass off right now if he could see us. I miss him a lot and hope his family is doing well. After everything that happened between us on War of the Worlds, we kept in tight contact and tried to see where our feelings were. We realized we were close as brothers and best friends and had no feelings for each other. I cherish my relationship with Hunter so much because he is one of the first "manly" guys to be my friend without wanting something from me and judging me for being a little bit feminine.

I wake up the next day with a bad feeling in my stomach about how the whole day is going to go. I try to act like everything is alright and normal, but I cannot shake this feeling of uneasy and being unsettled. I decide to check up on Liv and see how she is feeling with her arm. When I enter the room, Big T and Tori are hugging her and I can tell she is worried about it so I let them comfort her because she needs their comfort more than anything. I walk over to Jay and Theresa and they are worried about Jay being targeted like he was the last season he was on. I make the decision to call Christian to see how he is doing so I am not worried anymore about his health. I call him and within seconds, he answers it.

Christian: Babe! I am so happy to see you!

Syn: You have no idea how amazing your voice sounds right now. I miss you so much!

Christian: I miss you too. Curran, Brenton, Grant, Ryan, and Jordan all miss you so much man. They have been the best care team I could have ever asked for.

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