A Most Wanted Man

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*A/N* Before the story starts, I just want to thank the artist who designed the picture I am using. Go check them out on Twitter. They can be found at the following username: xPRKRx. Anyways, thank you for the continued support on this story and it is near the end. Let me know in the comments what you think about the newest show, The Challenge: All-Stars. I personally loved the first episode, but I want to hear you all think. Until next time, enjoy! - BryceStryker *A/N*

Syn's POV
After Big T's win and Aneesa's subsequent elimination, I look at the competitors left in the game and realize that if Kyle and I do not win this upcoming mission, both of us are going to be tossed into elimination against each other. We are not included in the Big Brother alliance and our partners, Amber B and Big T, are two only two girls deemed expendable by the others. I know there is no benefit in trying to change the minds of the others so I have to focus on winning or being thrown in.

I know I can beat Kyle in an elimination, seeing as I have done it before, but this time I am aligned with the Brit and I wanted to run the final together. That does not seem like a possible outcome so I have to prepare myself to do anything I can to secure my spot in the final now. After arriving at the villa, I am feeling a bit down and Big T does her best to make me cheer up and I realize how stupid I was to get rid of her as my partner when I did. She has no idea how much this partnership has changed my life inside and outside of this game.

I decide to prepare Big T the best way I know how and that is waking her up so early and giving her exercises geared towards finals since, you know, I have done well in a few of them. I know how badly she wants to make it to the final and prove everyone she is a threat in this game to win. Big T completes the workout I give her and I tease her by saying that the workout was just a warmup. She sighs and looks at me like I am joking, but when she notices I am not, she gets on the bike and continues her last exercise.

As she finishes up her exercise, the green lights flash and the horn goes off, signalling that we have another daily mission to compete in. I am pumped because I get a chance to secure my spot in the final by either winning and putting in a huge threat or losing and taking my fate into my own hands. We arrive at the daily mission and I am excited for the competition because I get to hit people in the ball. Kaycee and Leroy decide that they will play offense twice, which gives them a huge advantage in this challenge.

If they do bad in the first round but great in the second round, only their second round will count. We all have one chance to get as many targets as we can and they get two. I have a very strong feeling that they will get their fifth daily mission win but want to give it my all and prove why I am the King of the Modern Challenge. On offense first is Kaycee and Leroy, Fessy and Nany, and Big T and I while Kyle and Amber and Cory and Kam are on defense. We get into the metal ball and I am pumped, but I can tell everyone is gunning towards the two duos not in the Big Brother alliance.

The mission starts and right away, Kaycee falls and screams in pain, which brings me joy to see the girl struggle. Nany and Fessy are moving fast but Nany looks like she is about to fly out of the ball which how fast Fessy is flinging her. We are doing pretty well, but Cory and Kam keep coming for us since it is obvious that they are too scared to go against their allies. I know that Kaycee and Leroy are killing it and I just want this mission to end already. I am fuming at how unfair this is and I cannot wait to get back to the house and light some people up.

Now it is our turn to play defense and we decide to be petty and go after them, but I realize that Kaycee and Leroy are getting points left and right. I am pissed off because Fessy and Nany are targeting us and I can tell once we finish the daily mission, Amber is going to be just as mad as I am about the performance. I could hear her cussing Fessy out for betraying her and I know of a great way for both of us to get our revenge on them, but I need Kyle and Big T's approval of the plan. As expected, Kaycee and Leroy win their fifth daily mission and now I have a feeling I am going in. However, I have a bigger plan than anyone else knows.

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