Side Chapter: Will You Marry Me?

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Syn's POV:
I am sitting in the music room with Kam, Leroy, Kyle, Kaycee, Fessy, Amber B, and Josh just catching up on life outside of the game and talking relationships when the topic of Big Brother comes up.

Kam: So Syn, would you ever do Big Brother US?

Amber B: Actually, he already has.

Leroy: No way man! When?

Syn: I just finished up two days before filming started.

Fessy: I didn't know that man.

Josh: Me neither. Christmas told me you were coming on, but she didn't say you were just on the show.

Syn: Yeah. I was actually your replacement Josh.

Kaycee: Really?

Syn: Yeah. I was in LA working on songs when I got the call from Robyn. She had asked me if I was interested in being on the cast and I told her that if she needed me, then I would be on in a heartbeat. I didn't hear anything until right before the season started and that's when I found out you two were not able to be on the show, which for me sucked because then it could have been us three, Bayleigh, and Da'Vonne all on one season together along with Tyler and Christmas. Imagine what shit we would have cost.

Kaycee: How did you meet Amber?

Fessy: Yeah, that hasn't made sense to me.

Syn: Well, right after I won, I got a lot of hate for doing what I did to Cody and Amber was the only person outside of our friends to reach out to me and see how I was doing. I appreciated the gesture so I decided to see if she wanted to hang out and talk so I can thank her and she said yes. Then, the rest is history.

Leroy: I heard you are an engaged man. Where is the ring?

Syn: In my bag. I do not want to wear it in case I damage it since it has been in Christian's family for centuries.

Kam: How did you two get engaged?

Amber B: Big Brother.

All: Really?

Amber B: Yeah. Syn, if you're comfortable, can you tell them the story?

Syn: Absolutely. Here is what happened.

Flashback to Finale Night of Big Brother 22: All Stars

Syn's POV

I am sitting in the Final 3 of a show I never thought I would be on and the only thing on my mind right now is telling Christian just how much I truly love him. I just won the final HOH and have to decide between Cody, someone I have bonded with so much in and out of this game, and Nicole, someone who is about to get married and could use the money really bad. I start thinking about my relationship with Paulie and realize that there is still something I never have gotten the chance to do but can do tonight: get revenge.

Julie asks me to make a decision and I decide to risk my game and ruin a friendship by taking Nicole to the final 2 since we both have won the game before and she needs the money more than both Cody and I do. When we are sitting in the final 2, all I can think about is how badly I want to see Christian and I am scared to feel this way because what happens if it does not turn out the way I want it to? I know he loves me and I love him, but is that enough? Julie asks us to pitch ourselves as to why we should win and Nicole does a great job at explaining her game.

It is my turn to answer the question and for a second, I cannot think of what I want to say because I forgot my speech that I had planned out. I then begin to think about Christian, Xavier, Ryan, mom, Jay, Tori, Jordan, Hunter, Gramps, and everyone who has supported me through everything good and bad that I have been through and the speech just flows out of me so easily I forget what I am saying at this point. I did not think it would be this easy to just speak from my mind but it feels good to do so.

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