Tinker, Tailer, Bunker, Spy

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We just found out there is a security breach and everyone is on edge wondering what the hell TJ could have up his sleeve. TJ decides to break the tension in the Crater and announces that tonight's elimination is a double elimination. I am over the moon because now two people are going home, but I wonder how the second matchup is going to be picked. I was fully anticipating going against my best friend and now I don't know what is going to happen. TJ then explains how the double elimination is going to work.

TJ: Devin and Gabby received the most votes, but who received the second highest votes?

Holy shit! This means that Josh and Nany are going to be thrown into the elimination as well and now I have a chance to gun after Josh. I hope I can get that opportunity. TJ makes the biggest announcement of the season so far.

TJ: CT, Big T, you guys are deciding the matchups tonight. Both of them. So CT, Big T, who are you voting in against Devin?

I look at Big T and I look at the people that are up there. I see Amber and Darrell and I ask Big T if she would be okay with me throwing them in since we want Darrell to get his Gold Skull but also, I want to show him that voting against me has consequences. I turn to TJ and decide to have some fun with the speech.

Syn: You know TJ? Devin and I have been through hell this season and have had our trust tossed to the side for far too long. Devin, who do you want to go against tonight? Choose anyone up there.

Devin: Anyone?

Syn: Anyone man.

Everyone gasps and I see the Devin smirk I have come to learn and love as we both are thinking the same thing. Devin announces that he wants to go to against Darrell and that means that I get to throw myself down there against Josh and finally get my Gold Skull and crush Josh's chance to win the show. I walk down there and hug Devin and Darrell, telling Darrell that I will explain my move later. Devin and Darrell start their round and I am watching how they gain momentum so when I go, it will be a lot easier for me.

Darrell is killing it like I expected him to and Devin is keeping up, but then when it is time to start the puzzle, Devin, who has prided himself as the puzzle king all season, is drawing a blank on the puzzle. Darrell has trouble too, but then figures out what he is doing wrong and completes the puzzle, thus eliminating my number one ally and one of the five Gold Skull holders. This gives me more motivation to win this elimination not just so Josh can't have this over me, but I want to win so Devin's loss is not in vain.

Our round starts and I tune out everything around me so I can focus on getting every piece as fast as I can and keeping my momentum at a steady pace. After a couple of times flinging myself back and forth, I get into a really good rhythm and keep pulling puzzle pieces until I realize that I am already at 7 of 7. I jump off the platform, grab my pile of puzzle pieces and bring them over to my puzzle board. Now I am so glad that I have done puzzles like these on Australian Survivor and in my free time.

I start working on my puzzle and I realize that I already know the answer, but I want to make it seem like I am struggling a little bit to give Josh a false sense of hope. I look over at Devin and smirk and he understands the hidden message I am trying to send him. I have a couple "failed" attempts before I get tired of kicking Josh's ass and finish the puzzle, thus stealing his Gold Skull and eliminating him from the competition. I know this is not the best move, but I decide that for my personal well-being, I am going to taunt Josh and send a warning to everyone in the house.

Syn: Josh, congrats on proving once again why Paul should have won his season. I made a promise to you that when you crossed me, I would single-handedly be the person who will send your ass packing. Enjoy your flight back home! As for the house, for those who voted with me, thank you for your support. I know who you are and will do everything in my power to get you one of these or protect yours. Big Brother alliance, we are fucking done! I brought all of you on this damn show and how do you repay me?

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