The World is Not Enough

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We just won the second leg of the final and now Amber and I have a huge decision to make. We have to choose which of the three teams gets an additional plate of food to eat before the move onto the next part of the final. Everyone is pitching why it should be either Kam and Cory or Fessy and Kaycee and I personally think our decision is between Kam and Cory and Nany and Leroy. Honestly, there is no way Kaycee is going to finish the final in the condition she is in and Fessy hates the eating challenges. Fessy might be a dick, but I am not going to be a bigger one by doing this.

Amber and I look at every pair and discuss who has wronged us the most and we realize that Fessy and Kaycee have wronged Amber the most and Kam and Cory have wronged me the most. I ask Amber if she would be okay with the pair I want to give it to and she says yes so I head over to Kam and Cory's station and give them the food. I want to help Nany and Leroy have a better chance of winning. I love Kam, but I won't forget the hell she put me through week one and this is me making it even with her. Plus, Kam and Cory are a very strong team and I do not want to have them anywhere near me.

We take off and start running towards the next checkpoint in the lead and this final win is becoming more real. We arrive at checkpoint 3 and I see color-coded kayaks and a key that tells us that we have to collect puzzle pieces and solve a puzzle. This whole checkpoint is communication and puzzle solving and I am excited for this. Amber and I might not have worked together for long, but I feel that we have a mutual understanding so I pray we can get through this without any trouble. 

As we start paddling the kayak, I am starting to notice that we are drifting to one side because Amber is not the strongest girl in the world. I can feel myself starting to get a little frustrated with Amber, but I have to remember to breathe and be a good partner for her. We reach the shore first and split up to collect the puzzle pieces and attach them to our kayak so we can get to the next part of the checkpoint. We still haven't seen anyone so I am happy with the pace we are setting and want to keep it going. I wonder if Kaycee and Fessy are even going to make it to this point, but I do not care anymore.

We are kayaking fine and our communication is not the greatest when all of a sudden, the kayak tips and I fall out of the kayak. On any other season, I would have panicked and started yelling, but Amber brings this calmness to me and I swim back to the kayak and get back on with ease and her help. We continue our trek to the puzzle portion of the checkpoint and I notice Amber's attention span is not that great because she keeps getting distracted. I see the shore and Amber and I make a big push to it so we can finally start our puzzle. Arriving first is a huge advantage because we can figure out the puzzle at our own pace.

I take charge of the puzzle because Amber has made it known to me that math and puzzles are not her strong suits and she knows they are mine. I see that Nany and Leroy are about to reach the shore and I instruct Amber to go to the answer key again and check from the teeth up. Amber comes back with Nany and Leroy and we continue solving the puzzle. I put on the last piece but Amber tells me to flip one piece over and I listen to her instructions, calling for check when I finish. We are told that we able to move onto the next part and I could not be more excited about this.

We have finished every single part of this final so far in first place and I intend to keep it that way. Amber and I are running to checkpoint 4 and I see a beautiful cave and a key that says we have to solve a math problem and I am pumped. I have to add up all of the numbers ending in 4, 5, and 6 and double that sum and I get 4560 and call for check. TJ informs me that I am correct and that Amber and I finished first for checkpoint 4. I wait to see who is going to finish after me. Leroy and Nany arrive first and they get started on the math portion, followed by Kam and Cory. I see a cup and grab it to get some water from the ceiling and it tastes amazing.

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