Side Chapter 2: Something Syn-ister This Way Comes

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* This is a side chapter is a flashback scene that showcases Syn's discovery of a new trick as well as his plan to "mist" his friends, family, Mel, and the game, just like the Dan Gheesling misting in Big Brother 14. Hope you enjoy this chapter and if there are any corrections on the phrases I used in the flashback, please let me know and I will change them since I want to be as accurate as possible. Thank you for your support so far!

XOXO, BryceStryker*

Syn's POV
Before TJ blows the horn to begin, I begin to channel my true Syn for that happened after the phone call with Jay and before my performance of Wrong by Cimorelli, originally written by me. I remember that moment so well and it still brings me so much joy. Mel is still scared of me, but she should be after what I did to her and Jay.

Flashback to Before Wrong was performed

I have been running through why Jay would betray my trust like he did and why he was really that mad at me. I get that I went behind his back, but Jay is a fan of this game and reality TV competition shows in general so him being mad at me for lying does not make sense to me. After Nam's medical evacuation and Lolo's departure, the only thing I could think about is how much I wish I had fought harder for Jay to stay. I know I went a little far with the diss track, but I was in a place of hurt. It does not excuse what I did, but it provides context.

I decide to talk with Mel to see if she can get ahold of Jay for me so we can talk things out since I found out the other day that directly after filming here, I am flying to Atlanta to meet with Tom, Zendaya, and Jacob to film scenes for Spiderman: No Way Home. Convincing Mel to call Jay was easy, but this conversation I am about to have with Jay is going to be the hardest thing I have done so far. The phone keeps ringing and I am afraid he is not going to answer the FaceTime call until I see his face pop up on the screen.

Jay: Hey Mel. What's going... Oh, it's you.

Syn: Hey Jay. Can we talk?

Jay: Talk about what? The lying, the secrets about Josh and Marvel, or the diss track? Which one?

Syn: All of it.

Jay: Why are we doing this over the phone? Shouldn't you just wait until you come home?

Syn: See, that's where things get tricky. I shouldn't tell you this because I don't know if you are going to tell everyone this or not, but I am wanting to believe I can still trust you.

Jay: You can trust me this one time.

Syn: I got called into filming the movie right when I finish the season. Whether I win or not.

Jay: That soon? Wait, do you want me to meet you down there still?

Syn: We need to be on better terms before that happens, which is why I wanted to do this now.

Jay: Ok. Explain your side first and I will explain mine.

Syn: Ok. When you were voted in, I was under the impression everyone was voting you in, besides one or two other people. When I counted the point total and spoke with Kaycee and Leroy, I realized just how important my vote actually was. I voted first that day and had I voted later, I would have realized something was up and kept you. Jay, you know I love you and always will.

Jay: Then why lie about the Kaycee and Josh thing?

Syn: Jay! I did not lie about that. I did not realize I had a part in them being removed from the cast of BB All Stars 2 until I was on the plane here. Robyn called me and confessed that I was Josh's replacement because they thought I would not do the show and offered it to me just to be nice. I already felt shitty about what I did to Cody and finding out what I did to two people I actually cared about sucked.

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