Amber Alert

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After Theresa's elimination, I lost my cool and blew up at some of the people in the house, including my partner. I still stand by what I said to Amber M and Gabby, but I was hurt by what Big T and lashed out at her. I never knew that she did not like me as a partner, but I guess calling the girls out did me some good because now my game has changed again. Everyone joins me at the house and it is an interesting vibe because now Big Brother has a huge target on our backs. Devin and I talk in the bedroom about the most powerful couples in the house.

We realize that Kam and Kyle and Kaycee and Leroy are the two strongest couples right now and while I am working with both of them, it is scary to think about my chances against both couples. If I just had a stronger partner, I would feel more safe in my chances to make it to the final and win it again for the three-peat. Devin tells me that if he wins the daily mission, he will let me get my Gold Skull if he wants me to. It is nice to know that the relationships I have been making in the house are working. I bring up the idea of targeting Josh for the house vote and Devin loves the idea.

I walk around the house and as I walk by Fessy's room, I see him kissing Gabby and I don't blame them for getting together. While I might not like Gabby right now, Fessy is an extremely attractive guy and Gabby is a hot girl and they have had a crush on each other the whole game so far. This is good for my game honestly because I can use this as leverage in case I need votes to go my way in the near future. I love Fessy like a brother and do not want to screw up his game, but right now, he is kissing an enemy of mine and if you're sleeping with the enemy, I cannot protect you. 

I decide to pull Gabby aside to talk about the conversation we had at the elimination because I was in the heat of the moment and am willing to admit when I am wrong. I walk into the room when she is with Fessy and Fessy leaves so I can talk to Gabby alone. She pats the bed next to her and I sit down with her so we can talk this out. I am not about to let some shitty situation I started ruin another friendship in here. I begin to talk but Gabby interrupts me.

Gabby: I know what you are going to say. I know seeing people treat Theresa that way, whether she deserved it or not, triggered bad memories in your head. I don't take it personally.

Syn: I appreciate it. I am still sorry for what I did.

Gabby: I am sorry too.

Fessy: That's it? No fighting? No yelling?

Syn: No. Gabs and I have gone through worse than this and are still friends. We're friends, right?

Gabby: Of course mate! Let's call this even for the week 1 vote, ok?

Syn: Deal!

We hug, Fessy laughs, and all three of us go to bed. The next day, Lolo and Nam are fighting about how their partnership is working and I just want Nam to drop Lolo at this point because I am sick of Lolo's negativity in the house. I overhear Amber B talking to Big T about how much she regrets not going in against Theresa and getting her Gold Skull and I am glad she didn't. I would have felt awful if they went against each other because despite my tiff with Theresa, I like both of them as people and I want people I like in the house as long as possible.

We head to the daily mission and TJ tells us it is a puzzle challenge and we can bury any team if we want to. My goal is to win the challenge with as little help from Big T as possible. We have to run out and find puzzle pieces that correspond with our puzzle in a field of 100 torches. Each torch will have a puzzle piece and we will make a totem at the end of the puzzle. However, if we find an opponent's puzzle piece, we can choose to leave it up or bury it again. I am going to sprint out to the furthest torch and take control of the puzzle.

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