Never Say Never Again

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Darrell just went home after losing to Cory and everything has changed once again since Big T became my partner again after Cory stole Kam from me. I am honestly happy to be partners with Big T again because it means that I get a chance at redemption with Big T and not everything is lost with her. Everyone is expecting Big T to go in since she is the only one left without a Gold Skull and it is my job now to prepare her for the elimination so she shocks everyone by winning this elimination and getting her Gold Skull.

I look at the competition for Big T to face in an elimination and honestly, the best bet for her to win is now a rogue agent in Amber. Her second bet is Aneesa, but I feel bad for going after Aneesa because she has been an older sister to me along with Fessy as my older brother in here. However, if this is a partner final, I do not know if I would want to have Aneesa as a partner strictly for her running ability. I decide to prepare Big T for a Hall Brawl first and put a pillow in my shirt and have her try to tackle me. When that doesn't work, I decide to poke her so she gets mad.

Syn: See the way you hit? That's why I left you.

Oh boy did that work because she comes barrelling towards me and admittedly knocks me on my ass fair and square. I keep doing this, calling her a layup and easy to beat and it seems to light the fire under her ass even more and I am happy that she is motivated, but hate to think that I caused this. After working our asses off, we head to the kitchen when we hear Fessy and Kyle talking about me, with Fessy doing more of the shit talking and it is upsetting because I would never do that to him. This pumps me up to do well in the daily mission so maybe I can blindside him.

We arrive at the challenge and I immediately go from wanting to win the challenge to helping Big T get over her fear of heights. When TJ tells us that the challenge is skydiving, I see Big T visibly shut down and know I have to focus on building her confidence. TJ tells us that Aneesa and Kyle get to choose the order and I think Big T and I should be okay, but I find out how wrong I am. Kyle and Aneesa choose the following order: Group 1 - Leroy and Kaycee, Aneesa and Kyle, Group 2 - Big T and I, Fessy and Nany, and Cory and Kam. As the first group goes up, I pull Big T aside to talk to her.

Syn: Big T, look at me.

Big T: What?

Syn: I want you to know that no matter what you decide, I will be proud of you either way. You get to choose whether we go on the plane or not.

Big T: You would be okay with not competing?

Syn: If it means that you are okay, then I am fine. 

Fessy: This is really high up there.

Syn: Fessy, kindly eat a dick!

All: Woah!

Syn: You mess with my partner, you mess with me! You know what happens when you do that. If you were made fun of for being scared to face your fears, wouldn't it bother you?

Fessy: Yeah, but...

Syn: But what bitch? Just because this is a game does not mean you have to forget how to be a decent human being. Big T is the nicest person in here and everyone knows she has a rational fear of heights. What's funny about that?

Big T: Thanks Syn, but I will do the challenge.

Syn: Remember what you told me about why you got over your fears last time? Do this for no one but yourself. Don't worry about that dum-dum mugging you off about being afraid of heights. Just focus on doing what you want. I will support you no matter what. After all, this is a girl's elimination week so your choice does not affect me either way. I just want you to be happy.

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